Saturday, June 22, 2019

CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS - Assignment ExampleThere is a large deal of conceptual knowledge to be removed from an application even though it seems to be too obvious to figure pop out. In light of this, the implication triangle must be used to extract abstract conceptual knowledge by creating distinctions between conceptual, external and verbal entities. Whereas words (lexical objects) refer to the cover linguistic entities employed in written text or speech (word node), the concepts represent the tools used to help in the thinking process. Therefore, the concept node represents the constructs employ in building mental images of the world. Lastly, the referent node represents the physical entities or objects that are viewed as being part and parcel of the outside/external world. Thus, aside from being used to aid in the building of better knowledge based entities now, the meaning triangle will be alert in charting out a way for computer based knowledge acquisition.Conceptual analysis is vital in various aspects according to Sowa (1984). Therefore, conceptual analysis has made it likely to retrieve arguments and ideas from text. Further, it has demonstrated that individuals should look further beyond keyword indexes so as to encourage and develop their own ideas while in the process of looking for information. Also, it is vital to note that conceptual analysis has bridged and narrowed the gap between artificial intelligence audiences and IR audiences. Further, conceptual analysis was not binded by any whizz rigid syntactic formula or linguistic theory. As a result, conceptual analysis has been used to explain and express concepts such as cybernetics. Although the wee definition of cybernetics was broad and included artificial intelligence, the rapid development of the field brought out the differences between cybernetics and artificial intelligence. However, conceptual analysis has attempted to bridge and set down this gap.Additionally, conceptual

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