Monday, June 10, 2019

Operational Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Operational Scenario - Essay ExampleIn a focus on justice amount, rules atomic number 18 obligate and enforced fairly and impartially so that there is equal distribution of costs and benefits among individuals, also protects the interests of the less fibrous and underrepresented individuals (Livingstone 2009). Thus, the best ethical decision criteria that nookie be used in addressing the enigmas within the prison would be a focus on justice criterion. This is because using justice criterion protects the interests of the less powerful and the underrepresented individual. Justice criterion is best in protecting the inmates from the prison staff. The first root view shows that the prison staff uses punitive approach toward the inmate population. This shows that the inmates are been abused by the staff, which could be the reason why there has been a lot gang-related violence in the prisons. It is also clear that racial identity is the biggest problem among the prison staff. Henc e, use of the focusing on justice criterion would ensure there is equal distribution of duties and responsibilities among the staff without regards to race. However, focusing on justice criterion can affect productivity and innovation because it encourages a sense of entitlement that reduces the ability of an individual to take risks. 2. Within a prison, performance and social arrangement norms are likely to be norms that reinforce consistency among staff. How is this likely to affect overall job satisfaction? What effect will it have on employees who are non conforming in personality? In every organization e.g. a prison, it is crucial to have group norms in order to ensure productivity and teaching of the organization. As stated by Chevalier (2007), norms are acceptable or unacceptable standards of behavior that are shared by all members in a group. They are mainly created in order to facilitate group survival, avoid embarrassing situations, make behavior of individuals more pred ictable, and to express the values of the group. The performance norms look on how group members should be engaged in their work i.e. how quickly they should work and produce (Livingstone 2009). Their main purpose is to govern levels of individual effort. The social arrangement norms are created in order to influence the informal social interactions within a group such as meeting after work social groups or lunch social groups. Thus, these norms are likely to sanction overall job satisfaction and productivity within a prison. According to Daft and Marcic (2008), performance norms promote cohesiveness which is essential for productivity of the group. The cohesiveness and productivity of a group depends on the performance norms. For instance, if the performance norms are high, a group will be more cohesive and productive, but if the performance norms are low, productivity will also be low. As stated by Robbins and Judge (2010), individuals who conform to group norms experience more positive emotions due to conformity hence result to positive work attitude and job satisfaction. Moreover, the social arrangement norms enhance twenty-four hours to day interaction of the prison staff, the supervisors and the inmates thus, promoting job satisfaction. What effect will it have on employees who are not conforming in personality? The personality of an employee determines how they behave, imagine and feel about their job satisfaction or jobs. The attitudes of

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