Sunday, August 25, 2019

Why I Need A College Degree Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Why I Need A College Degree - Personal Statement Example Additionally, I need a college degree in order to cope better in turbulent economic times including recession. This is based on what I have gathered from research that individuals without a college degree were the worst hit by the recession and they had difficulty recovering from it after 2007 (Penn State, 2010). Another reason I need a college degree is to advance my critical thinking skills. College education will expose to situations that will challenge my existing knowledge and make me develop new ways of thinking and analyzing issues without taking some things for granted. Despite of the knowledge I have got while in service, I need a college degree in order to remain updated. Today’s world is changing fast and it requires a person to change at its pace and college education will equip me with the latest knowledge especially since college is a hub of research. In addition, more people are increasingly pursuing college education and as such, I need a college degree in order to identify and interact meaningfully with peers who are pursuing college degrees (Penn State, 2010). I need a college degree because it will be a step towards personal fulfillment and actualization. Besides the ease that the knowledge I will get from a college degree will give me working for a law enforcement agency, the certificate will be an artifact of achievement and will add to my fulfillment in life. This will further help me to motivate my children in their academic endeavor and to demonstrate to them that age is not a factors to academic success. I need a college degree for professional credibility that is important in today’s world. Peers and clients are confident working with a person whose service and capacity is credible and whose qualification is not doubtful. While it is possible to perform well in a job even without a college degree, I need a college degree because it will add onto better job performance. This is because college education will give me more

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