Sunday, June 9, 2019

Enviromental Issues of Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Enviromental Issues of Global Warming - Essay ExampleNitrous gas, ozone and water vapor. This is called the greenhouse effect where the short wavelength radiations are allowed to pass through the gases plainly the long wavelength radiations reflected by the earths surface are blocked from penetrating by these gases and are reflected back to the earth. This raises the over the surface temperature above the medium and this has had major affects on different aspects in the world. Effects of global warming on Plant life global warming and climatic change drop become the major cause of the change in the functioning and the statistical distribution of plant life. This change has led to the problem of speciation and quenching of plants. The plants thrive under authentic conditions which when altered my reverse or terminate the process while their physiological functioning like that of their life cycles is defined. The way the plants synthesize is affected in that at that place is incr eased water intake efficiency, increased growth of these plants and also increased capacity to photosynthesize the result of this is the thickening of the plant community structure and functioning. North Gerald R J Schmandt Jclarkson eds. (1995) ni their book, the impacts of global warming, highlighted that, depending on the environment, there are different responses which may result to competition among different species of plants. In addition to this, there may result to a change in the herbivore nutrition collectable to the variation in the Carbon Nitrogen ratio. The rise in the climate has increase the grade of pests and disease multiplication. The organisms have shifted their range forward to higher elevations. The butterflies, dragons, beetles and moths are now living at higher latitudes and altitudes where survival was previously not possible due to the cold that infested these regions. More so, they arrive earlier in the spring season and take longer than usual to depart. These insects have terrorized the plants found in the world as heir multiplication and survival has been favored. The changes in the climatic conditions for example the temperature shifting may cause the phenology of the plants to change like the flowering of the plants. J.T Houghton.L.G.MJ FilhoD.J GriggsK. Maskell. (1997) observed that the flowering one-year plants have been seen to flower earlier than the perennials while the insect pollinated plants flowering before those which are pollinated by wind and this will have an ecological effect. The change in the climatic conditions has had a tendency of altering the species composition in certain regions. While other place species fail to thrive under these changed conditions, other s may find it favorable and start developing in these regions. The result is an inevitable relative abundance in the composition of species. On animals The animals have suffered an uncomely effect due to global warming. Most of these effects are like those of the plants but the animals may face a worse deal as the extinction of some plants may also cause the animals to cease in existence. The major effects of this problem is that the climatic change may change the composition and distribution of the animal species, a variety of stresses including the destruction of food sources like for polar bears and the polar ice melting plus the destruction of the glaciers may result to the angle which is its food to lack, thus leading to the polar bear extinction. The other result of stress is that the animals may be forced to migrate to other regions. This may

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