Thursday, June 20, 2019

Memorandums Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Memorandums - Essay ExampleKrahnke et al. (2003) suggest that the US workforce is quite complex not only linguistically but overly culturally. Authors further state that in 2002, the California legislature enacted a bill that forbids the regulation of language in the workplaces unless business or safety requirements dictate it. greenness (1994) argues quoting Barnaby Zall, a law expert that the Supreme cost has never called a language-related rule as national origin discrimination. Gibson K. (2006) emphasizes that there is no need to cut back the language use. As businesses accept the people in workplace with different ethnicity, race and religion similarly, they should embrace other languages as well. 5. Though there prolong been diverse views on the subject but I still stick to the only-English rule at work places. The main reason is that it is necessary for cohesive and flavourless functioning of the job at work places. In the US, most of the people have working knowledge of English while it cannot be said for each other language including Spanish. 6. The questions/troubling points for the Yes/No side are a. What to do if non-English speaking people feel like discriminated if they are not allowed to speak in their language? b. What to do if English-speaking people feel they are being made mockery of as they cannot understand other language? References Krahnke, K., Hoffman, L., Krahnke, K. (2003). Managing Language utilise in the Workplace. The Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 2003 Vol. 4(1) Page 148. Retrieved September 26, 2011 from http// Park, R. (1994). Language in the Workplace. The Social Contract Press. Retrieved September 26, 2011 from http// Gibson K. (2006). English Only Court Cases Involving the U.S. Workplace The Myths of Language Use and the Homogenization of Bilingual Workers Identities. Retrieved September 26, 2011 from http// content/uploads/2011/06/Gibson.pdf MEMORANDUM TO Professor FROM DATE September 27, 2012 RE Is retrenchment a Sound Strategic Initiative? PART A 1. My initial gut reaction that emerges after reading the issue is that downsizing is a last strategic initiative. 2. Yes side appears more persuasive to me. 3. The reaction to this has come to me after experiencing economic sluggishness post 2008 that has spread not only in the US but also Europe and other parts of the world. PART B 4. Cameron (1994) argues that downsizing is done for survival of the organization before it is too late to find the situation. The author also argues that objectives towards downsizing should be in line with the long term objectives of the organization. Hornstein (2009) argues that the results of downsizing are not in line with the expectations. Downsizing brings a negative effect on employee morale, leads to knowledge loss and disrupts skills gathered in past y ears. Author cites growing body of research to indicate that downsizing does not even help to reduce costs. Margolis and Molinsky (2009) argue that downsizing is a necessary evil and must be exercised with caution. They give stress on being gentle and direct however, it should be performed with respect and dignity. 5. Economic conditions in general and in a specific situation may force organization to resort to downsizing tactics for the survival. I still feel that it is an important strategic initiat

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