Sunday, June 2, 2019

Australian Economy - Foreign Debt :: essays research papers

Through come out of the closet its history Australia has had to rely on foreign savings to finance its development as did America until the World War I. This savings inflow showed up as a menstruum account deficit that averaged 2.5 per centime of GDP. The 1980s fiscal explosion under Keating saw this average parachuting to about 4.5 per cent. The soothing argument was that this sudden rise only meant that more foreign savings are being invested in Australia. That most of the foreign debt was incurred by the private sector was waved about as proof of this proposition. The debt, we were told, was being used to generate future income. If only it had been that simple. The painful truth is that a good part, if not most, of that capital inflow was wasted and the previous labour government was to blame. Foreign debt now stands at about 51 per cent of GDP. It is claimed by some that Australia has been compel to finance this debt by selling off the farm, and this is largely the fault of the private sector borrowing. This is economic nonsense. The 1980s saw the money supply spin out of control at one point monetary growth was averaging 25 per cent a year. (In 2001 the present government allowed M1 to explode by 22 per cent and deposits by 25 per cent). As any classical economist a much maligned breed would have warned, the results were rising interest rates and rising current account deficits. True, the monetary expansion stimulated the economy it also gave us an unsustainable boom followed by the inevitable bust. With monetary demand rising, interest rates at historically high levels and inadequate domestic savings the private sector was forced to borrow abroad. Much of the borrowings by business went into mal-investments investments that would turnout to be unprofitable. This happened because the monetary expansion (inflation) misdirected production and hence investment by sending distorted price signals to investors. The situation was aggravated by a speculat ive fever fuelled by the boom and by any elements of the tax structure that favoured debt. Only accelerating inflation could maintain these mal-investments. Eventually, as we know, the government finally punctured its monetary boom with 20 per cent plus interest rates. The mal-investments revealed themselves as idle resources and humiliated entrepreneurs. What we could not liquidate was our foreign debt. The debt was bad because of the circumstances that created it.

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