Monday, May 20, 2019

Nursing Theorist Essay

Formulate 3 nursing diagnoses using the Problem, Etiology, and Signs and Symptoms (PES) format and the taxonomy of NANDA. The diagnoses essential be establish on the case study, be appropriate, be prioritized, and be formatted correctly.For all(prenominal) nursing diagnosis, state 2 desire outcomes using NOC criteria. Desired outcomes must be forbearing-centered and measurable within an identified timeframe.For each outcome, state 2 nursing interventions using NIC criteria as well as 1 evaluation method. intercessions and the evaluation method must be appropriate to the desired outcomes.Provide rationale for each nursing diagnosis, and explain how PES, NANDA, NOC, and NIC apply to each diagnosis.Use a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed resources, and create an APA formatted reference page. nurse Diagnosis 1 urinary Retention R/T Anesthesia nurse InterventionsDesired military issue 1Desired Outcome 2Nursing Intervention Visually inspect and palpate lower abdomen for distention (Mosby 20 12). long-sufferings abdominal girth pass on not increase and distention leading decrease. Patient will remain free of abdominal pain r/t urinary retention. Nursing Intervention 2 Urinary Catheterization (Mosby 2012) Patient will empty bladder 30ml an hourPatient will demonstrate sporting technique if performing self-catheterization. Evaluation methodMeasure input and output hourly to obtain correct measurements. Make sure catheter is free of kinks to allow for proper drainage RationaleKeeping accurate records of I/O will ensure that the affected role is evacuating properly. Ensuring patient is free of pain will tug little anxiety and keep vital signs within range. Educating patient on clean technique will bear on an environment with less bacteria and keep risk of infection lower.Nursing Diagnosis 2 peril for Infection/RT Urinary CatheterDesired Outcome 1Desired Outcome 2Nursing Intervention 1 Infection ControlPatient remains free of infection, as evidenced by common vita l signs, and absence of purulent drainage from wounds, incisions, and tubes (Mosby 2012). Infection is recognized proto(prenominal) to allow for prompt treatment (Mosby 2012). Nursing Intervention 2 Infection ProtectionTeach patient to wash hands often, especially after toileting, before meals, and before and after administering self-cargon (Mosby 2012). Teach patient magnificence of eating well match meals to promote healthy nutritional status. Evaluation methodEvaluate patient perform self-care as to promote further education. Allow patient to verbalize and demonstrate understanding of proper nutrition andsigns of infection. RationalePatients with indispensable catheters need to be shown clean techniques when being discharged home. Educating patient on proper hand slipstream will promote clean environment and keep patients risk of infection lower. Educating patient on the early signs of infection will promote prompt medical intervention. Educating patient on proper nutrition and importance of well balanced meals will promote faster healing of incision and lower patients risk of infection.Nursing Diagnosis 3 Pain R/T Postoperative painDesired Outcome 1Desired Outcome 2Nursing Intervention 1Anticipate need for pain relief (Mosby 2012)Anticipating pain may result in medicating at a lower dose to keep patient comfortable. Maintaining a level of comfort where the patient is not begging for relief. Keeping vital signs stable eyepatch maintaining the patient comfortable. Nursing Intervention 2Respond immediately to complaint of pain (Mosby 2011)Creates a trust relationship with patient to ensure open lines of communication. Allows the patient to know that you are empathetic to their discomfort and that they are not alone. Evaluation methodEvaluate scheduled times of music administration. Round hourly on the patient as to reassure the patient that their needs will be met. Educate patient on medication administration time so they are not waiting until their pain is at a level 8 before they ask for relief. Evaluate the responses from the patient as to ensure that they are spirit comfortable with the care. RationaleAnticipating pain will allow the nurse to be on time for the patient in pain. Creating that trusting relationship with the patient will allow open lines of communication with the patient which will in turn allow for better care and outcome. Educating a patient on when to ask for medication will ensure that the patient never reaches a level of extreme pain. Treating your patient with compassion and empathy will allow for the patient to feel satisfied with the care they are receiving and create a trusting relationship. acknowledgementSwearingen, P. L. (2012). All-in-one care planning resource medical-surgical, pediatric,maternity, psychiatric nursing care plans (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PAElsevier/Mosby.Gulanick, M. (2011). Nursing care plans diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes (7thed.). St. Louis, Mo. Elsevier Mosby.Doenges, M. E., & Moorhouse, M. F. (2002). Nursing care plans guidelines forindividualizing patient care (6th ed.). Philadelphia F.A. Davis.

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