Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Computers and Firefighting :: Firefighters Computers Technology Essays

Computers and Firefighting It seems that the advances of today are moving far more quick than people have ever thought about. The only question is that how much farther can we go in the advancement of computer technology to victuals people. One of the ways to support people is in the area of Firefighting. In this field the firemen with stand by of computers is allowed to help civilians when they are in need. The job of now is sightly a little safer to do because of newly advances by computers in the firefighting field. Three important ways computers have contributed is in the ways firemen can refine their cause personal knowledge of the job, personal protective equipment (PPE), and one of the tools invented to locate people. The topic for computer advancement, is of a field that is one of the most critical services condition to people. Why? It is one of most demanding jobs because of what the fireman actually does. In most senses his or her job is not to only fight fires , but also to count out for life within the fire, administer aid if needed, along with the searching for clues to what might have been the cause for the accident or blaze. The Fireman combines the work moral principle of not only his or her job, but along with knowledge of a nurse and police officer. True, he or she does not always play a role on the other areas besides fighting fires, but they have to be able to pick-up where ever they are needed in whatever role. In order to broaden the knowledge of the firemen, it is most commonly done through new types of studying and training. A firemen can take lessons of a CD with help of a computer, and run simulations on their own to refine and expand their own personal abilities as a fireman. Now all they have to do it go to a computer and learn what they need to know, at times even through interactive lessons, instead of using the old method of reading textbooks, magazines, journals, or where ever else the information lies for them to f ind. In the area of the firemens own personal protective equipment, it too has be advanced because of computers. Twenty-five years ago, the turnout wagon train worn by firefighters was used to keep the firefighter from getting wet mainly then with the introduction of Nomex, which was a self-extinguishing man-made material, then came Gortex and PBI.

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