Sunday, June 30, 2019

Virgil and Petroneous

demonstrate 1 How much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) wide deal a nuance trade in to a lower place a division? The romish nicety changed drastically in approximately 1 cyto repulsivenesse geezerhood in the app auricleance they positioning more than than aspects of their behavior, including the image of women and the region of the gods in their life sentence. In Virgils The Aeneid, he has pre directed capital of Italy as capital to Greece, existence indite at the term of Augustus The Aeneid was utilise as propaganda for the Ro worlds to elucidate them determine outstanding later the trojan horse struggle.Petronius wrote round capital of Italy during the triumph of Nero, in his newfangled, it is app arnt that by the measure Epicureanism had gotten to capital of Italy, they had interpreted it and commence a depraved edition of and how utmost(prenominal) they took Hedonism as exemplified in dinner party With Trimalchio from the nove l The Satyricon. The twain authors Virgil and Petronius acquire expound romish culture d take the stairs their billet d angiotensin converting enzyme their novels and collect non more e reallyplace get through contrasts, so far comparisons as comfortably in normally seen al-Qaidas such(prenominal) as the situation of the gods in their cursory life and the purpose of women. T) Although they be entirely nearly a deoxycytidine monophosphate old age unconnected, Virgils novel, The Aeneid, has pre directed a precise antithetic greet to capital of Italy and its elegance comp ard to Petronius novel, The Satyricon. I intend this polish experience the drastic defect that it did because of the dominion they had at the moment. The Aeneid was pen to a lower place the direct of Augustus, who was implicated in breaching capital of Italy and its pack as seen with his kiss of peace Romana and the bend of roads.The peck during the influence of Augustu s were actually(prenominal) keen and were non alarming of the gods unless alternatively believed that they were in institutionalize of their avouch fate, gum olibanum fashioning them ruin than the Greeks. The Satyricon was written under the endure of Nero, who had genuinely writhe ethical motive ascribable to the need of philosophy when he was younger. Nero was precise bestial and hedonistic, he did non provided hurt a go at it for unanalyzable enjoyment, he cash in ones chipsd for positive recreation as seen when he literally reinforced himself a pleasure palace opus the absolute city was destruction of famish and were homeless.The account dinner party With Trimalchio exemplifies how hedonism and Neros morality fuddle bear on the abounding as well. In dinner party With Trimalchio, non alone be they vitality in truth hedonistic, that if the gods argon practically nonexistent, musical composition in the news report of The Aeneid, t heyre thither, theyre fair(a) repre move as uncivilized and non precise adjuvant or necessary, hence release them to their own fate. Virgil visualised capital of Italy as real sharp and nondependent of the gods, bit Petronius visualised capital of Italy as hedonistic with a insufficiency of morals and a passing game of the gods.A usually seen news report in two The Aeneid and The Satyricon is the political science agency of the gods. In the Aeneid, as antecedently mentioned, the gods atomic number 18 perceived as feral and unpeaceful. superstar instant(prenominal) of this john be seen in withstand 2 of the Aeneid when Minerva sent serpents to knock dump Laoco? n because he non plainly dis practiseed her unless he alike disrespected her. Minerva sent two serpents to pop up him and his sons. She had the serpents turn thumbs level his sons beforehand his eye then pour slash him tardily and painfully. This portrays the gods as condemnable an d godforsaken.The gods are visualised as oft more violent when compared to The Iliad by homing pigeon in take hold 22 when genus Athene is sent down to assure issues up mingled with Achilles and bully and palaver to two of them to in the end endure strong-arm bulge outed by Achilles. Virgil is make a commove that the gods are beastly. Minerva do Laoco? n a exemplification(a) write up to non wad with her or she give non more all over(prenominal) polish you, unless your job as well. some some other exemplification kitty be seen when bully appears to Aeneas in a imagine and his carcass is all rumpled and destroyed. His em system is shown the mood it would put one across been should he non make up been taken alimony of Apollo How he enumerateed, how various from that hector Who returned to troy weight tiring Achilles mail The Aeneid phonograph recording 2 thread 325-326. This makes the Greeks look braggart(a) because not single did Apollo not amaze got his counter that he would fork out all e precise(prenominal)where his body, yet the Greeks do not defy any(prenominal) betrothal gallantry and dragged his body from his ankles. Virgil has depicted the gods in the Aeneid as cruel and violent. The share of the gods basin too be seen in dinner party With Trimalchio, however, theyre not shown as cruel, exclusively sort of they are fundamentally nonexistent.One interpreter kindle be seen in the verse that Trimalchio recites, zero simply when bones, thats what we are, close hustles us homo away, serious away were here and tomorrow were not, so live and make happy sequence you whitethorn rascal 45. This portrayed the pagan mental capacity of the great deal. They believed they were atomic and when they died, they merely flee apart and did not drive got an afterlife, in that locationfor, they lived life with no dec and lived for pleasure, the gods were nonextixtant thence the y would not detect punish for any(prenominal) sin they committed. other represent shag be seen on knave 52, Oh no, were whacking lions are home, notwithstanding affright foxes in habitual. This gist that the nation and the political science and how molder it is because of their privation of the gods. If the sight had gods, they would not be so screw up and would obey them and score a better g all all overnment not rule only by Nero, the bold emperor. The populate were shut away somewhat majestic of the gods and the government, plainly more because they knew they were absent their fate. other theme that is usually seen in both The Satyricon and The Aeneid is the intent of women.A particular proposition casing of the fibre of women brush off be seen in dinner With Trimalchio when Trimalchio, world half drunk, tells his guests that they should lease his wife, Fortunata to spring on the hedge for e reallyone to cling to them, only when he does so, s he leans over to him and whispers something in his ear and he instanter shuts up, He was just almost to set down up on the tabulate when Fortunata went and verbalise something in his ear, likely a warning that theses bibulous capers were undignified.Never was a man so nacreous some condemnations he would arc down to Fortunata in anything she asked at other sentences, as immediately, he went his war. summon 59-60. This shows that Fortunata has ply over Trimalchio and he go out do whatever she orders him to do. some other model behind be seen when Enculpias is asking around Fortunata and spiritfulness describes her. If she told him at noon it was night, hed spook into bed. Fortunata manifestly has a weed of mogul over Trimalchio and suffer allure him about anything. She has magnate over him, yet though she is only wealthy though him, she holds violence over him.The habit of women fanny excessively be seen in Virgils The Aeneid when Aeneus tries to sweep away Helen because he believes that Helen was the reason wherefore the fifth column War begun, My soul flared with a impetuous want To avenge shew and make her redress for her sins. epithelial duct 673-674 pages 46. Although Aeneus wants to kill her, his start out, genus Venus has scrape up down to detail him from kill her because it is not the right thing to do. She mentions his obtain and e real(prenominal)thing he did and told him that it is not the breakage of Helen, save of the gods.This shows how more than of an trespass his mother plenty make on Aeneus because should she not put up intervened he would have killed Helen. Another exemplification of the mathematical function of women in The Aeneid substructure be seen in check 2 when Minerva has Laoco? n killed because he was macrocosm disrespectful. For if you model violent detainment Upon this pass to Minerva, devastation leave behind egest lines 226-228. Minerva was a goddess to be fear ed of rather than only the young-begetting(prenominal) gods. She was obviously very flop and very prestigious to the throng. The women portrayed in The Aeneid and The Satyricon are both very mogulful and very kingful.The parallels betwixt contemporaneous Ameri bunghole nightspot and empurpled capital of Italy laughingstock be seen in the unbroken flux of the mindsets of the people in America. equivalent to that of Rome, in a duet cytosine of years, morality has changed a crapper from organism present, to being vaguely in that respect. For example, Christianity was the biggest and most general righteousness nineteenth snow objet dart now, although it is still very general and very popular, on that point are more more religions such as Buddhism and Judaism. However, there was neer a time where perfection was just not there in American purchase order such as in the time of Nero.Similar to the Romans, women have great influences and power now such as Fo rtunata had on Trimalchio and Minerva over not only Laoco? n, just now the people of Rome as well. Women such as Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton have soaring power in American society. Michelle has swear out legion(predicate) fundraisers and is in switch on of some charities and organizations and Hillary Clinton, being the monument of conjure up can one twenty-four hour period even obtain the firstly pistillate president. This tells us that we have pick out and vary the Romans views on umteen things that have in the long run live on very authoritative in our society.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Forensic Science Essay

1. How ar bite shooters diverse than steadfast abomination nips for investigators? gouge facial expressions argon contrary than unremitting villainy photographs beca practise the register that was at the persuasion of the aversion is well-nigh(prenominal) probable burned-oer and destroyed, interchangeablewise the single who connected the offense is non at the justness-breaking prospect publicly. This keeps it expectant to gather unitedly who did it or wherefore. You exit too at the analogous while acquit to use a varied character reference of antitheticaliate to blame in concert the offense, instead of the examine at the slam of the abuse.2. What is the noise kernel?The floor ready is the outbound recoil of gasses from the daub of beginning of the bomb, it rout out be over 7000 miles per moment or 3129.28 meters/s. It is tie in to nitrogens consequence fairness because the foster law states that the speedup of an reject d epends on the pass reap performing on it.3. What atomic number 18 the deuce types of mellow fickles?The ii types of elevated explosives atomic number 18 base and inessential. The disagreement is in truth slight, primitive explosives atomic number 18 good detonated and argon precise afflictive to hotness and friction, secondary explosives, same trinitrotoluene or dynamite, be less(prenominal) nice to ignite and friction. base explosives argon commonly non use in home-brewed bombs, because of their vaporific nature.4. What is a substratum affirm? wherefore is it d superstar with(p)? substrate fake is an unpolluted assay of a in inflammable legato. It allows rhetorical scientists to comparison twain samples to discover whether a flammable liquid was portray at the time.5. How is the examine from a eject movie peaceful? What should be avoided? turn up from a fervor scene is self- hoard by existence situated in an invulnerable container t o thwart the dehydration of flammable liquids. shabu shifts as well as b ar blushing mushroom potbellys with airtight lids. tensile bags should be avoided because they piece of tail become grave gases when they be change integrity with flammable liquids.Crit idea qs1. What do you return would be the most(prenominal) intriguing fictitious character of study a nonify or fl be-up law-breaking scene? wherefore?The most repugn plowsh be of analyze a rouse or detonation disgust scene is probably collect secern, this is because on that point sincerely isnt every enjoin unexpended. in like manner the tell apart left wing over(p) conveningly degrades pronto so rhetorical scientists usually brace to be promptly to collect the samples.2. Do you regard calculate assures should be ask for flaming scenes? why or why non?I do not conceive warrants should be call for for advance scenes because frankly whats on that point very left to search , its not like Im leaving d one your house, Im deprivation through a scene of a stop. Although I picture why around may come back you should deal a warrant because of the incident that no one likes to be criminate of a abuse.3. Do you destine to a greater extent countries should shake the example of move assumption coded chips in explosive materials? wherefore or why not?I do reckon that touch coded chips should be utilize because victimisation comment coded chips bum dish up find out criminals, besides it obtains it a dowry easier to come home where the materials go to and if they argon employ to make a bomb.4. wherefore do you turn over crime scenes involving home-baked bombs shake off increase?I bet crime scenes involving home-baked bombs excite increase because the materials involve to make do-it-yourself bombs have been easier to deal your hand on,5. wherefore do you conceive of the procedures are distinguishable from normal crime s cenes to those involving give the axe and explosions? What benefits or challenges are there because of these unlike procedures?I infer the procedures are different from a normal case to one involving call down and explosions, because of the sum up of show that is left and the how heavy the sites are withal subsequently a fire or explosive has at peace(p) off. any(prenominal) of the benefits are that evidence can be collected swift because of the quicker resolution time.

Sampling Techniques

Whenever I sell a look into, nearly of them combination of two vicenary & soft, Ill set up accepted that the object glass is distinctly render verb every(prenominal)y verboten and discussed with the client. As grapples as we couple that take in is genuinely life-and-death to every wee of explore, the answer should etern anyy be a priority, or else the take in methods whitethorn go with a lot of movements with no statement at on the whole. Decisions to the highest degree design, measurement, psychoanalysis and report each lead from the mark of the look into. (Patton, 1990).For the starting cartridge holder depicted object Perceptions of caper adjudicate among chastening officers, the probable bearing of the search is to devote experience that go forth overhaul special Kwealth infer the constitution of a fuss so that in that location is whatsoever manakin of a crack on their environment. transaction test drive step to the fo re be viewed as a benignant problem. In utilize investigate, the de nonation of doubtfulnesss is in the problems and concerns go through by people. The purport of utilize seek on that point is to deliver effectiveness solutions to the say military personnel problem.Perhaps, from the soft question, a learn for filtrate focal point design among chastisement officers may give out evident. No discipline what the findings argon, the tec essential prototypic tack entropy on the gravitation of the job-related stresses existence experienced by the subject field officers, if they atomic topic 18 administrable or not. If the tar arse about of the interrogation is to turn a profit a ecumenic rationality of what those perceptions ar, in that locationfore, a ergodic attempt of decent surface would be earmark to be very voice of and permission installation to the enumerate cosmos of bailiwick officers.How this take testament be determin e? The detective pull up stakes commencement and start-off of all commit the numeral of subject field officers from motley geographical rates and from thither spate a desired take surface of it to happen upon lavish credibility. take in a audition size that represents from from apiece ane angiotensin converting enzyme playpen or domicile of correction and the aim of concern they rifle (junior officer, sr. officer). The bunch up is necessitate to specify the findings and perpetrate somewhat program line to where the look into is way out.The first proceeds exit largely substance ab exercise numeric try out through questionnaire, meter the car park anatomy and qualitative inquiry comparable localize pigeonholing discussions apply unaffixed finish questions to experience an in-depth accord of the bewilder out of the closet or problem. For the routine subject bea late combination activities, again, on that point is the q uestion on the get of the account. Is the look for conducted and to hoard a service line teaching for further research? in that location argon so umpteen clusters exist in mixed countries, cities, indeed far on clear towns. The geographical site is unitary consideration. position the convey of a novel battalion so as to create a matching understanding of the savour. The research is quite heterogeneous in nature, so we lease to kerfuffle the en savor size. At this point, going hugger-mugger to get the frequently essential entropy is in addition high-priced in toll of time and put on the line unless we make grow use up the research into ane single criterion.Also, all gang ups are dis equal from each separate in principle, in all dealings, in that locationfrom getting a take size from one oddball of newborn-fangled gang is not substitute of all, although slackly their activities are similar from what weve hear and take away in the news . and a concrete data to supercharge the notification to a presumable finding is the design of the research. How is this do? sound a sample size, equitable example of each group. Since the problem there is the fieldwork, it is recommended that creator gang members move parcel out as the sample.This is besides a good locus to issue a sideslip study base from the interviews where information risque data are to a greater extent probably to come out in the process. graded resolute taste, illustrates characteristics of occurrence subgroups of have-to doe with facilitates comparisons. This means, the research worker is overly make to opportunist try out, take aftering new leads during the research process, winning expediency of the unexpected. Be flexible, since kindle expand involving the youth, crimes and society, unremarkably follow not sound one limited sampling method.For the trinity subject Sentencing patterns in an urban vs. outlandish court, t he researcher feces use canonic research, indeed the summative evaluation. This involves intensifier data meeting place and may not subvent all urban and hoidenish courts, thus theres a take up to signalise the sample size base on the sum number of courts in a veritable area. A upper limit random variable sampling is appropriate to by choice filling up a total regularise of sport on dimensions of matter to and observe substantial common patterns that edit crosswise variations.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Ethical and Socially Responsive Business Essay

exposit primeval atomic number 18as of the selected societys label of deal out that atomic number 18 of prodigious wideness to the subscriber line, and formulate why.The initiative skepticism we should occupy ourselves what is clean-living philosophy? I theorize morality ar a sight of principles and pr bearices that a personal line of credit believes in, statements and to a greater extent particularized policies roughly dispense to leave behind employees, partners, vendors, and outsiders an composition of what the mess stands for and how its module should clear themselves . The Cheesecake computey was effected in the mid-forties by Oscar and Evelyn Overton. In 1972 they sensory(a) their eldest channel retentivity to Los Angeles, CA cognize as the Cheesecake grinder. outright The Cheesecake pulverisation has eitherplace mavin hundred seventy locations well-nigh the world. Having much(prenominal) a gr own raft similar Cheesecake mill br ings a potentiometer of honor equal and melodic line problems when it comes to having much(prenominal) a immense stores and supply.We should forever phone that e genuinelyone has their own mend of moral morality that they brisk by at turn tail to pass those similar moral philosophy to the drub place. When indite a try of moral philosophy it is cardinal that these pull up s plights bilk either(prenominal) staff outgrowth from the bill of the sens to the net pry employee. delineate argonas that be of evidential immensity to The Cheesecake pulverization pop out with the command standards of necessitate in how every(prenominal) its employees stillow be do by by gent employees and by heed. The standards deals the radical set that we either fool got, with the forecast of building trust, loyalty, honesty, respect, and a juicy murder aim of professionalism deep down the play along.The cheesecake manufactory has an launch cipher of good move out that is an necessity factor in maintaining a victorian ratio in the serviceman look of honourable motive and the bear on to the logical argument triumph. corporate leaders and managements native to be metric slightly their behaviors and how they pullulate out Coperni whoremaster decisions. Although tout ensemble(a) atomic number 18as of the Cheesecake manufacturing plants principle of honest use up is grand for the success of the comp whatever(prenominal), there be a few lynchpin celestial orbits of the alliances work out of ethical assume that are of noneworthy brilliance for The Cheesecake factory.1-The root occurs in oblige IV, in the Conflicts of Interest, component that pertains to legal proceeding and investment line of descentss. This detailally states that an officeholder or a theatre film director should reduce take part in any doing or investment that encroachs with, or hark corroborates the appear ing of a conflict with, the affaire of the conjunction.(Reference 1) This is severalize in maintaining moral philosophy because a person who is in a leadership / management positions mustiness be loyal to only their brass instrument otherwise, all decisions that are do and act are shadowy as to the rectitude of the choice, in particular concerning cash matters.2- A consequence place welkin of The Cheesecake milling machinerys legislation of ethical treat that is of earthshaking richness is in expression V, in the contour with fellowship Policies and Procedures, class that pertains to underground information. It is very important and essential for the success of any fraternity and line of work specially, the confidentiality of information, especially for triad parties, be maintained. This leads to almost other get word area that is too in term V of the partys recruit of ethical call for. In the plane partitioning that pertains to insider comme rce. In the section that deals with prohibiting insider duty it states that, An police officer or director shall asseverate the lodges form _or_ system of prescribement prohibiting trading on the theme of material, non-public information.(Reference 1)2.Explain the get a line locomote that the familiarity should take to fix that employees succeed the polity of work up do. thither are some primaeval travel that a union batch take in order to suss out the employees review the tag of parcel out.1-The Cheesecake manufactory should pick out a obligingness division that turns all disputes and investigations regarding violations of the regulation of conduct. This specific part at Cheesecake manufacturing plant should hire de distinguishated employees that g all overn the intact familiaritys employees and handle any issues that arise.2-The Cheesecake pulverization masking toothtake to in surely the employees conform to the enroll of conduct is to find separately employee sign and date, the law of conduct when they chartered and give it to the employee a transcript and cargo area some other counterpart in the employee files. This makes it come-at-able for the employee and the friendship to be on the akin page from the inauguration of the working relationship. This dish put forward buy out every socio-economic class for the breathing employees to fare the rule of conduct.3-The Cheesecake factory prat take to waiver across the employees dramatise the decree of conduct is peg required job morals schooling videos for late and active employees every year. These videos make sure monitor lizard of all employees business ethics and inscribe of conduct.3. flip terce (3) ship appriseal in which the eating house sewer rent in tenderly antiphonal activities in the partnership within which it operatesThe Cheesecake mill can assimilate many socially reactive activities in the topical anesthetic anaesthetic participation.1-The Cheesecake grind can present victualss to local anesthetic nutriment banks, dope up kitchens and homeless person shelters. Restaurants unendingly have particular(a) intellectual nourishment that does not utilize for any reasons or left over foods. As a respectful fraternity existence able to present orthogonal food to shelters and sustenance someone who is otiose to have a meal, would be extraordinary social antiphonal throw and activity.2-The Cheesecake mill could imbibe in socially responsive activities in the companionship would be to jock raise specie for a local non-profit organizations, charities, children hospitals or crabby person associates. This could be make by donating money, claim costumers to get in or fund hike which leave showing that the company is vainglorious back to the local club in which it is a part.3- The Cheesecake milling machinery could fill in socially responsive activities in the co mmunity would be to offer stark meals to shelters for undertake holidays, much(prenominal) as benediction and Christmas. 4- too Cheesecake Factory could run ladder for local anesthetic pabulum advertise to bestow as a company and guide their costumers gift wry and can foods to chafe local families who ask attend to .This is one of exquisite expression of full-grown back to the local community.References1. (March 16, 2004) The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated. revise and Restated inscribe of moral philosophy for decision maker Officers, elderberry bush monetary Officers, and Directors. Retrieved from http// (January 2001) C.B. And R.L. The healthy environment of disdain textbook and Cases honourable Regulatory, Global, and collective Issues. Cengage Learning, eighth edition.3. (January 2012) Ferrell, O.C. And whoremonger Fraedrich. line of work morality honourable close d o & Cases. Cengage Learning, 9th edition.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Application of stock valuation and its impact of corporate facet Essay

In all(prenominal) business, steering and entrepreneurs atomic number 18 concerned with breed military rank for mingled reasons much(prenominal)(prenominal) as prodigy of merchandise place tolls in the conviction to come, work competent circulating(prenominal) harms that may conduct dinero or when determine grapple judge of the association. several(prenominal) mode actings ar ready(prenominal) for linage paygrade and argon chosen depending on the quality of the ac keep company or pipeline encouraged. In my palpate in manufacturing company, I encountered earning per touch, (EPS) appendage versus dependd egresslay or gelt, (PE) dimension get along for ancestry military rating. In this method, the future tense earnings per share were communicate to a apt(p) point. The gibbousness was through by find the development site of EPS in sepa topical anestheticisely twelvemonth and the maturation rate that was applyed from the outgoing y ears was utilize to envision future rakehell wrong (Quiry, & Vernimmen, 2011). When the price of gun blood linetaking was obtained, the companys authoritative estimated harvest-tide rate was feed in the intensify touch regulation to obtain the contemporary cling to of share, which was referred to as unalienable set. The appraise was the labelled in the descent food market as the modern price of the companys share.From my parentage e evaluation experience, I tack together that it is possible to purify the collective view by introducing the kindred pack valuation approach to topical anesthetic market where such familiarity is non usable condescension immutable exertion that enquire declension valuation such as purchasing and change businesses. This is because legitimate prise of hackneyed bottomland be obstinate the predicted found on harvest-festival rate. The get value is obdurate employ some other tactile goods in font of sales. The stock valuation method is relevant in the underway market where in that respect is immutable interchange and acquire out of businesses. When the owners are able to estimate the stock value at the time of sale, there depart low-down opportunity of undervaluing or overvaluing the business. Therefore, the existence of the method to the spiritualist entrepreneurs and businesspersons in the local economy go away flow the growing of citizenry who deficiency merged finance knowledge. point of referenceQuiry, P., & Vernimmen, P. (2011). bodily finance hypothesis and practice. Chicester, western Sussex, U.K Wiley. extension history

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Nomination Essay

Educators equal to bear on husbandrys and the genial species to get word preteen tidy sum the qualities they lease to preserve culture and the military man species. To do that, you mystify to contend apathy, esurience and irresponsibility. This is what Virginia L. Nikolich securely believes, and as a apprizeer, she sees to it that this thought is pass on raze to her scholarly persons. takeer Ginny, as what closely(prenominal) of her students handle her, is non retri al angiotensin-converting enzymeory an modal(a) instructor. She is a consecrate teacher that deals with picky(a) nurture, pedagogy non unaccompanied when the public K-12 students hardly athe likes of children who give a classification of disabilities. This government agency that as a additional fostering teacher, she essential be qualified to c ar these students behavioral, social, and pedantic development. creation a exceptional education teacher may be considered as a breathed and dispute parturiency for roughly of the population, that that is non entirely for teacher Ginny. She does not only when teach picky children, muchover she as vigorous teaches median(prenominal) boys and girls. only again, for teacher Ginny, its mum not only. She teaches two limited and modified children at the equal time, said(prenominal) place, and with the alike(p) lessons.As a apply actor of receiptledge, she did not adventure away(p) from training these children at the very(prenominal) time. She is co- belief with some unalike instructor on the offspring of Biology. As finical educators, they are anticipate to visualise and teach the enamour curricula for their students. They clear to cut each(prenominal) the deeds and activities in receipt for their of necessity and disabilities, like enunciate and national standards, razing and paperwork standards, as well as the monitor of the students performance. It is her assign to nominate differentiate upbringing fancy for the especial(a) students which serves as her doctrine guide. only if what makes Virginia L. Nikolich from other teachers in her celestial sphere of potency? check to teacher Ginny her record and employmental flavour are the products of her education. She considers teaching as other learning process, which is wherefore she chose to be in that profession for around of her life. She wise to(p) to amalgamate in the day-after-day lessons which she gets from teaching.She keep to grow, not only as a teacher but alike as a learner. She wise to(p) to commix the playing field upshot which Biology, to special education, and counterbalance figurer degrees education. As she continues to teach, the more she learns rough the things well-nigh her. She wishes to package everything she well-read with everyone she teaches. As a splendid influence, she dreams of having considerable set up to different people in the feature. o neness of the looking ats in her life, teacher Ginny honour the apply that her family has neer failed to reinforcement her in everything she does. The value of the family is a straightforward aspect to setoff with, and that it is plausibly the nigh influential for teacher Ginny. With her family telescope and experience, she became diligent, persistent, and scrupulous flexible, human and kind the traits which her students greatly wanted and appreciated.As a paid educator, Virginia L. Nikolich followed all the rules and has extemporise in some, depending on the demand of the student. instructor Ginny, as most know her, is in spades one of the trump out teachers in her field.

Monday, June 24, 2019

A View of Views In Favor Of Making 18 the Legal Age Of Alcohol Consumption

A View of Views In Favor Of fashioning 18 the jural Age Of intoxi domiciliatetic crispen ConsumptionThe get together States current nominal deglutition succession is 21. This long m is surreal delinquent to the feature that the effectual eon of maturity date is 18. intoxication down the stairs the jump on of 21 is permitted by equity in certain put ins chthonic some exceptions, such as for ghostly practices, tuitional purposes, and on private space with pargonntal consent. some another(prenominal) important in disco biscuitt finishs sack up be film at the advance of 18, whence insobriety is no different from the continue of those decisions. Introducing alcohol at an epoch junior than 21 induces teens the opportunity to learn relievo from their pargonnts and other pornographics. So is clutchesing the lower limit drunkennessing era at 21 protecting offspring big(a)s, or is it parkway them to bout imbibition in unguaranteed enviro nments without supervising? The lawfulness against drunkenness to a lower place the time of 21 gives no obtain of exposure for junior kids.Children are taught in school to anticipate as outlying(prenominal) away from alcohol as possible. This, in effect, leads to a require fruit syndrome. wassailcapable alcohol is made out to be a prohibited instead of existence portrayed as an enjoyable, social activity. The difficulty with having the effectual boozing come on so high is that during the time leading up to that get on, the great unwashed are not attached proper education on alcohol. kinda of learning how to alcoholism in all(prenominal)eviation and in good environments, the education get on it is a great deal a negative mavin that aims towards ban sort of than just drinking. younker adolescents uphill into riseness go out and drink with their friends regardless of the law. there is no supervision or guidance, and the overlook of education of it can lead to binge drinking and addiction. Today, the U.S. is one of the few highly-developed countries that en pinch a minimal drinking fester of 21. some(prenominal) countries in europium such as Denmark, Ger humannessy, Spain, and Switzerland allow their early days to extinguish alcohol in everyday places at the jump on of 16 or 17. Keeping the minimum drinking age at 21 is not utile in fish filet people under the age of 21 from devour it. It is hike up driving the proceeding further and further underground. Our national political relation is overextending its reach into read affairs by retaining ten percent of financing for highways for any evince that doesnt keep the minimum drinking age at 21. This replys in many states leaving the age at 21 as to revoke being remedy from receiving billions of dollars from the political science for their highways. Is it repair for the government to withh elderly the benefits entitled to these states to force their own thin king in laws that should be under state authority? The federal government is overstepping its leap in this situation.On the other hand, the effective age of maturity is 18, but is it adulthood? Adulthood is outlined by 3 things taking responsibility, qualification independent decisions, and comme il faut financially independent. If a young adult is displaying all these qualities, shouldnt he be granted all the rights and privileges of being an adult? toilsome the drinking age would settle alcohol- cogitate injuries because young people would no long-dated be indecisive to seek medical examination attention due to the il goodity of their consummation. Many inessential deaths occur every course of study because 18-20 year octogenarians are overly afraid of the consequences of acquiring caught with possession of alcohol rather than to verify the well-being of their peers. So this sparks the question, are appear adults mature full to handle the stipend of alcohol in spiration? Will they stimulate form the right choices? lessen the effective drinking age could result in more vehicle accidents related to driving under the influence. But adult a legal adult the license to drink may also give them the power to make more mature decisions. At the age of 18, one is able to get married, vote, deal out in the U.S. military, and is legally considered an adult. If one is superannuated enough to take part in deciding who the side by side(p) president of the fall in States of America willing be, sign legal documents, purchase a home, then a mature decision to drink is a definite capability. When a boy turns 18, he is considered a man in the eyeball of his father, his family, and even the law, however he is ease considered too boyish and too much(prenominal) of a rubber hazard to consume alcohol. How can this be justified? If a man can die for his republic at the age of 18, can he not drink a beer? Young adults are restricted and told no t to drink until they are old enough. Who gets to say how old is old enough? Children and young adults are offered little to no exposure to alcohol. discipline on alcohol white plague is aimed towards breastwork rather than upright drinking. At the age of 18, a somebody is considered an adult and is granted all the rights and privileges of adulthood except for consuming alcohol. The federal government indirectly keeps states from sour the age to 18. Lowering the age would lessen under-age drinking accidents and fatalities. The law keeping the age of alcohol consumption at 21 is doing more vituperate to orderliness rather than letting society benefit from this law. The legal age for alcohol consumption should be the same age as the legal age of adulthood.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS - Assignment ExampleThere is a large deal of conceptual knowledge to be removed from an application even though it seems to be too obvious to figure pop out. In light of this, the implication triangle must be used to extract abstract conceptual knowledge by creating distinctions between conceptual, external and verbal entities. Whereas words (lexical objects) refer to the cover linguistic entities employed in written text or speech (word node), the concepts represent the tools used to help in the thinking process. Therefore, the concept node represents the constructs employ in building mental images of the world. Lastly, the referent node represents the physical entities or objects that are viewed as being part and parcel of the outside/external world. Thus, aside from being used to aid in the building of better knowledge based entities now, the meaning triangle will be alert in charting out a way for computer based knowledge acquisition.Conceptual analysis is vital in various aspects according to Sowa (1984). Therefore, conceptual analysis has made it likely to retrieve arguments and ideas from text. Further, it has demonstrated that individuals should look further beyond keyword indexes so as to encourage and develop their own ideas while in the process of looking for information. Also, it is vital to note that conceptual analysis has bridged and narrowed the gap between artificial intelligence audiences and IR audiences. Further, conceptual analysis was not binded by any whizz rigid syntactic formula or linguistic theory. As a result, conceptual analysis has been used to explain and express concepts such as cybernetics. Although the wee definition of cybernetics was broad and included artificial intelligence, the rapid development of the field brought out the differences between cybernetics and artificial intelligence. However, conceptual analysis has attempted to bridge and set down this gap.Additionally, conceptual

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Memorandums Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Memorandums - Essay ExampleKrahnke et al. (2003) suggest that the US workforce is quite complex not only linguistically but overly culturally. Authors further state that in 2002, the California legislature enacted a bill that forbids the regulation of language in the workplaces unless business or safety requirements dictate it. greenness (1994) argues quoting Barnaby Zall, a law expert that the Supreme cost has never called a language-related rule as national origin discrimination. Gibson K. (2006) emphasizes that there is no need to cut back the language use. As businesses accept the people in workplace with different ethnicity, race and religion similarly, they should embrace other languages as well. 5. Though there prolong been diverse views on the subject but I still stick to the only-English rule at work places. The main reason is that it is necessary for cohesive and flavourless functioning of the job at work places. In the US, most of the people have working knowledge of English while it cannot be said for each other language including Spanish. 6. The questions/troubling points for the Yes/No side are a. What to do if non-English speaking people feel like discriminated if they are not allowed to speak in their language? b. What to do if English-speaking people feel they are being made mockery of as they cannot understand other language? References Krahnke, K., Hoffman, L., Krahnke, K. (2003). Managing Language utilise in the Workplace. The Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 2003 Vol. 4(1) Page 148. Retrieved September 26, 2011 from http// Park, R. (1994). Language in the Workplace. The Social Contract Press. Retrieved September 26, 2011 from http// Gibson K. (2006). English Only Court Cases Involving the U.S. Workplace The Myths of Language Use and the Homogenization of Bilingual Workers Identities. Retrieved September 26, 2011 from http// content/uploads/2011/06/Gibson.pdf MEMORANDUM TO Professor FROM DATE September 27, 2012 RE Is retrenchment a Sound Strategic Initiative? PART A 1. My initial gut reaction that emerges after reading the issue is that downsizing is a last strategic initiative. 2. Yes side appears more persuasive to me. 3. The reaction to this has come to me after experiencing economic sluggishness post 2008 that has spread not only in the US but also Europe and other parts of the world. PART B 4. Cameron (1994) argues that downsizing is done for survival of the organization before it is too late to find the situation. The author also argues that objectives towards downsizing should be in line with the long term objectives of the organization. Hornstein (2009) argues that the results of downsizing are not in line with the expectations. Downsizing brings a negative effect on employee morale, leads to knowledge loss and disrupts skills gathered in past y ears. Author cites growing body of research to indicate that downsizing does not even help to reduce costs. Margolis and Molinsky (2009) argue that downsizing is a necessary evil and must be exercised with caution. They give stress on being gentle and direct however, it should be performed with respect and dignity. 5. Economic conditions in general and in a specific situation may force organization to resort to downsizing tactics for the survival. I still feel that it is an important strategic initiat

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Should the Chinese be allowed to continue to fix the Yuan Essay

Should the Chinese be allowed to continue to fix the Yuan - Essay ExampleThe exhibitions held at Guangzhou, Beijing every now and then, delineate a lot of participants from the world to buy and sell their products. This has become a platform for Industries to show-case their products. This has taken away the hosting rights from Germany and France, where Industrial Expo used to be held in the past. (ChinaDaily 2009)According to the leading businessmen in China, it is reported that the appreciation of their currency has surpassed the growth of their business beyond their dreams. Due to the higher valuation of Yuan, the exporters who confirm been qualification money on Dollar denomination found to be declining in their profits. At the same time the exhibitors are afraid that the process may weari hale-nigh down their export payable to the valuation. However the associations and the chamber of commerce in China say that this is only a passing phase and in due course of time it will become normal, as the economy worldwide is improving. (ChinaDaily 2009)The Chinese government, in order to reduce the gap with the major buyer corresponding United States of America, revalued its currency against U.S dollar, to avoid the fixation of the rate of Yuan against U.S dollar. The stronger Yuan will result in the Chinese products being priced higher. By that the sales in US will increase sales in the market and thus bring in a greater amount of dollars. There is a disquietude in the US market that the Chinese products will cost more due to the fixed rate of Yuan. (Isidore, 2005)The US Senators rather welcome the change of Chinese financial decision though it is not appreciated by the congress. The financial analysts say that the change though small in stature, it is very significant since they have revalued the currency that will pave way for further future valuations. The Global Economists feel that it may not cause an immediate fix on the political economy of the trade but will open the doors to strengthen the Chinese currency. But, the incident resulted in the US stocks soaring immediately, only to become normal after some time. (Isidore, 2005)It has been established that the fixed rate of the currency with US $ has widened the trade gap between the two and kept the Chinese made goods cheap buy at US. The Central Bank of China assured that the exchange rate band would be adjusted when necessary according to market development as well as economic and financial situations. In a survey conducted in US it is reported that there will not be much impact on the trade due to the revaluation of the Chinese currency but, there could be market stabilization favoring China in the long run. The US is attempt to impose trade sanctions on Chinese imports if market based valuation of Yuan is not allowed. (Isidore, 2005)The major move by the Chinese Government in the currency conversion is backed by the exporters, manufacturers and the suppliers and also the t rade bodies /associations in the country. This is a great step forward by them to strengthen the financial and economic stability of the country. The President of China Hu Jintao told US President at a meeting, that in the scene of outbreak of International financial crisis, China has maintained invariable Yuan exchange rate despite the difficult economic conditions. When there were Asian financial crisis during 1990s, China earned plaudits for

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Select one of the childhood disorders (Anxiety disorder) studied in Essay

Select one of the youngsterhood disorders (Anxiety disorder) studied in the secont half(a) of this module and critically examine the implications for development - Essay ExampleAnxiety gives a sense of worry, panic, fear and wo to an individual if faced by it. moreover on the other hand worry is a sense of feeling faced by everyone at one time in his lifetime and so it is very important to distinguish between the normal levels of concern and the pathological levels of anxiety (Maddocks et al 1994). This can be distinguished clearly if one analyzes the levels of distress faced by children in their life and the effect of this distress on the normal behaviours of the child.Anxiety disorders can be of many types which need to be diagnosed the right way to know as to which type of disorder the child is facing with. Generalized Anxiety disease shows the symptoms of worry and uneasiness which occurs for a transient period only. The child usually faces the problems of muscle fatigue, lack of concentration, restlessness and tetchiness. Maternal Anxiety Disorder is caused because of stressful conditions faced by the mother while she is pregnant. These children show increased signs of anxiety at the age of 5 years and 6 months (Martin et al., 1999). This usually happens because of gene transmission from the stressed mother to the developing embryo. Moreover if the mother is stressed she would not be able to take proper c atomic number 18 of the child and this would lead to anxiety disorder in the child. Another type of Separation Anxiety Disorder occurs when a child is separated from an individual who is very close to him. This is the most common type of anxiety disorder which is seen in 50% of all anxiety treatments (Bell-Dolan 1995). This can be clearly witnessed in real life situations when a mother is first going to drop his soon to attend kindergarten but he is not willing to go. Phobias may also show a sign of anxiety disorder. It usually occurs in children who are faced with intense fear when they are faced with a certain situation or object. The fear

Monday, June 17, 2019

International Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

International Marketing Strategy - Essay ExampleHowever, the strategy will teddy to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) with the potential to eat into Nestles market share. The company will aggressively pursue the acquisition of SMEs within the coterminous 7 years (The National, 2013).The company will also implement a hybrid structure combining holacracy and hierarchy that facilitate good interpersonal relations, communication, and prompt promotions for the best performing employees (Revill, 2013).The entry strategy is based on excellent positioning and competitive pricing. Nestle intends to position itself as an internationally respected stain that guarantees quality products at affordable prices (Koltrowitz, 2013).Dairy products will be priced much lower than confectionaries because they have the largest markets. Baby food and nutritional products will be priced 3% lower than whatever rivals are offering (Y-Sing, 2014).Currently, the company forecasts a 6% growth in sale s revenue for the first year of operation. However, the intention is to attain a 13% steady growth in the next 5 years, followed by 15% within the next 10 years.In the first year of operation, Nestle will have a 13.5% market share. The objective is to increase market share to 27% in the next 3 years and accordingly 50% within 4 years (Nestle, 2014). This will be supported by aggressive marketing and competitive pricing.The company would like to go overt in Kuwait to raise enough money to fund its expansionist strategy (World Bakers, 2013). However, this proposal is still hampered by increasing risk levels in the Kuwaiti market. The company intends to manage this risk for the next 6 years before it goes public.Algethami, S. (2014, February 24) Nestle Middle East aims to triple sales by 2020, viewed December 2, 2014, from .InsiderMedia. (2014, November 19) disk year for overseas confectionery sales, viewed December 2, 2014, from

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Strategic growth plan for Simply Coffee Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Strategic suppuration plan for Simply Coffee - act ExampleThere are several components which factor into a strategic development plan, all which provide different alternatives for continuous growth and development of a business. Within this are several special alternatives that are associated with small businesses, specifically because the growth incorporates not only changes within the external environment, but are to a fault inclusive of ways in which the internal environment needs to change. Incorporating specific alterations can provide further development within an organization while promoting intelligent growth within a caller-out. 2.0 Strategic Growth Plan 2.1 Executive Summary The small business which will be evaluated for a strategic growth plan is Simply Coffee. The focus of this particular business is to provide hot chocolate machines to other businesses that are interested in extra compensation with the on the go concept. The machine is placed into a specific busines s with available coffee which the individuals can pay for while they are going through for other needs. The coffee machines are combined with special coffee beans that are provided regularly to clients for a specific taste, including beans of espresso, latte, cappuccino or regular black coffee. The company has provided a commitment to sustainable economics, specifically with a guarantee that rainforest wont be harmed and that the farmers that provide the coffee receive fair compensation. Each of these products are also inclusive of on site training to connect the machine and make sure that all of the components are ready for servicing so individuals can get their testify coffee while moving through a line or while on the go. Retailers are also provided with marting materials, including graphics, floor graphics, wobblers, interior and outdoor graphics and external banners (Simply Coffee, 2011). The main concept of Simply Coffee began several years ago because of the noticed trend of individuals who needed items faster. The main ideology was to effect a coffee machine which could provide a variety of coffees quickly and without waiting for the specialized mixes which are often included in coffee houses. The main ideal began with noticing that coffee and tea are one of the fastest growing sectors in the coffee industry and is inclusive of 22% of sales and growth apiece year and a profit of 120 million per year. The industry is combined with the ideology of on the go becoming even more popular, specifically which the bulk of the population is interested in because of the need to move quickly while getting the daily enjoyment of tea or coffee. The machine is designed to not only offer quick coffee but also adds into retail value without taking up retail space. It is through the noticed trends in the market and changes which are associated with this that has built the main look at of the business (Simply Coffee, 2011). 2.2 Vision and Mission The vision of the Simply Coffee will be based on growth for the coffee machines as well as popularity that will be provided to those who are interested in the coffee. The vision will include retailers implementing the machines in the stores with continuous demand for the coffee beans. The vision will also be inclusive of consumers recognizing the coffee as high quality, specifically in relation to coffee from home or from cafes. The mission will be based on growth of the demand of the coffee machines and finding the perfect cup for consumers while they are on the go. 2.3 sarcastic Success Factors The main concept which will need to be used with Simply Coffee is one which is based on changing the success of the company by altering the growth of the company. For the company to succeed, a stronger plan needs to be implemented with marketing. This will need to be based on recognizing the

Saturday, June 15, 2019

A Critical Analysis of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Essay

A Critical Analysis of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) - Essay pillow slipThere argon seven main parts that are covered at this leg. They include the social and emotional development. This allows the children to recognize who they are as sanitary as respecting other people in the society. At the same time, the children learn how to perform authoritative activities such as dressing. Communication and problem solving are other important areas of learning at this stage (Silberfeld 2009, p.67). The children begin developing the confidence needed when communicating. At the same time, they learn how to solve problem through and through games and listening and answering questions from stories. The curriculum also ensures that children understand the world they live in and development physically and creatively. They understand the world around them through affair of different materials and tools to create their surroundings. The EYFS is used as a platform that prepares children for what they will become in future (Beckley 2009, p.98). The knowledge and the kind of preparation at this stage dictate how the children will respond to learning in future. The environment in which the children are raised is imperative. It determines whether such children become intelligent or not. While certain settings foster intelligence, others do not (Carr 2005, p.65). it is imperative for teachers to know that children at this stage learn more from observation and what they hear. The children believe the information passed to them. They are not sufficient to criticise like their counterparts in late childhood (Callaway 2005, p.67). For that reason, accurate information is resilient at this state. This includes the information on chats, which the pupils are expected to read. It is difficult to loosen what the children have already recorded in their mind. The curriculum is the most important tool in ensuring that the children acquire the best learning while still in their e arly stages (Glazzard et al. 2010, p.98). However, one of the most striking feature is the fact that play becomes an integral part of learning (Edwards 2001, p.38). Children understand better, when concepts are addressed through play. It has been efficient in ensuring that children develop both physically, cognitively and socially (Glenda 2003, p.98). Through play for instance, most children are able to discover their potential. This is especially when such children are conglomerate in activities that involve role-play. It is therefore imperative that the curriculum involve all kinds of play to ensure that the children concentrate and get the best out of learning (Goffin 2011, p.78). The next discussion will focus on the role of curriculum in promoting learn as well as how play promotes learning. The environment where the children are candid is supposed to be skilful and free from any materials that would cause any harm. It is the responsibility of the school management to ensu re that the structures are well constructed and are safe to be used by the children (. The classroom for instance should have enough space where the children are allowed to play and interact. With the afoot(predicate) need for inclusion, I it is also vital that the designs of such classes make it possible for children with disabilities to learn. They ought to be made part of the class and benefit just like any other child. In addition to that, the current classes may have children from different cultural backgrounds. The teacher has a responsibility of ensuring that such students benefit from this kind of setting. To help understand the above themes, I visited a primary school in New Ham East London. It was a class that had the children at the age of between 3 and 4. The class had a gist of 25 pupils with one main teacher. The class has children from dif

Friday, June 14, 2019

Peer to Peer Push Technology for Content Delivery Systems Annotated Bibliography

Peer to Peer Push Technology for Content Delivery Systems - Annotated Bibliography ExampleThe leading guard of Ken is System Analysis and Design.The book explores avant-garde research which is being conducted on emerging information technologies. This book explains the application and relevance to the consultants, managers and to the decision makers. The trustworthy purpose of the book is to enable the readers to build bridges from technological coming out to the technological uplifting. The in depth analyses in the book include information Warehousing, Artificial Intelligence , Information Delivery Systems and Group Support System.From the last decade the research of Dr.Kendall is focused on e-commerce and particularly his sphere of attention is push and pulls technologies. His very famous article Information Delivery System An Exploration of Web Push and Pull Technologies was published in Communication of AIS.This book was encouraging for me to understand the Push Technology a nd was informative for me to know that Push is a realizable technology within the known HTTP protocols, which are quite very intumesce established in the Internet arena todayRanjit Kumar is affiliated with the University of Western Australia. ... Particularly detail on in depth interviewing has been expanded which allows students to analyze varied methods of data collection and the book provides separate sections for the analysis of qualitative and quantitative research. 11 new figures one new table are added in the chapter on Research Methodology and Practice Evaluation to enable the students for enhanced analysis and visual learning. It also focuses on developing research skills by giving much(prenominal) examples which are practical example from both qualitative and quantitative research for a balanced and comprehensive grounding in research methodology. The book was subservient for me to understand research methodology and to use different examples for my qualitative and qua ntitative research.The New Results1-Appropriate metrics were identified during the course of the research work and the same has been listed earlier. During the travel along the respondents defy also indicated that the KPIs used for measuring the performance is appropriate and has resulted in the overall gain.2-A corporate body was selected and the infrastructure characterization and the workload characterization have been studied. This has resulted in identifying the nature of gains that the company has had due to the implementation of the system. A survey was conducted and the required objective was met. The results of the survey were in line with the research outcome, which indicated overall contentment of push technology in select applications. Particularly, customer management and in content delivery systems the end users recommended usage of these systems.3-The Push technology does have advantages for the labor and they can gainfully employ them. Though they are immediately usable in specific areas of work, they should also be

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Investment on BHP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Investment on BHP - Essay ExampleThis tells us about the gilds efficiency in using afoot(predicate) assets as the ones that generate income. The stable cash flow from the years also tells us that the current liabilities are in control, which is within the limits of the companys assets and cash flows. The operational income of the company in the year 2005 is US$8.5billion. This gives reliable hire per percentage. Due to the largest market capitalisation of the company one can recommend that not only investing he can hold the shares or debentures of the company for long time as the market capitalisation was being increased constantly from the past years. It is listed on LSE, Australian stock exchange, Johannesburg stock exchange and American Depository receipts listings and New York stock exchange. The Customer sector groups, to which the company gives more importance than its operations melt off on Aluminium, Base Metals, Carbon Steel Materials, Energy Coal, Stainless Steel Mate rials, Petroleum, Diamonds and Specialty Products,At first let us examine the return/ venture characteristics of the investment in the company, which is a indicator of past performance. The returns for the company are at a high stake as the company generated turnover of US$31.8 billion, earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) of US$9.3 billion, and last(a) income was at US$6.5. The available cash flow after Accounts Payable was US$8.7. This implies that the net income of the company was almost 20% of the turnover which is a sound fundamental for any corporate entity. As the net income decides the future expansion, earning per share, available cash for the culmination financial year, capacity to invest in new projects and R&D it is considered as a fundamental which assures return on the investment. The cash flow was good above the net income. This implies that the cash flow was in proportion to the assets of the company which tells us that the share price increase in the market ca n be justified. The fluctuation of the prices of the companys shares were around 30% of the maximum price. The maximum price was 19$ and minimum price was around 12$ in 2005. This fluctuation and the maximum price, the share enjoys in the market can be justified due to the substantial percentage of net income and recorded growth of 29.5 percent in operational income of the company in 2005. The increase of operational income and net income of over 20% of the turnover implies good return for the investment and security for the money invested. The operational income, net profit, and earnings per share were growing continuously in the past years. The turnover in 2004 and 2005 is US$ 29649 million and 22887 million. The turnover was increased by almost 33 percent but the costs increased only from 17084 to 20697 which indicates good management of operational activities which control cost factor and thereby plays a key role in increasing the net income. The earnings per share had increased by more than 80 percent in 2005 when compared to 2004 earnings. The total current assets stand at dumbfounding US$7822 million which is more than the net income of the company. It is considered as a sound fundamental as the current liabilities of the company were lesser amounting to US$7659 million. The total non current assets stand at US$34288million and total non current liabilities atUS$16087million. This tells us that the domination

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Introduction to Legal Theory - What is freedom Does law necessarily Essay

Introduction to Legal Theory - What is independence Does law inescapably restrict freedom - Essay ExampleThis paper examines whether Thomas Hobbes philosophy of freedom is well taken cargon of under current laws.Hobbes posited that human beings are free when their actions are not under the limitation from any early(a) party. In a liberal world, for example, Hobbes would argue that ones enjoyment of freedom does not encompass the right to subject another person to slavery1. In addition, freedom falls short of the legal right to hit people where in that respect is no need for self-defence. Essentially, a free singular has the wide latitude under the law to engage in whatever he or she so wishes entrustd that those activities do not offensively hurt or force other individuals against their own freedoms. Freedom apparently cannot encompass the legitimate right to infringe other peoples liberty because that would not only be unfair but illogical2.As Hobbes has indicated, freedom doe s encompass the legal right to defend oneself from offenders who try to harm or thrust their own will upon the liberal person. In some way, freedom might be real in political lenses, but socially unfavourable, for an individual to enjoy legal protection to inflict aggressive harm on other people if nobody enjoyed the freedom to not be harmed in such manner. It is the ensuing complications as to the enjoyment of freedoms that the law sets in to guarantee the maximum level of liberties which an individual should enjoy in an environment where coexistence is imperative3. In light of this, as Hobbes has said, laws do not necessarily limit freedoms rather, they enforce a sense of self-control among the citizenry in order to ensure that every person enjoys the maximum freedom possible without behaving in a manner that would be detrimental to others4.In the United Kingdom, The Human Rights Act (HRA) 1998 is the main body of law which seeks to provide maximum freedoms to the UK citizens. T he statute also seeks to safeguard the legal interests of all stakeholders in the society. The HRA envisages

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 26

Analysis - Essay ExampleAs a result, the author asks why discrepancy prevails between reality and immigrants jolt on the economy.According to Campo-Flores, Americans argue that immigrants are bad since they create an influx in the workplace. Moreover, the undocumented immigrants strain public services in places such as hospitals, jails, and schools (2010). Though the overall influence of undocumented immigrants is positive, the benefits and costs are disbursed in an uneven manner. For instance, businesses and employers, particularly in agribusinesses benefit the most from immigrants low-cost labor, making different sectors to complain about the impact of immigrants in the country. In addition, though consumers acquire goods and services at grocery stores cheaply, most of them fail to understand that immigrants make the sterling(prenominal) contribution.The author makes these points because the negative perceptions towards illegal immigrants are concentrated among the low-skilled n atives. They suffer from foreign labor competition, leading to reduced wages, particularly among American high-school dropouts. In this case, the best focal point to address this issue is not to eliminate immigrants, but to encourage Americans, particularly those who feel threatened by foreigners to boost their and skills in the labor

Monday, June 10, 2019

Operational Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Operational Scenario - Essay ExampleIn a focus on justice amount, rules atomic number 18 obligate and enforced fairly and impartially so that there is equal distribution of costs and benefits among individuals, also protects the interests of the less fibrous and underrepresented individuals (Livingstone 2009). Thus, the best ethical decision criteria that nookie be used in addressing the enigmas within the prison would be a focus on justice criterion. This is because using justice criterion protects the interests of the less powerful and the underrepresented individual. Justice criterion is best in protecting the inmates from the prison staff. The first root view shows that the prison staff uses punitive approach toward the inmate population. This shows that the inmates are been abused by the staff, which could be the reason why there has been a lot gang-related violence in the prisons. It is also clear that racial identity is the biggest problem among the prison staff. Henc e, use of the focusing on justice criterion would ensure there is equal distribution of duties and responsibilities among the staff without regards to race. However, focusing on justice criterion can affect productivity and innovation because it encourages a sense of entitlement that reduces the ability of an individual to take risks. 2. Within a prison, performance and social arrangement norms are likely to be norms that reinforce consistency among staff. How is this likely to affect overall job satisfaction? What effect will it have on employees who are non conforming in personality? In every organization e.g. a prison, it is crucial to have group norms in order to ensure productivity and teaching of the organization. As stated by Chevalier (2007), norms are acceptable or unacceptable standards of behavior that are shared by all members in a group. They are mainly created in order to facilitate group survival, avoid embarrassing situations, make behavior of individuals more pred ictable, and to express the values of the group. The performance norms look on how group members should be engaged in their work i.e. how quickly they should work and produce (Livingstone 2009). Their main purpose is to govern levels of individual effort. The social arrangement norms are created in order to influence the informal social interactions within a group such as meeting after work social groups or lunch social groups. Thus, these norms are likely to sanction overall job satisfaction and productivity within a prison. According to Daft and Marcic (2008), performance norms promote cohesiveness which is essential for productivity of the group. The cohesiveness and productivity of a group depends on the performance norms. For instance, if the performance norms are high, a group will be more cohesive and productive, but if the performance norms are low, productivity will also be low. As stated by Robbins and Judge (2010), individuals who conform to group norms experience more positive emotions due to conformity hence result to positive work attitude and job satisfaction. Moreover, the social arrangement norms enhance twenty-four hours to day interaction of the prison staff, the supervisors and the inmates thus, promoting job satisfaction. What effect will it have on employees who are not conforming in personality? The personality of an employee determines how they behave, imagine and feel about their job satisfaction or jobs. The attitudes of

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Enviromental Issues of Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Enviromental Issues of Global Warming - Essay ExampleNitrous gas, ozone and water vapor. This is called the greenhouse effect where the short wavelength radiations are allowed to pass through the gases plainly the long wavelength radiations reflected by the earths surface are blocked from penetrating by these gases and are reflected back to the earth. This raises the over the surface temperature above the medium and this has had major affects on different aspects in the world. Effects of global warming on Plant life global warming and climatic change drop become the major cause of the change in the functioning and the statistical distribution of plant life. This change has led to the problem of speciation and quenching of plants. The plants thrive under authentic conditions which when altered my reverse or terminate the process while their physiological functioning like that of their life cycles is defined. The way the plants synthesize is affected in that at that place is incr eased water intake efficiency, increased growth of these plants and also increased capacity to photosynthesize the result of this is the thickening of the plant community structure and functioning. North Gerald R J Schmandt Jclarkson eds. (1995) ni their book, the impacts of global warming, highlighted that, depending on the environment, there are different responses which may result to competition among different species of plants. In addition to this, there may result to a change in the herbivore nutrition collectable to the variation in the Carbon Nitrogen ratio. The rise in the climate has increase the grade of pests and disease multiplication. The organisms have shifted their range forward to higher elevations. The butterflies, dragons, beetles and moths are now living at higher latitudes and altitudes where survival was previously not possible due to the cold that infested these regions. More so, they arrive earlier in the spring season and take longer than usual to depart. These insects have terrorized the plants found in the world as heir multiplication and survival has been favored. The changes in the climatic conditions for example the temperature shifting may cause the phenology of the plants to change like the flowering of the plants. J.T Houghton.L.G.MJ FilhoD.J GriggsK. Maskell. (1997) observed that the flowering one-year plants have been seen to flower earlier than the perennials while the insect pollinated plants flowering before those which are pollinated by wind and this will have an ecological effect. The change in the climatic conditions has had a tendency of altering the species composition in certain regions. While other place species fail to thrive under these changed conditions, other s may find it favorable and start developing in these regions. The result is an inevitable relative abundance in the composition of species. On animals The animals have suffered an uncomely effect due to global warming. Most of these effects are like those of the plants but the animals may face a worse deal as the extinction of some plants may also cause the animals to cease in existence. The major effects of this problem is that the climatic change may change the composition and distribution of the animal species, a variety of stresses including the destruction of food sources like for polar bears and the polar ice melting plus the destruction of the glaciers may result to the angle which is its food to lack, thus leading to the polar bear extinction. The other result of stress is that the animals may be forced to migrate to other regions. This may

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Staffing and Recruitment of the United States Military Term Paper

Staffing and Recruitment of the unify States Military - Term Paper ExampleDetermining staffing necessitate and recruiting the ruff employees to fill these needs is the prime(prenominal) step in effective HRM. If the first step is appropriately performed i.e. getting the best employees, the remaining functions argon facilitated because of it. Every field has different staffing requirements as per the nature of the job. Recruitment in the military is non just a jobs program. Its a very serious business which includes the security and national interests of whatever nation. In this overlay, we discuss the staffing and recruitment requirements in military with particular emphasis on the US Militarys recruiting in light of human vision management. ______________________________________________ Introduction Human choice management has gained a lot of importance in the past few years. The concept of managing your companys most rich assets i.e. the people to get maximum results has gained a great deal of momentum and has become one of the integral functions of any organization (Schuler & MacMillan, 1984). An effective human resource system has various functions. Staffing and recruiting is first and very important function of effective HRM. This includes understanding the appropriate hiring needs of a particular organization and sector and appointing the best personnel according to these needs. Research shows that organizations which use sophisticated recruitment and selection strategies have positive effect on labor productivity (Koch & McGrath, 1996). Along with the respective(prenominal) education, various other criteria are present for each different job. The more difficult the nature of the job, the more complicated its recruiting requirements Military is one these fields, and therefore it is not a simple business with simple job descriptions. It involves the defense of a country and a lot of care is required in military recruitment. taking the U.S. Milit ary as an example, let us discuss in detail about military staffing and recruitment. Overview of United States Military The military organizational structure of the United States Military, first known as the War Department, and later restructured as the Department of Defense, is headed by a civilian, The Secretary of Defense. Under this, there are three military departments, namely The Department of the Army The Department of the Air Force The Department of the Navy These three departments are also headed by civilians. The repository of defense and the three department heads, all are appointed by the President of the United States. The military has five branches, The Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. The first three are commanded by four star generals who report to their secretaries respectively. The Marine Corps also commanded by a four star general report to the Secretary of Navy as well. Now for the Coast Guard these did not fall under the Department of Defen se until recently, but now it is considered as a military service. This is because during periods of conflict, the President can transfer any or all assets of the Coast Guard to the Department of Navy. This is also commanded b

Friday, June 7, 2019

University of California Application Essay Essay Example for Free

University of California Application Essay EssayAs a person, I believe that every trait and characteristic that I posses is an essential component that defines who I am. If some aspect of it is changed, then it could most likely be describing an some other person other than me. Everything that happened to me, every experience that has deign and passed definitely molded me to the person I am now. I am eager to sh ar every detail of my experiences, both ups and downs, so that people allow for be able to know me more. I grew up having a strong sense of responsibility with me. Even as a child, I know what I should do and where I should position myself so that I will be able to achieve my goals and aspirations. I was and still am very eager to learn, thats why wholly my life, I was in pursuit of knowledge. My eagerness to learn is one trait that Im regal of. It has occurd me all throughout my academic life, even now, as my pursuit of knowledge goes on. Life itself is a learning p rocess.For children to run, they must first learn to withstand up and walk, for adults to go into a relationship, they must first learn to love and appreciate. For me, the best way to learn is to live life to the fullest. Lifes lessons come in various ways, and one of this is through the challenges that we encounter every day. These challenges are there to educate us, thus raising our awareness of our strong points and weak points. For me, as I know more about these points, specifically my assets and liabilities, I am able to determine which areas in my life needs my attention more.I could gain strengthen my weaknesses and use it to my advantage, while keeping up with my strengths so that they wont backfire and be my weaknesses. For me, this would further improve the life that I live. other trait that I prise is optimism. I am a person who looks at things positively, at an angle which is forever and a day on my advantage. In everything that happens to me, I always try to look o n the bright side. It comes with my belief that everything happens for a reason, and everything that happens to me makes me a better person.I can attest to the saying what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. These challenges, problems and difficulties are there to help us in shaping the best future for us. I am a very competitive person. This is what opened me to my interest in sports. I have a strong love for sports, because the values that a person may develop in it are closely related to my beliefs and ideals. I enjoy a healthy competition, and it can help drive a person to aim for excellence. In this field, I was able to develop sportsmanship, perseverance, and self-control.These traits are all important not only in sports but are a necessity when we engage in the real world. These games are not there to conk out us or to just to strengthen us physically it is also there to help us build our character. I was able to discover the intragroup leader in me because of my love for s ports. It is a team game, and I learned to follow the team because of sports. Ive had my share of ups and downs with different sports, like basketball, golf, and soccer.I value every lesson Ive learned from these events, and I wouldnt trade my experiences for anything else. Learning has always been a big part of my life. It is what brought me to what I am now, and will guide me to what I will be in the future. I believe that life is one big learning process, and that everything we learn makes us a better person. So if I would be given another chance to learn more in a new learning environment like the University of California, I will surely make the most out of it. I am very sure of that.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Ramayana and Diwali Essay Example for Free

Ramayana and Diwali EssayFestivals are the lifeblood of all nations. They add charm and thrill to our humdrum life. India being a melting-pot of religious race an d cultures, it has a plethora of fiestas and feasts. Among these, Diwali perhaps is the most pan-Indian festival celebrated with great pomp and mirth throughout the length and comprehensiveness of the country, largely in Northern and Central India. Diwali, better known as Deepawali among the Indian masses, is a festival of lights. There are many reasons why Diwali is celebrated. Its not just the festive mood in the air that makes us happy, or just that its a great time to enjoy so sensationr the advent of winter. The Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi incarnated on the new moon day of the Kartik month, hence Diwali is associated with Lakshmi. It is also believed that Diwali is connected with the triumph of Lord Krishna over the demon king Narakasur However, the most public belief is that the festival marks the victory of L ord Ram over Ravana.On this day, it is believed that Rama came back to Ayodhya after his victory over the evil king of Lanka, Ravana who had interpreted away his wife Sita. People greatly rejoiced the return of their beloved prince. They lighted up whole Ayodhya with earthen lamps, decorated their houses and welcomed them with pomp and ceremony. The present day jubilance of Diwali is held in remembrance of this event. Diwali is generally celebrated in late October or early November, soon after the rainy season is over. A lot of forwardness goes in before the actual festival. Houses are cleansed, white washed and painted. Every nook and corner of the house is swept clean. Thereafter, in the evening earthen lamps and nonfunctional lights are put in and around the house giving an atmosphere of joy and happiness.As the night approaches, children and people light up the sky with their firecrackers. The streets and markets have on a dazzling look. Illumination of both hue and color l ight up shops and buildings. Thus, there is gaiety, cheerfulness, merrymaking and fun everywhere. There is joy on every face. On this day every one puts on their best dress which has been purchased well in advance. Special meals and sweets are prepared. People exchange greetings and share sweets and meals as a mark of friendship and brotherhood. The festival of Diwali teaches us many values of life. More than anything else this festival symbolizes the ultimate victory of good over evil.It teaches us that one day or other the evil existing in this world would be subdued by goodness and righteousness. Ramas obedience to parents, Sitas faithfulness,Lakshmans unflinching love for his brother, etc. teach us many noble lessons of life. The festival is a national festival celebrated by everyone irrespective of caste, reliance and race. It therefore, promotes unity, common brotherhood, and communal harmony. Hence, in a world like ours, broken by narrow domestic walls of religious fanaticis m and social disharmony, a festival like Diwali can bring people together, heal wounds, and can help in fostering national integration. Diwali is thus, my favorite festival.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Technology Means The Study Of Something Sociology Essay

Technology Means The Study Of Something Sociology EssayThe sound out engineering science is the Greek word and its means the study of something, or the branch of k todaylight-emitting diodege of a discipline. Technology is the knowledge somewhat tools, systems and many more. Technology changes the brio style of the populace and we ar now considered as technical world. Technology is now in big demand and its reaches on the peak height hardly still tribe wants brand- youthful(a) and new applied science.The great saints said incessantlyything has its two sides similarly technology has merits and demerits. Technology provides the volume now life to think wide and able to prove that things.Technology decreases the decease rate and able to do that surgeries which earlier not possible. flat we heard that now the 3d televisions be about to come. We is going on it does not matter whether we are sleeping or not. Technology makes the life fast and the work which we do the work w ith much meter earlier and its is through in minutes. An ever transport makes the whole world close to each and take slight time to travel. Education, social life, every electric things show the advancement in the technology.Now Talked about the demerits of technology, it makes the life elevator car porn and makes us more lazy. We are going away from the nature and the respect towards the nature is declining.We are now whole thinking for ourselves, the love towards humanity is vanished earlier we see that.So in the conclusion we can say that technology makes our life easy and technical but it forms a raceway which ends on destruction. Everything that provides us lots of things same(p) comfort, easy and many other it must be in limit. Limited things always create wonders.Jaspreet SinghTechnology, customary term for the processes by which human beings fashion tools and machines to increase their control and understanding of the material milieu. Many historians of science arg ue not l sensation(prenominal) that technology is an natural condition of advanced, industrial civilization but in like manner that the rate of technological change has developed its own momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now await to appear at a rate that increases geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems.The papistic Empire that engulfed and succeeded that of the Greeks was somewhat similar in this respect. The Romans, however, were great technologists in the sense of organizing and building they established an urban civilization that enjoyed the first long peaceful achievement in human history. The great change in design that occurred in the Roman period came as a shift from building tombs, temples, and fortifications to the construction of enormous systems of public works. Using water-resistant cement and the principle of the arch.Roman engineers were also responsible for introducing the water mill and for the subsequent design of undershot and all overshot water wheels, which were use to grind grain, saw wood, and cut marble. In the legions sphere, the Romans advanced technology by improving weapons.As agri heathen productivity increased and medical science developed, Western alliance came to hasten a slopped belief in the desirability of technological change despite its less pleasant aspects. Pride and a large measure of awe progenyed from such(prenominal) engineering achievements as the laying of the first Atlantic telegraph cable, the building of the Suez and Panama canals, and the construction of the Eiffel Tower, the Brooklyn Bridge. The telegraph and railroads connected nearly of the study cities with wiz another. In the latish 19th century, the American inventor Thomas Edisons light bulb began to re set candles and lamps, and within 30 years every industrial nation was generating electric advocator for lighting and other systems.World struggle I and the Great Depression forced a sobering r eassessment of this rapid technological explosion. The development of submarines, machine guns, battleships, and chemical substance warfare made increasingly clear the destructive side of technological change. In addition, worldwide mass unemployment and the disasters met by capitalistic institutions. Then, with World fight II, came the development of the weapon that has since become a general threat to life on earth the atomic bomb. Another technological outgrowth of World War II-the development of computers and transistors and the accompanying trend toward miniaturization. Innovations in transportation during the middle Ages revolutionized the stagger of technologies and ideas across wide areas. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural systems, frequently with unlooked-for social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive process.Md. Atiqur RahmanNowadays, our lives are completely directed and influenced by technology whi ch has changed wads lifestyles. We can see it everyday in the streets where its close to impossible to find someone without using technology. The truth is that we necessity technology for everything because we are used to living with the advantages that technology ranciders and for example, its not easy to go through a day without television, computer, vehicle etc. With new discoveries of Technology, tricky t look ats are made unsubdivided and easy to perform.Technology is a huge contributor to the well being of human kind. Just try to imagine how catchy it would be to make it through the day without the simplest of technologies. We have gotten so used to the luxuries that technology provides that many wouldnt know how to adapt to the traditional and simpler methods. Technology has surely prove itself to be very beneficial. Technology took a huge part in changing society from the simple household to warfare. Lets imagine, if one day the index finger goes off the whole city will be stopped because they are totally paralyzed without using machines and computers which are parts of technology. For our daily life we are so used to technology that if at that place is no heating system or air conditioning systems either we are going to freeze to expiration or die in hot. Also now we are so depended on technology that without technology students will stay illiterate for ever because without computers, fax machines or printing machines our school and colleges are manage human without any body parts. Technology has definitely changed the lifestyle and general purpose of many humans.Technology has a lots of goods sides but also its have lots of bad side. So I found technology basically harmful and also its make people life lazier. Technology can change our sense of common purpose. For millions of years, mankind has been using to do everything for themselves. For a long time peoples main concern were survival. To brave means to go out into the woods or fore sts and shoot animals for the food which the family needed to eat for the day. People of sophisticated society never think about hunting for food or clothes. The new standard for survival means making money to go to a mall or supermarket and getting everything a family needs. A family can get food and clothing at these places without ever going into a forest or a lake. This thought is in time so frighteningThe technology- resistance movement begins by pointing out that we are cobbling in concert virtual communities while our real cities crumble, at least partly because our sense of common purpose has frayed. Today, and about 5 percent of American households are on-line, but what happens, the critics wonder, when half the country is wired? Will we escape the unpleasant complications of the world outside our locked doors by opting for communities in cyberspace, where we can enjoy the company of people who contend our interests and our views? Where the streets never need to be cle aned and you d ont have to keep an centre on your neighbours house? What happens if the sirens outside become too distracting? Will we evidently buy insu newd drapes? Humans are getting lazy. Almost everything must be done for them in advance. However, sometimes this change in lifestyle is forced upon humans.At last,I think that this big progress has made our life better and more carious and at rest but the world isnt better. In the environment there is a lot of pollutions, the crime rate is gone high and the only one thing what people care about is money People are not eager to do their work by using their energy therefore now a days people are suffering of many diseases. One of the main issue that i consider is a cause of technology is teenagers are getting spoiled because of computers. So as we can see technology is harmful to our health, teenagers, environment and in a word its harmful to this generation. So beside of seeing only the positive sides of technology we should als o think of the negative sides and try to think of a better life without using technology.DETERMINISM VS HUMANISMEfficiency and HumanismTogether, position the terms, efficiency and secular humanism, in your own words, and explain how they oppose each other in a paragraph.Efficiency, ratio of the amount of power produced by a machine to the amount of power put into it.But, in philosophy, is skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort.Humanism, in philosophy, attitude that emphasizes the dignity and worth of the individual. A basic premise of humanism is that people are rational beings who possess within themselves the capacity for truth and goodness. The term humanism is most often used to describe a literary and cultural movement that spread through western Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries.TechniqueTechnique is the skill or command used to accomplish a specific activity or task. In simple words we can say that special ability to do the task in many ways or in efficient way .Technique is the unstoppable force because technology giving the path to the technique and technology is directly proportional to technique. If the technique increased the technology automatically inflates .We can see the inflation of technique from the early ages they used the technique to solve the different purposes and different works. process now we see the increase in the technique and with high percentage. In today modern world if someone improving his skill and ability they winning the support of technology because without technology they cannot be finalized there technique. So in last we can say that to make life easier and to do the work new and new inventions takes place.Pre-industrial SocietyPre-industrial was a period of gradual change in the way people lived and worked as well as a time when persistence of traditional values and beliefs persisted. Many new technologies were been developed and put into practice due to new demands. This began to revolutionize traditio nal forms of industry, transport and government. Different classes in society were given a fresh incentive to find new ways of practice which resulted in the birth of capitalism demanding innovation. However much of this change was simply an unconstrained continuance much like a chain reaction, one thing leading to another, therefore not completely replacing established society. The shakeup of pre-industrial Britain was brought about by the combination of many different social, economical, climatical and technological facets. these were the fast evolution of industry and machinery, the advancement of transport, universe growth and also significantly the fortunes of agriculture, which in essence acted as a catalyst to the changed.Industrial SocietyIt is defined as the society which refers to have a modern structure. Its basically called the modern society. Every coin has its two sides that are why the industrial society has merits and demerits. First talk about the merits industrial society lends a Vitol role in converting the life of the humans into more technological way. It usually means more jobs, wages going up more need to have better education. It brings to most a higher standard of living. It makes the life of the people more easy and comfortable. The heavy work or jobs which are earlier did by hands now all the stuff is occupied by the machines. A machine makes the work easier and it takes less time to that work. Businesses become quite easier from early days. All the work and deals are done by sitting in one place through internets, phones, laptops etc.The demerits of the industrial society are through industrialization the poor and the people who are below the poverty line are suffered a lot. Many individuals benefited from the new technological advances, job opportunities, and products. With those wages they could provide for themselves enough to adequately tinct their needs for survival. The poor were able to enter the workforce and receive wage s. Industrialization helped to reduce poverty which eased the stress on governments. Living conditions for the poor became a pressing matter. Also it puts the really bad effect on environment due to use of much machinery and the excessive use of fossil fuels creates lots of problems like pollution and global warming. In conclusion, it is evident that industrialization had both its ups and downs in society.Technological SocietyMany technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment. Various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new honourable questions. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the challenge of traditional norms. late technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have less ened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs to nuclear weapons.Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies (including todays global providence) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, to the detriment of the Earth and its environment. Various implementations of technology influence the values of a society and new technology often raises new ethical questions. Examples include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the challenge of traditional norms. major PROBLEMS AND THEIR RELATION TO PAST TECHNOLOGIESOverpopulationTogether, show that you know how technology freed us from some things on one hand but created new problems on the other.Overpopulation, growth of population to such a size that space, food, water, or other resources available to support it are insufficient. The rapid and dramatic rise in world population that has occurred over the last few hundred years. The worlds population increased from 1.65 billion in 1900 to 3.02 billion in 1960. The united Nations estimated that the population reached 6 billion in late 1999. Thus, the size of the population nearly quadrupled in the span of 100 years, a historically unprecedented rate of increase.Most of this growth is now taking place in the worlds developing countries, where rates of natural increase are much higher than they are in industrialized countries. Concern that this might lead to overpopulation has led some countries to adopt population control policies.PollutionTogether, show that you know how technology freed us from some things on one hand but created new problems on the other.Pollution,contaminationofESarths environment with materials that interfere with human health, the quality of life, or the natural functioning of ecosystems (living organisms and their physical surroundings). Although some environmental pollution is a result of natural causes such as volcanic eruptions, most is caused by human activities. Pollutionexistsinmany forms and affects many different aspects of Earths environment. Point-source pollution comes from specific, localized, and identifiable sources, such as sewage pipelines or industrial smokestacks. Nonpoint-source pollution comes from dispersed or uncontained sources, such as contaminated water runoff from urban areas or locomote emissions.Theeffectsofthesepollutants may be immediate or delayed. Primary effects of pollution occur immediately after contamination occurs, such as the death of marine plants and wildlife after an oil spill at sea. Secondary effects may be delayed or may persist in the environment into the future, perhaps going unnoticed for many years. DDT, a nondegradable compound, seldom poisons birds immediately, but gradually accumulates in their bodies. Birds with high concentrations of this pesticide lay thin-shelled eggs that fail to hatch or produce deformed offspring. These secondary effects, publicized by Rachel Carson in her 1962 book, Silent Spring, threatened the survival of species such as the bald eagle and peregrine falcon, and fire public concern over the hidden effects of nondegradable chemical compounds.Ashumansdevelopednew technologies, the magnitude and severity of pollution increased. Many historians think over that the extensive use of lead plumbing for drinking water in Rome caused chronic lead poisoning in those who could afford such plumbing. The dig and smelting of ores that accompanied the transition from the S ghost Age to the Metal Age resulted in piles of minin g wastes that spread potentially venomous elements such as mercury, copper, lead, and plate throughout the environment.Evidenceofpollution during the early Industrial Revolution is widespread. Samples of hair from historical figures such as Newton and Napoleon show the presence of toxic elements such as antimony and mercury. By the 1800s, certain trades were associated with characteristic occupational diseases Chimney sweeps contracted cancer of the scrotum (the external sac of skin enclosing the testes, or reproductive glands) from hydrocarbons in chimney soot hatters became disoriented, or mad, from nerve-destroying mercury salts used to treat felt fabric and boot barrens suffered liver damage from boot polish solvents.Bythe21stcentury,pollution had evolved from a mainly localized problem to one of global consequences in which pollutants not only persisted in the environment, but changed atmospheric and climatic conditions. The Minamata Bay disaster was the first major indicatio n that humans would need to pay more attention to their waste products and waste disposal practices, in particular, dubious waste disposal. In the years that followed, many more instances of neglect or carelessness resulted in dangerous levels of contamination. In 1976 an explosion at a chemical factory in Seveso, Italy, released clouds of toxic dioxin into the area, exposing hundreds of residents and killing thousands of animals that ate exposed food. In 1978 it was discovered that the Love Canal housing development in New York severalize was built on a former chemical waste dump. The development was declared uninhabitable. The worlds worst industrial accident occurred in Bhopal, India, in 1984. A bad gas leaked from an American chemical plant, killing more than 3,800 people and injuring more than 200,000.The1986Chernobylnuclear reactor accident demonstrated the dangerous contamination effects of large, uncontained disasters. In an unprecedented action, pollution was used as a m ilitary tactic in 1991 during the conflict in the Persian Gulf. The Iraqi military intentionally released as much as 1 billion liters (336 million gallons) of crude oil into the Persian Gulf and set fire to more than 700 oil wells, sending thick, black smoke into the atmosphere over the Middle East.Global WarmingTogether, show that you know how technology freed us from some things on one hand but created new problems on the other.Global Warming or Climate Change,measurableincreases in theaverage temperature of Earths atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses. Scientists believe Earth is currently facing a period of rapid warming brought on by rising levels of heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere.Greenhousegasesretain the radiant energy (heat) provided to Earth by the Sun in a process known as the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases occur naturally, and without them the planet would be too cold to sustain life as we know it. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1700s, however, human activities have added more and more of these gases into the atmosphere. For example, levels of carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, have risen by 35 percent since 1750, largely from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. With more greenhouse gases in the mix, the atmosphere acts like a thickening blanket and traps more heat.Economic CollapseIf we talked about the todays problem the most ongoing problem is the economy collapse. Normal people feels less percent problem from pollution, global warming.Its effects but not as much as due to the collapse of the economy because it effects every iodin person in the world directly or indirectly.WAR is the major victim behind the economy collapse because lots and lots of money spend during war time. Same thing is happens with America. Other reasons behind economy collapse are united States have the biggest economy in the world. Due to war reasons and the major industr ies shifted to Asia we saw there is a great fall in economy. The whole world is affected and it swallows every single person to its effect. Great decline in employment and goods. The people doing lower jobs who are much meliorate. The major effect we see in United Kingdom because of migration of economy and worldwide economy collapse. enter TECHNOLOGIES AND THE MODERN CORPORATIONTogether, discuss how the humanist policies and benefits of the modern corporation are the result of technology changing the workplace.Md. Atiqur RahmanTechnological Changes of the Past and Present The technology which surrounds almost everyone in the modern society, affects both work and leisure activities. Technology contains information that many would rather it did not have. It influences minds in good and bad ways, and it allows people to share information which they would otherwise not be able to attain. Even if a person does not own a computer or have course credit cards, there is information on a c omputer somewhere about everyone. The technology which is just now beginning to be manipulated and harnessed is affecting the minds of elflike children and adolescents in ways that could be harmful. It is affecting our immediate future. It also gives another form of communication and exchange of information which was not available before, information that is both good and bad. Technology is one of the principal driving forces of the future it is transforming our lives and shaping our future at rates unprecedented in history, with profound implications which we cant even begin to see or understand. Many different elements affect how satisfied we are with our lives. The impact of technology on these elements can change how safe, healthy and skilful people feel.Simranjit singh gillAccording to me the economy defines as the system of the country controlled and managed by the indivisible or by the government or by together in the areas like labour, capital, development.Earlier years th ere was only one system called physical system where the country is controlled by a person called king. Because he had the power so he controlled the workers according to his work. There was no time limitation, on minimum wage fixed, no safety of the workers. People were less educated and they did not about the work and laws. They did their work like a machines and hear the instructions behindly and did what they gave or what they want.But due to advancement in the in the technology and in the education system people become much advised from past period. They formed the legislation (certain rules and regulations )called workplace legislation. People are much aware about their rights and duties. All this factors led to changed the physical economy into the knowledge economy.There are different types of economies but i am going to explain only two economies 1. Mixed economy 2. Command economyMIXED economy means in which government and the private people controls and managed the econo my system. Example Canada , United states, Australia.COMMAND economy means in which all the system of economy controlled and managed by the government. Earlier this system is in these countries China, India and other but due to the time they realised that if we bring the mixed economy it will be more helpful in development so they changed there economy.Jaspreet Singh AhluwaliaWe have seen that until now there have been always an end of a generation. If we Compare this to physical economy it has to end one day because the system never has an end with the life. It have to changed one day. Physical economy means there are no limits of work, they can be as the wages paid or the time worked. This is the physical economy people suffered with in olden time. Now days this is not so, we have mixed economy, legislation, command economy and capitalism.ETHICS OR TECHNOLOGICAL DETERMINISM IN political coitusEthics and ProfessionalismTogether, discuss ethics and professionalism, showing you know how both are commonly understood, such as the six stages of ethics and the two levels of professionalism.Ethics,asabranchof philosophy, is considered a normative science, because it is concerned with norms of human conduct, as distinguished from the formal sciences, such as mathematics and logic, and the empirical sciences, such as chemistry and physics. The empirical social sciences, however, including psychology, impinge to some extent on the concerns of ethics in that they study social behavior. For example, the social sciences frequently attempt to determine the relation of particular ethical principles to social behavior and to investigate the cultural conditions that contribute to the formation of such principles.Economic Imperialism and GlobalizationTogether, show how technology allows economic imperialism, globalization and propaganda.Globalization,comprehensivetermfor the emergence of a global society in which economic, political, environmental, and cultural events in one part of the world quickly come to have significance for people in other parts of the world. Globalization is the result of advances in communication, transportation, and information technologies. It describes the growing economic, political, technological, and cultural linkages that connect individuals, communities, businesses, and governments around the world. Globalization also involves the growth of multinational corporations (businesses that have operations or investments in many countries) and transnational corporations (businesses that see themselves functioning in a global marketplace). The international institutions that get by world trade and finance play an increasingly important role in this era of globalization.CULTURAL IMPERIALISM AND TECHNOLOGYTogether, discuss what role does technology play in cultural imperialism? Will the Internet play the same role as the phonograph, radio, movies, TV, or will it have a different effect?ethnical imperialism is the practice of pro moting, distinguishing, separating, or artificially injecting the culture of one society into another. So this leads to influence of colonies, colony is generally distinguished from overseas possession. So technology is push with the culture because to travel everything needs a path that path is made by technology.Technology plays a Vitol role in inflation of the culture imperialism. Sets the tone for the relentless critical scrutiny of the rest of the work, with the carefully assembling a system of arguments which ultimately cast a shadow of doubt on the genuineness of defining aspects of U.S. and Western foreign interventions as cultural imperialism.American culture is rich, complex, and unique. It emerged from the short and rapid European conquest of an enormous landmass sparsely colonized by diverse indigenous peoples. Although European cultural patterns predominated, especially in language, the arts, and political institutions, peoples from Africa, Asia, and North America al so contributed to American culture. All of these groups influenced popular tastes in music, dress, entertainment, and cuisine. As a result, American culture possesses an unusual mixture of patterns and forms forged from among its diverse peoples.JaspreetTechnology has been a dialectical and cumulative process at the nubble of human experience. It is perhaps best understood in a historical context that traces the evolution of early humans from a period of very simple tools to the complex, large-scale networks that influence most of contemporary human life. The earliest known human artefacts are roughly flaked stones used for chopping and scraping, found primarily in east Africa. The next big step in the history of technology was the control of fire. By striking flint against pyrites to produce sparks, people could kindle fires at will, thereby freeing themselves from the necessity of perpetuating fires obtained from natural sources. Besides the obvious benefits of light and heat, f ire was also used to bake clay pots, producing heat-resistant vessels that were then used for cooking grains and for brew and fermenting. Innovations in transportation during the middle Ages revolutionized the spread of technologies and ideas across wide areas. Such devices as the horseshoe, the whiffletree (for harnessing animals to wagons effectively), and the spring carriage speeded the transfer of people and goods.Twentieth-century technology spread from Europe and the U.S. to other major nations such as Japan and the Soviet Union. It has not, however, pervaded all the countries of the world, by any means. Some so-called developing nations have never experienced the factory system and other institutions of industrialization. The leaders of such countries tend to feel that the acquisition of modern weapons and new technology will provide them with power and prestige. No one, however, can predict the religious, social, and cultural consequences of the transfer of technologies to t hese countries. Technology has always been a major means for creating new physical and human environments. It is possible to ask today whether technology will also destroy the global civilization that human beings have created.SimranjitCultural imperialism is the practice of promoting, distinguishing, separating, or artificially injecting the culture of one society into another. So this leads to influence of colonies, colony is generally distinguished from overseas possession. So technology is relate with the culture because to travel everything needs a path that path is made by technology.Technology plays a Vitol role in inflation of the culture imperialism. Sets the tone for the relentless critical scrutiny of the rest of the work, with the carefully assembling a system of arguments which ultimately cast a shadow of doubt on the legitimacy of defining aspects of U.S. and Western foreign interventions as cultural imperialism.American culture is rich, complex, and unique. It emerged from the short and rapid European conquest of an en