Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Colonial Unity free essay sample

Colonial unity in the Americas were really weak. Each colony was like a separate nation, with no central government but the parliament leading them. The colonial political unity in America has grown from the French and Indian War to the Second Continental Congress. They have struggled to keep unity between the colonies during these times. Between the end of the French and Indian War and the Second Continental Congress, colonial political unity has changed and grown. Near the end of the French and Indian war, colonial political unity was weak. It was so weak the Indians near the border laughed at their ability to pull gather in unity. In 1754, the British Government call for a inter-colonial congress in Albany, New York. The immediate purpose was to keep peace with the Iroquois Tribes. The real reason for the congress was to achieve a greater unity within the colonies and Set up a defense against France. We will write a custom essay sample on Colonial Unity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The congress called for delegates from all colonies, but only seven of the thirteen colonies chose to attend. Even before the continental congress, Benjamin Franklin realized the disunity between the colonies.He published the most famous cartoon in the colonial area. It showed the separate colonies as parts f a disjointed snake, and had a slogan that said Join, Or DE Nearing the end of the war, colonists did not support the French and Indian War. The colonies did not provide money or troops for the conflict. Only when William Pit offered money, the colonies decided to join. If they were to be bribed to defend themselves, how could they unite to defend themselves in the future? At the end of the war, many disunity feeling began to melt.Only because those who fought side by side each other from different colonies, discovered that they all were fellow Americans, who all spoke the same language and ideals. After the French and Indian war, England imposed taxes to help pay the cost of the war. They passed the Stamp Act, which required stamps on commercial and legal documents. The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 brought several delegates from nine colonies. The congress made little impact in England, but it brought leaders from rival colonies together.This was one more significant step toward colonial unity. As the revolution continued in America, the colonies were once again growing in colonial unity. England has imposed the Townsend Acts onto the colonist and began enforcing the Navigation Laws. As a result, Samuel Adams organized the Committees of Correspondence. Soon after, the colonies began to set up similar organizations like it. This allowed the colonies to exchange ideas and gather information from other colonies.These inter-colonial groups were very important in encouraging and distributing feelings in favor Of colonial unity. This united action, eventually evolved into the first American congresses. Following the Boston Tea Party, England responded by passing the Boston Port Act, or what the Americans called the Intolerable Acts. In response to the Intolerable Acts, the Continental Congress of 1 774 was summoned. Delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies, which excluded Georgia, attended the Continental Congress.They were to meet in Philadelphia to think of ways to readdress colonial grievances. Inter-colonial tensions melted away by social activities after working hours. They proposed a complete Boycott of English goods, called the Association. This was the closest thing to a written constitution that the colonies written as a united nation. At the Second Continental congress, delegates from all colonies attended. Richard Henry Lee proposed to break free from Britain. He stated that These United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states.. . This ultimately resulted into the Declaration Of Independence. This motion showed that the colonies were politically united enough to break free from England and become a united nation. The growth of colonial unity started from being separate colonies to being a united nation. Political and colonial unity grew with the help of England and American leaders. The colonies unity grew between the French and Indian War and the Second Continental Congress to such an extent that they became a independent nation.

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