Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing across culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing across culture - Essay Example Therefore, marketers need to have different marketing strategies for each and every market where it is being sold and marketed. This is the reason why Denon sells its surround sound receivers with different model numbers, features (silver, black, gold tone) as well as warranties in order to cater to the unique needs of these markets. In order to combat the problem of different needs of the markets, a lot of marketers make a specific marketing plan for a particular product and then they adjust this plan depending on the market where it is being sold in order to fulfill the needs of the customers of this market. For example, many organizations sell their products in hundreds of markets all over the world. It is impossible to make specific marketing plans and strategies for each and every market. Therefore, these marketers make a common international marketing plan and then, they make adjustments to these plans and strategies according to the specific and unique needs of the market. 2. What are the problems you are likely to encounter with the distribution of your products in: China, Japan, and India? Which country poses the biggest problem? Explain your answer. With rapid globalization, companies are now selling their products in different countries worldwide. All of these countries have different markets with unique needs and characteristics. ... Due to the communication, transport as well as regional difficulties, companies need to hire, train as well as constantly keep in contact with these agents (Selling and Distributing in China without a Legal Presence, n.p.). As far as Japan is concerned, one of the major problems is the difficulty of penetrating its cultural barriers and complex bureaucratic relationships and structures. The multi-layered distribution network in India is the biggest problems faced by marketers all over the world. It is difficult for marketers to reach a large number of customers and develop a high market share. Therefore, India is said to be the country which poses the most difficult problem for marketers as it is twice as hard to distribute products in India as it is else where. 3. Many products fulfill both a functional need as well as a social need. When deciding how much to adapt an existing product for a new foreign market, which type of need should a marketer focus on? Explain your answer. When entering a new foreign market, marketers should focus more on functional needs rather than on social needs. This is because the main reason for entering a market is to fulfill the functional needs of the customers. Functional needs are those needs which are fulfilled by the various functions of the product. After the fulfillment of the functional needs, the consumer gets socially attached with the product or service and that is when the marketer should start emphasizing on social needs. Therefore, during the initial stage the marketer should place more emphasis and focus on the functional needs. After that product’s functional needs turn into social needs, the marketer should switch his focus on it. Marketers need to determine the stage of the product lifecycle and

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