Friday, May 15, 2020

The Conflict Between Rwanda And The Rwandan Genocide Essay

Bodies lying in the streets. People hacking each other with machetes and other bladed weapons. Blood splattering the ground. Such was the scene in the spring of 1994 in the African country of Rwanda. The Rwandan Genocide claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of lives over the course of 100 days because of racial tensions between the Hutus and the Tutsis. Over twenty years later, the two tribes live together, but it is an uneasy peace. Tensions between the Hutus and the Tutsis can be traced back to the end of the First World War. Rwanda was placed under the control of Belgium because of a League of Nations mandate. Within the first few years, it was clear that Belgium favored the Tutsis rather than the majority Hutus. This gave the people the feeling that there was a tendency of using â€Å"few to oppress the many† (Staff). The Hutus staged a revolution in 1959, and overthrew the Tutsi monarch. After a U.N debate, Rwanda was granted its independence in 1962. Eventually, over ten years later, a military group managed to get Major General Juvenal Habyarimana in power. A moderate Hutu, Habyarimana spent the next twenty years leading the country. In the early 1990s, Tutsi refugees formed the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and invaded Rwanda. After signing a cease fire with the RPF, Habyarimana agreed to sign an agreement that would allow a transition of government, of which the RPF would be allowed to participate in. Hutu extremists were outraged at their leader’s decision.Show MoreRelatedA Look at the Rwandan Genocide Essay1014 Words   |  5 Pagesare suffering and have very little hope. Genocide is the only reason. Everything could have been prevented if genocide didn’t exist. The world basically ignored the genocide and pretended like it never happened because they didn’t want to sp end the money. Thousands of people could still be alive if the world stepped up at helped the victims of this horrible crime. 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