Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Technology Means The Study Of Something Sociology Essay
Technology Means The Study Of Something Sociology EssayThe sound out engineering science is the Greek word and its means the study of something, or the branch of k todaylight-emitting diodege of a discipline. Technology is the knowledge somewhat tools, systems and many more. Technology changes the brio style of the populace and we ar now considered as technical world. Technology is now in big demand and its reaches on the peak height hardly still tribe wants brand- youthful(a) and new applied science.The great saints said incessantlyything has its two sides similarly technology has merits and demerits. Technology provides the volume now life to think wide and able to prove that things.Technology decreases the decease rate and able to do that surgeries which earlier not possible. flat we heard that now the 3d televisions be about to come. We is going on it does not matter whether we are sleeping or not. Technology makes the life fast and the work which we do the work w ith much meter earlier and its is through in minutes. An ever transport makes the whole world close to each and take slight time to travel. Education, social life, every electric things show the advancement in the technology.Now Talked about the demerits of technology, it makes the life elevator car porn and makes us more lazy. We are going away from the nature and the respect towards the nature is declining.We are now whole thinking for ourselves, the love towards humanity is vanished earlier we see that.So in the conclusion we can say that technology makes our life easy and technical but it forms a raceway which ends on destruction. Everything that provides us lots of things same(p) comfort, easy and many other it must be in limit. Limited things always create wonders.Jaspreet SinghTechnology, customary term for the processes by which human beings fashion tools and machines to increase their control and understanding of the material milieu. Many historians of science arg ue not l sensation(prenominal) that technology is an natural condition of advanced, industrial civilization but in like manner that the rate of technological change has developed its own momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now await to appear at a rate that increases geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems.The papistic Empire that engulfed and succeeded that of the Greeks was somewhat similar in this respect. The Romans, however, were great technologists in the sense of organizing and building they established an urban civilization that enjoyed the first long peaceful achievement in human history. The great change in design that occurred in the Roman period came as a shift from building tombs, temples, and fortifications to the construction of enormous systems of public works. Using water-resistant cement and the principle of the arch.Roman engineers were also responsible for introducing the water mill and for the subsequent design of undershot and all overshot water wheels, which were use to grind grain, saw wood, and cut marble. In the legions sphere, the Romans advanced technology by improving weapons.As agri heathen productivity increased and medical science developed, Western alliance came to hasten a slopped belief in the desirability of technological change despite its less pleasant aspects. Pride and a large measure of awe progenyed from such(prenominal) engineering achievements as the laying of the first Atlantic telegraph cable, the building of the Suez and Panama canals, and the construction of the Eiffel Tower, the Brooklyn Bridge. The telegraph and railroads connected nearly of the study cities with wiz another. In the latish 19th century, the American inventor Thomas Edisons light bulb began to re set candles and lamps, and within 30 years every industrial nation was generating electric advocator for lighting and other systems.World struggle I and the Great Depression forced a sobering r eassessment of this rapid technological explosion. The development of submarines, machine guns, battleships, and chemical substance warfare made increasingly clear the destructive side of technological change. In addition, worldwide mass unemployment and the disasters met by capitalistic institutions. Then, with World fight II, came the development of the weapon that has since become a general threat to life on earth the atomic bomb. Another technological outgrowth of World War II-the development of computers and transistors and the accompanying trend toward miniaturization. Innovations in transportation during the middle Ages revolutionized the stagger of technologies and ideas across wide areas. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural systems, frequently with unlooked-for social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive process.Md. Atiqur RahmanNowadays, our lives are completely directed and influenced by technology whi ch has changed wads lifestyles. We can see it everyday in the streets where its close to impossible to find someone without using technology. The truth is that we necessity technology for everything because we are used to living with the advantages that technology ranciders and for example, its not easy to go through a day without television, computer, vehicle etc. With new discoveries of Technology, tricky t look ats are made unsubdivided and easy to perform.Technology is a huge contributor to the well being of human kind. Just try to imagine how catchy it would be to make it through the day without the simplest of technologies. We have gotten so used to the luxuries that technology provides that many wouldnt know how to adapt to the traditional and simpler methods. Technology has surely prove itself to be very beneficial. Technology took a huge part in changing society from the simple household to warfare. Lets imagine, if one day the index finger goes off the whole city will be stopped because they are totally paralyzed without using machines and computers which are parts of technology. For our daily life we are so used to technology that if at that place is no heating system or air conditioning systems either we are going to freeze to expiration or die in hot. Also now we are so depended on technology that without technology students will stay illiterate for ever because without computers, fax machines or printing machines our school and colleges are manage human without any body parts. Technology has definitely changed the lifestyle and general purpose of many humans.Technology has a lots of goods sides but also its have lots of bad side. So I found technology basically harmful and also its make people life lazier. Technology can change our sense of common purpose. For millions of years, mankind has been using to do everything for themselves. For a long time peoples main concern were survival. To brave means to go out into the woods or fore sts and shoot animals for the food which the family needed to eat for the day. People of sophisticated society never think about hunting for food or clothes. The new standard for survival means making money to go to a mall or supermarket and getting everything a family needs. A family can get food and clothing at these places without ever going into a forest or a lake. This thought is in time so frighteningThe technology- resistance movement begins by pointing out that we are cobbling in concert virtual communities while our real cities crumble, at least partly because our sense of common purpose has frayed. Today, and about 5 percent of American households are on-line, but what happens, the critics wonder, when half the country is wired? Will we escape the unpleasant complications of the world outside our locked doors by opting for communities in cyberspace, where we can enjoy the company of people who contend our interests and our views? Where the streets never need to be cle aned and you d ont have to keep an centre on your neighbours house? What happens if the sirens outside become too distracting? Will we evidently buy insu newd drapes? Humans are getting lazy. Almost everything must be done for them in advance. However, sometimes this change in lifestyle is forced upon humans.At last,I think that this big progress has made our life better and more carious and at rest but the world isnt better. In the environment there is a lot of pollutions, the crime rate is gone high and the only one thing what people care about is money People are not eager to do their work by using their energy therefore now a days people are suffering of many diseases. One of the main issue that i consider is a cause of technology is teenagers are getting spoiled because of computers. So as we can see technology is harmful to our health, teenagers, environment and in a word its harmful to this generation. So beside of seeing only the positive sides of technology we should als o think of the negative sides and try to think of a better life without using technology.DETERMINISM VS HUMANISMEfficiency and HumanismTogether, position the terms, efficiency and secular humanism, in your own words, and explain how they oppose each other in a paragraph.Efficiency, ratio of the amount of power produced by a machine to the amount of power put into it.But, in philosophy, is skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort.Humanism, in philosophy, attitude that emphasizes the dignity and worth of the individual. A basic premise of humanism is that people are rational beings who possess within themselves the capacity for truth and goodness. The term humanism is most often used to describe a literary and cultural movement that spread through western Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries.TechniqueTechnique is the skill or command used to accomplish a specific activity or task. In simple words we can say that special ability to do the task in many ways or in efficient way .Technique is the unstoppable force because technology giving the path to the technique and technology is directly proportional to technique. If the technique increased the technology automatically inflates .We can see the inflation of technique from the early ages they used the technique to solve the different purposes and different works. process now we see the increase in the technique and with high percentage. In today modern world if someone improving his skill and ability they winning the support of technology because without technology they cannot be finalized there technique. So in last we can say that to make life easier and to do the work new and new inventions takes place.Pre-industrial SocietyPre-industrial was a period of gradual change in the way people lived and worked as well as a time when persistence of traditional values and beliefs persisted. Many new technologies were been developed and put into practice due to new demands. This began to revolutionize traditio nal forms of industry, transport and government. Different classes in society were given a fresh incentive to find new ways of practice which resulted in the birth of capitalism demanding innovation. However much of this change was simply an unconstrained continuance much like a chain reaction, one thing leading to another, therefore not completely replacing established society. The shakeup of pre-industrial Britain was brought about by the combination of many different social, economical, climatical and technological facets. these were the fast evolution of industry and machinery, the advancement of transport, universe growth and also significantly the fortunes of agriculture, which in essence acted as a catalyst to the changed.Industrial SocietyIt is defined as the society which refers to have a modern structure. Its basically called the modern society. Every coin has its two sides that are why the industrial society has merits and demerits. First talk about the merits industrial society lends a Vitol role in converting the life of the humans into more technological way. It usually means more jobs, wages going up more need to have better education. It brings to most a higher standard of living. It makes the life of the people more easy and comfortable. The heavy work or jobs which are earlier did by hands now all the stuff is occupied by the machines. A machine makes the work easier and it takes less time to that work. Businesses become quite easier from early days. All the work and deals are done by sitting in one place through internets, phones, laptops etc.The demerits of the industrial society are through industrialization the poor and the people who are below the poverty line are suffered a lot. Many individuals benefited from the new technological advances, job opportunities, and products. With those wages they could provide for themselves enough to adequately tinct their needs for survival. The poor were able to enter the workforce and receive wage s. Industrialization helped to reduce poverty which eased the stress on governments. Living conditions for the poor became a pressing matter. Also it puts the really bad effect on environment due to use of much machinery and the excessive use of fossil fuels creates lots of problems like pollution and global warming. In conclusion, it is evident that industrialization had both its ups and downs in society.Technological SocietyMany technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment. Various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new honourable questions. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the challenge of traditional norms. late technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have less ened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs to nuclear weapons.Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including todays global providence) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment. Various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new ethical questions. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the challenge of traditional norms. major PROBLEMS AND THEIR RELATION TO PAST TECHNOLOGIESOverpopulationTogether, show that you know how technology freed us from some things on one hand but created new problems on the other.Overpopulation, growth of population to such a size that space, food, water, or other resources available to support it are insufficient. The rapid and dramatic rise in world population that has occurred over the last few hundred years. The worlds population increased from 1.65 billion in 1900 to 3.02 billion in 1960. The united Nations estimated that the population reached 6 billion in late 1999. Thus, the size of the population nearly quadrupled in the span of 100 years, a historically unprecedented rate of increase.Most of this growth is now taking place in the worlds developing countries, where rates of natural increase are much higher than they are in industrialized countries. Concern that this might lead to overpopulation has led some countries to adopt population control policies.PollutionTogether, show that you know how technology freed us from some things on one hand but created new problems on the other.Pollution,contaminationofESarths environment with materials that interfere with human health, the quality of life, or the natural functioning of ecosystems (living organisms and their physical surroundings). Although some environmental pollution is a result of natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, most is caused by human activities. Pollutionexistsinmany forms and affects many different aspects of Earths environment. Point-source pollution comes from specific, localized, and identifiable sources, such as sewage pipelines or industrial smokestacks. Nonpoint-source pollution comes from dispersed or uncontained sources, such as contaminated water runoff from urban areas or locomote emissions.Theeffectsofthesepollutants may be immediate or delayed. Primary effects of pollution occur immediately after contamination occurs, such as the death of marine plants and wildlife after an oil spill at sea. Secondary effects may be delayed or may persist in the environment into the future, perhaps going unnoticed for many years. DDT, a nondegradable compound, seldom poisons birds immediately, but gradually accumulates in their bodies. Birds with high concentrations of this pesticide lay thin-shelled eggs that fail to hatch or produce deformed offspring. These secondary effects, publicized by Rachel Carson in her 1962 book, Silent Spring, threatened the survival of species such as the bald eagle and peregrine falcon, and fire public concern over the hidden effects of nondegradable chemical compounds.Ashumansdevelopednew technologies, the magnitude and severity of pollution increased. Many historians think over that the extensive use of lead plumbing for drinking water in Rome caused chronic lead poisoning in those who could afford such plumbing. The dig and smelting of ores that accompanied the transition from the S ghost Age to the Metal Age resulted in piles of minin g wastes that spread potentially venomous elements such as mercury, copper, lead, and plate throughout the environment.Evidenceofpollution during the early Industrial Revolution is widespread. Samples of hair from historical figures such as Newton and Napoleon show the presence of toxic elements such as antimony and mercury. By the 1800s, certain trades were associated with characteristic occupational diseases Chimney sweeps contracted cancer of the scrotum (the external sac of skin enclosing the testes, or reproductive glands) from hydrocarbons in chimney soot hatters became disoriented, or mad, from nerve-destroying mercury salts used to treat felt fabric and boot barrens suffered liver damage from boot polish solvents.Bythe21stcentury,pollution had evolved from a mainly localized problem to one of global consequences in which pollutants not only persisted in the environment, but changed atmospheric and climatic conditions. The Minamata Bay disaster was the first major indicatio n that humans would need to pay more attention to their waste products and waste disposal practices, in particular, dubious waste disposal. In the years that followed, many more instances of neglect or carelessness resulted in dangerous levels of contamination. In 1976 an explosion at a chemical factory in Seveso, Italy, released clouds of toxic dioxin into the area, exposing hundreds of residents and killing thousands of animals that ate exposed food. In 1978 it was discovered that the Love Canal housing development in New York severalize was built on a former chemical waste dump. The development was declared uninhabitable. The worlds worst industrial accident occurred in Bhopal, India, in 1984. A bad gas leaked from an American chemical plant, killing more than 3,800 people and injuring more than 200,000.The1986Chernobylnuclear reactor accident demonstrated the dangerous contamination effects of large, uncontained disasters. In an unprecedented action, pollution was used as a m ilitary tactic in 1991 during the conflict in the Persian Gulf. The Iraqi military intentionally released as much as 1 billion liters (336 million gallons) of crude oil into the Persian Gulf and set fire to more than 700 oil wells, sending thick, black smoke into the atmosphere over the Middle East.Global WarmingTogether, show that you know how technology freed us from some things on one hand but created new problems on the other.Global Warming or Climate Change,measurableincreases in theaverage temperature of Earths atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses. Scientists believe Earth is currently facing a period of rapid warming brought on by rising levels of heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere.Greenhousegasesretain the radiant energy (heat) provided to Earth by the Sun in a process known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases occur naturally, and without them the planet would be too cold to sustain life as we know it. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1700s, however, human activities have added more and more of these gases into the atmosphere. For example, levels of carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, have risen by 35 percent since 1750, largely from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. With more greenhouse gases in the mix, the atmosphere acts like a thickening blanket and traps more heat.Economic CollapseIf we talked about the todays problem the most ongoing problem is the economy collapse. Normal people feels less percent problem from pollution, global warming.Its effects but not as much as due to the collapse of the economy because it effects every iodin person in the world directly or indirectly.WAR is the major victim behind the economy collapse because lots and lots of money spend during war time. Same thing is happens with America. Other reasons behind economy collapse are united States have the biggest economy in the world. Due to war reasons and the major industr ies shifted to Asia we saw there is a great fall in economy. The whole world is affected and it swallows every single person to its effect. Great decline in employment and goods. The people doing lower jobs who are much meliorate. The major effect we see in United Kingdom because of migration of economy and worldwide economy collapse. enter TECHNOLOGIES AND THE MODERN CORPORATIONTogether, discuss how the humanist policies and benefits of the modern corporation are the result of technology changing the workplace.Md. Atiqur RahmanTechnological Changes of the Past and Present The technology which surrounds almost everyone in the modern society, affects both work and leisure activities. Technology contains information that many would rather it did not have. It influences minds in good and bad ways, and it allows people to share information which they would otherwise not be able to attain. Even if a person does not own a computer or have course credit cards, there is information on a c omputer somewhere about everyone. The technology which is just now beginning to be manipulated and harnessed is affecting the minds of elflike children and adolescents in ways that could be harmful. It is affecting our immediate future. It also gives another form of communication and exchange of information which was not available before, information that is both good and bad. Technology is one of the principal driving forces of the future it is transforming our lives and shaping our future at rates unprecedented in history, with profound implications which we cant even begin to see or understand. Many different elements affect how satisfied we are with our lives. The impact of technology on these elements can change how safe, healthy and skilful people feel.Simranjit singh gillAccording to me the economy defines as the system of the country controlled and managed by the indivisible or by the government or by together in the areas like labour, capital, development.Earlier years th ere was only one system called physical system where the country is controlled by a person called king. Because he had the power so he controlled the workers according to his work. There was no time limitation, on minimum wage fixed, no safety of the workers. People were less educated and they did not about the work and laws. They did their work like a machines and hear the instructions behindly and did what they gave or what they want.But due to advancement in the in the technology and in the education system people become much advised from past period. They formed the legislation (certain rules and regulations )called workplace legislation. People are much aware about their rights and duties. All this factors led to changed the physical economy into the knowledge economy.There are different types of economies but i am going to explain only two economies 1. Mixed economy 2. Command economyMIXED economy means in which government and the private people controls and managed the econo my system. Example Canada , United states, Australia.COMMAND economy means in which all the system of economy controlled and managed by the government. Earlier this system is in these countries China, India and other but due to the time they realised that if we bring the mixed economy it will be more helpful in development so they changed there economy.Jaspreet Singh AhluwaliaWe have seen that until now there have been always an end of a generation. If we Compare this to physical economy it has to end one day because the system never has an end with the life. It have to changed one day. Physical economy means there are no limits of work, they can be as the wages paid or the time worked. This is the physical economy people suffered with in olden time. Now days this is not so, we have mixed economy, legislation, command economy and capitalism.ETHICS OR TECHNOLOGICAL DETERMINISM IN political coitusEthics and ProfessionalismTogether, discuss ethics and professionalism, showing you know how both are commonly understood, such as the six stages of ethics and the two levels of professionalism.Ethics,asabranchof philosophy, is considered a normative science, because it is concerned with norms of human conduct, as distinguished from the formal sciences, such as mathematics and logic, and the empirical sciences, such as chemistry and physics. The empirical social sciences, however, including psychology, impinge to some extent on the concerns of ethics in that they study social behavior. For example, the social sciences frequently attempt to determine the relation of particular ethical principles to social behavior and to investigate the cultural conditions that contribute to the formation of such principles.Economic Imperialism and GlobalizationTogether, show how technology allows economic imperialism, globalization and propaganda.Globalization,comprehensivetermfor the emergence of a global society in which economic, political, environmental, and cultural events in one part of the world quickly come to have significance for people in other parts of the world. Globalization is the result of advances in communication, transportation, and information technologies. It describes the growing economic, political, technological, and cultural linkages that connect individuals, communities, businesses, and governments around the world. Globalization also involves the growth of multinational corporations (businesses that have operations or investments in many countries) and transnational corporations (businesses that see themselves functioning in a global marketplace). The international institutions that get by world trade and finance play an increasingly important role in this era of globalization.CULTURAL IMPERIALISM AND TECHNOLOGYTogether, discuss what role does technology play in cultural imperialism? Will the Internet play the same role as the phonograph, radio, movies, TV, or will it have a different effect?ethnical imperialism is the practice of pro moting, distinguishing, separating, or artificially injecting the culture of one society into another. So this leads to influence of colonies, colony is generally distinguished from overseas possession. So technology is push with the culture because to travel everything needs a path that path is made by technology.Technology plays a Vitol role in inflation of the culture imperialism. Sets the tone for the relentless critical scrutiny of the rest of the work, with the carefully assembling a system of arguments which ultimately cast a shadow of doubt on the genuineness of defining aspects of U.S. and Western foreign interventions as cultural imperialism.American culture is rich, complex, and unique. It emerged from the short and rapid European conquest of an enormous landmass sparsely colonized by diverse indigenous peoples. Although European cultural patterns predominated, especially in language, the arts, and political institutions, peoples from Africa, Asia, and North America al so contributed to American culture. All of these groups influenced popular tastes in music, dress, entertainment, and cuisine. As a result, American culture possesses an unusual mixture of patterns and forms forged from among its diverse peoples.JaspreetTechnology has been a dialectical and cumulative process at the nubble of human experience. It is perhaps best understood in a historical context that traces the evolution of early humans from a period of very simple tools to the complex, large-scale networks that influence most of contemporary human life. The earliest known human artefacts are roughly flaked stones used for chopping and scraping, found primarily in east Africa. The next big step in the history of technology was the control of fire. By striking flint against pyrites to produce sparks, people could kindle fires at will, thereby freeing themselves from the necessity of perpetuating fires obtained from natural sources. Besides the obvious benefits of light and heat, f ire was also used to bake clay pots, producing heat-resistant vessels that were then used for cooking grains and for brew and fermenting. Innovations in transportation during the middle Ages revolutionized the spread of technologies and ideas across wide areas. Such devices as the horseshoe, the whiffletree (for harnessing animals to wagons effectively), and the spring carriage speeded the transfer of people and goods.Twentieth-century technology spread from Europe and the U.S. to other major nations such as Japan and the Soviet Union. It has not, however, pervaded all the countries of the world, by any means. Some so-called developing nations have never experienced the factory system and other institutions of industrialization. The leaders of such countries tend to feel that the acquisition of modern weapons and new technology will provide them with power and prestige. No one, however, can predict the religious, social, and cultural consequences of the transfer of technologies to t hese countries. Technology has always been a major means for creating new physical and human environments. It is possible to ask today whether technology will also destroy the global civilization that human beings have created.SimranjitCultural imperialism is the practice of promoting, distinguishing, separating, or artificially injecting the culture of one society into another. So this leads to influence of colonies, colony is generally distinguished from overseas possession. So technology is relate with the culture because to travel everything needs a path that path is made by technology.Technology plays a Vitol role in inflation of the culture imperialism. Sets the tone for the relentless critical scrutiny of the rest of the work, with the carefully assembling a system of arguments which ultimately cast a shadow of doubt on the legitimacy of defining aspects of U.S. and Western foreign interventions as cultural imperialism.American culture is rich, complex, and unique. It emerged from the short and rapid European conquest of an en
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