Friday, December 27, 2019

Lifespan Development Cognitive, And Personal And Social...

Lifespan Psychology Introduction Lifespan Development is the field of study that examines patterns, modes of growth, change, and stability in behavior that occur throughout the entire lifespan of an individual. There are so many things to keep in mind about Lifespan Psychology; 1. Lifespan Psychology is a scientific, developmental approach that focuses on human development. 2. Scientists who study the lifespan know that neither heredity nor environment alone can account for the full range of human development. 3. Development is a continuing process throughout the lifespan. 4. Every period of life contains potential for growth and decline in abilities. There are three known major areas of study in Lifespan Development which are the Physical, Cognitive, and personal and social development. These groups have to do with age and range of Lifespan Psychology. Lifespan literally connotes from cradle to grave, in other words from conception to death. Lifespan is divided into these following age periods; prenatal, infancy, toddlerhood, middle childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood and death. There are several key issues in Lifespan Psychology which are centered on these following factors which are; cultural factors, continuous vs discontinuous change, critical periods vs sensitive periods, lifespan approach vs particular periods approach, nature vs nurture. The major theoretical perspectives in Lifespan Psychology is termed a broad, organizedShow MoreRelatedCurrent Perspectives Of Psychology And Human Development Essay1634 Words   |  7 PagesIndividual Development Narrative discusses various factors relating to theories of lifespan development from birth through to my adolescent stage. 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The cognitive domain focuses on the changeRead MoreThe Theory Of Developmental Psychology1644 Words   |  7 Pagessix principles of human development, lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, gains and losses, contextual and historical, and multidisciplinary. There are several fields of developmental psychology like Adolescence, Attachment, Cognitive development, Education, and Parenting that will be address. Developmental psychology also examines the nature and nurture of our human development change, by the studies done. Researchers like to see the difference between human personal characteristic. It showsRead MoreChildhood Development And The Social Determinants Of Health Essay1345 Words   |  6 Pagescan have e ffects on your health and lifetime. This article Early childhood development and the social determinants of health inequities points out the indicators pertaining to children and families. 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Kowalski, R.M. 2015) He developed 4 stages of his theory: Sensorimotor Stage, Preoperational Stage, Concrete Operational Stage and FormalRead MoreThe Importance Of Childhood Experiences Of Children And The Social And Economic Benefits Of Early Intervention1553 Words   |  7 Pagesdisc usses Importance of childhood experience to later life emotional, social and cognitive development into adulthood in the Uk, using the attachment and behaviorism theory to examine childhood experiences, as it forms parts of child’s development. I will be looking into the factors affecting social, emotional and cognitive development of children, strategies to improving service delivery of early intervention in children and the Social and economic benefits of early intervention. 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Through social interaction, children begin to acquire skills that are valued by their culture (Berk, 2007). Chomsky’s theory seeks to explain how children acquire language so quickly. ChomskyRead More To what extent and in what ways are people ?fixed? and ?open to change1567 Words   |  7 Pages Charles Darwin was not only a pioneer in evolutionary psychology, also today’s theories of modern lifespan development draw on and are influenced by Darwin’s ideas. His functionalist perspective primarily focused on the reason for development of specific human characteristics over many generations, and therefore an enormously long timescale. However, inspired by the observations in the development his own son, D arwin also acknowledged that â€Å"an individual is the result of a gradual sequence of priorRead MoreLifespan Development and Personality Paper1456 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT AND PERSONALITY PAPER Lifespan Development and Personality Paper Jocelyn F. Oatman University of Phoenix Introduction to Psychology PSY 103 Michelle Williams October 22, 2008 Lifespan Development and Personality Paper Development does not end with adolescence. Adults, too, go through modifications and experience physical, cognitive, and social changes. Adulthood has been suggested that emerges as early as 18, but for our purposes, adulthood can

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Observations Of Richard Conducted - 2062 Words

The observations of Richard conducted for this study consisted of; a drawing activity, a reading observation, and sport activities. During each of these scenarios I observed traits and links within the domains of development. Richard depicts an array of skills in regards to cognitive and language development, physical and motor abilities, social and emotional understandings; and his imaginative and creative attributes. All of the findings in these domains link cohesively with the discoveries of theorists such as Arnold Gesell, Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget and Urie Bronfenbrenner. Physical and motor development Richard’s physical development and motor skills were evident in all three anecdotes. These two domains are closely linked when†¦show more content†¦Richard’s fine motor skills are being developed in anecdote one as he uses pencils. The challenge of moving and gripping the pencil is seen as a difficult task for young children, however his ability to do this was exceptional, drawing shapes and patterns. Richard’s ability to draw is developing his fine motor skills, which fits in accordance to Gesell’s motor characteristics mentioned in his gradients of growth (Gesell Ilg, 1949). Cognitive Development Richard displays his range of cognitive skills such as thinking, attention, concept formation, reasoning and problem solving (white, 2013) in each observation. Richard portrayed clear cognitive development in anecdote one, as he was able to connect the colour green to be the colour of the grass in his drawing. Richard was able to adapt the recognition of environmental areas in his earlier years to his drawing noticing and paying attention to what colours texture and areas look like. His cognitive skills were also evident during anecdote two, when he had to problem solve to recognise the word. He connected the picture and the letters making the word ‘alligator’. According to Piaget’s theory Richard’s cognitive development is in the preoperational stage (Bee Boyd, 2002). This means â€Å"the child can use symbols to both think and communicate; they develop the abilities to take others

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Colonial Unity free essay sample

Colonial unity in the Americas were really weak. Each colony was like a separate nation, with no central government but the parliament leading them. The colonial political unity in America has grown from the French and Indian War to the Second Continental Congress. They have struggled to keep unity between the colonies during these times. Between the end of the French and Indian War and the Second Continental Congress, colonial political unity has changed and grown. Near the end of the French and Indian war, colonial political unity was weak. It was so weak the Indians near the border laughed at their ability to pull gather in unity. In 1754, the British Government call for a inter-colonial congress in Albany, New York. The immediate purpose was to keep peace with the Iroquois Tribes. The real reason for the congress was to achieve a greater unity within the colonies and Set up a defense against France. We will write a custom essay sample on Colonial Unity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The congress called for delegates from all colonies, but only seven of the thirteen colonies chose to attend. Even before the continental congress, Benjamin Franklin realized the disunity between the colonies.He published the most famous cartoon in the colonial area. It showed the separate colonies as parts f a disjointed snake, and had a slogan that said Join, Or DE Nearing the end of the war, colonists did not support the French and Indian War. The colonies did not provide money or troops for the conflict. Only when William Pit offered money, the colonies decided to join. If they were to be bribed to defend themselves, how could they unite to defend themselves in the future? At the end of the war, many disunity feeling began to melt.Only because those who fought side by side each other from different colonies, discovered that they all were fellow Americans, who all spoke the same language and ideals. After the French and Indian war, England imposed taxes to help pay the cost of the war. They passed the Stamp Act, which required stamps on commercial and legal documents. The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 brought several delegates from nine colonies. The congress made little impact in England, but it brought leaders from rival colonies together.This was one more significant step toward colonial unity. As the revolution continued in America, the colonies were once again growing in colonial unity. England has imposed the Townsend Acts onto the colonist and began enforcing the Navigation Laws. As a result, Samuel Adams organized the Committees of Correspondence. Soon after, the colonies began to set up similar organizations like it. This allowed the colonies to exchange ideas and gather information from other colonies.These inter-colonial groups were very important in encouraging and distributing feelings in favor Of colonial unity. This united action, eventually evolved into the first American congresses. Following the Boston Tea Party, England responded by passing the Boston Port Act, or what the Americans called the Intolerable Acts. In response to the Intolerable Acts, the Continental Congress of 1 774 was summoned. Delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies, which excluded Georgia, attended the Continental Congress.They were to meet in Philadelphia to think of ways to readdress colonial grievances. Inter-colonial tensions melted away by social activities after working hours. They proposed a complete Boycott of English goods, called the Association. This was the closest thing to a written constitution that the colonies written as a united nation. At the Second Continental congress, delegates from all colonies attended. Richard Henry Lee proposed to break free from Britain. He stated that These United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states.. . This ultimately resulted into the Declaration Of Independence. This motion showed that the colonies were politically united enough to break free from England and become a united nation. The growth of colonial unity started from being separate colonies to being a united nation. Political and colonial unity grew with the help of England and American leaders. The colonies unity grew between the French and Indian War and the Second Continental Congress to such an extent that they became a independent nation.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Employee Self “ Actualization Problem at Redgrove Axial Essay Example

Employee Self â€Å" Actualization Problem at Redgrove Axial Essay Suggested solution 10 Introduction Regroup Axial Workshop case talks about the self actualization problems of employees belonging to the most effective workshop of the whole Regroup plant, which is owned by the TIT corporation a North American based manufacturer of equipment ranging from axial compressors for aircrafts to highly sophisticated aeronautic and defense systems. The Regroup plant, where the action takes place In tons case, Is ten mall u s. Maturating Tacitly Tort alert Engle parts Delousing to the aeronautics business unit. The plant is situated in a small town, only one hour way from a large metropolitan area. The problems of self actualization are alive at the axial compressor workshop, which activities contributed nearly 20 per cent of the Resolves plant annual revenues. The numbers talk for themselves and without no doubt this workshop is most effective in the plant. Actually, members of the axial workshop had a great reputation for being very hard workers and employee turnover was a very rare phenomenon there. Most of the best workers at the manufacturing workshop are the ones, which were moved here from prototype workshop, since the engineers started using a more sophisticated software. The axial workshop production manager Fontanne also observed that those ex-prototype employees not only consistently volunteered to fill rush orders but also were like a family. Fontanne had even found them once pooling together at the local pub. So the working atmosphere, as we may observe, is really good at this particular workshop. We will write a custom essay sample on Employee Self â€Å" Actualization Problem at Redgrove Axial specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Employee Self â€Å" Actualization Problem at Redgrove Axial specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Employee Self â€Å" Actualization Problem at Redgrove Axial specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Relevance of the topic from B aspect As the organizational behavior is a field of study which investigates the impact that individuals, structures and groups have on behavior within organization, this topic about self actualization and Job satisfaction becomes particularly relevant from B perspective. We can take our case for example and state that even the smallest gaps in the understanding of employee self actualization needs, can lead to the violation of corporate code of conduct. Talking about Job satisfaction, we can tell, that even the smallest Job dissatisfaction shadow at the particular unit of employees may lead to significant production losses and thus enormous monetary deprivation. Therefore, it is very crucial to understand the impact that people behavior can have on organizational performance and to excavate the underlying reasons of such behavior. Analysis aim and tasks The aim of our analysis is to understand the underlying reasons of the problem described above and to provide a logical solution for that problem which is built on the reasons why it is occurring. Talking about the tasks of our analysis, we will at first conduct a SOOT analysis of an axial workshop unit of workers, who are related to the self actualization problems occurring in that unit. In this way we will identify all the complementary problems occurring at the workshop and determine why they exist. Then we will provide theoretical background related to our problem and by using the heretical framework we will evaluate the alternatives available to us. At the end we will come to the conclusion and provide the main solution for the problem at the same time explaining the rationale behind our choice. Situation analysis Strengths * Most effective in the whole plant * Very hard working * Very united * Have a lot of experience * Extraordinary creative * Low turnover I Weaknesses * Are not used to full potential * Engaging in amateur work * Exploit companys assets * Teaching newcomers to act the same * Self actualization needs neglected I Opportunities * To unleash the full potential of the employee reiterative and workmanship * Ability to use the scrap more efficiently * To satisfy the needs of self-realization * The company as a whole may benefit from that I I narrates Employees may s tart to use ten new material to make stun N workers may misinterpret it * Managers may decide to fire those creative employees * Reduced effectiveness (due to the dissension) We have chosen to use SOOT analysis to determine the current situation, concerning the best employees which are having problems with self actualization. We wanted to see what is happening right now, what are the best capabilities of hose employees, what are the problems related to that particular worker unit. Also, we can see what are the opportunities, which can be exploited if the problems were managed properly and the threats related to the decision. Talking about the strengths, we can mention that the axial workshop manufacturing unit is very effective, probably the most effective in the whole plant. That is probably the case because of their hard work, which allowed them to develop skills needed to work more efficient than needed. One more major advantage of this working unit is that they are very united and friendly to each other. This in fact builds a very friendly working atmosphere. Another thing which contributed to the effectiveness of this working unit is many years of experience of old timers, which may share the knowledge and skills with younger teammates. As the case showed, these workers are also very creative, when it comes to workmanship on metals, while they were able to make such amazing lamps themselves. The last but not least thing that has united this collective is low turnover, which does not incur additional costs on the company. Lets talk about the weaknesses, which indicate what can be done more in order to increase the further efficiency of the axial workshop. The case shows us that the most effective workers do not usually have what to do, when they have fulfilled hourly plans and thus are not used to full potential. Because of that, they are engaging in amateur workmanship, making lamps and other stuff using company assets, which is completely prohibited looking from the perspective of company rules and code of conduct. At the same time, the old timers are teaching newcomers to do same things and spread that among other members, who are then also tend to violate the rules. We can see that all of these problems occur because the most efficient workers are not feeling they use their full potential. It means that the management has forgotten about the self actualization needs of its employees. Harrower, the most important thing is that there are a lot of opportunities related to the proper management of weaknesses and exploitation of strengths. If the most effective employees were allowed during their free time to use the scrap material to make their mind imagination stuff, thus revealing their creativity and workmanship, many problems would be solved and also the company itself may benefit from that monetary as well as from the motivation and employee Job satisfaction perspective. First of all, they may use scrap more efficiently, because the amateur work stuff made in spare time may be sold in auctions to senior managers for the higher price than as if it is only sold as scrap. Secondly, the needs of self-realization of employees would be satisfied and thus it would lead to even higher motivation to work and commitment to the company. There are also some kind of threat related to the decision to liberalize the usage of scrap material. It may be the case that employees ill get so engaged in the activity that they will start using the new material to make attractive amateur s out. T Also, new workers may try to ay Tanat, Decease AT misinterpretation of the scrap usage programmer. Also, there is a treat that managers may try to punish or even fire those employees who are most effective, because of inappropriate usage of scrap and this decision would probably reduce effectiveness significantly. Problem identification Talking about the problem itself we can mention that it was kind of brought to the surface, when the axial workshop manager Fontanne has found the lamp at the outrage room, which was made out of the scrap material, which is left after all the manufacturing activities of the axial compressors took place. The scrap was usually sold to local collector of scrap for 5,5 dollars per pound. Fontanne found out later from his colleague supervisor that these lamps and personal things like that were mostly made by the so called old timers, which were the most productive workers and usually finished the work very quickly. So, they were actually spending time making this creative stuff Just to fulfill their self actualization needs. While the robber itself does not seem very serious, employees have breached the code of conduct and there were few cases when they were punished for that. This is a problem and if it is not solved, company can get losses while employees would keep doing something that is illegal, but the real problem is about motivation and lack of the conditions to improve self-actualization of those old timers. The manager is facing the dilemma of what to do next and how to approach this kind of problem. As it seems, sanctions such as warnings, forcing to work for few days without payment or even firing have not stopped the appearance of the same problem. Considering that such actions are not helping and may be even harming for both sides, because of the company inputs for training of workers and the lack of motivation or incentives for the workers, we have to find the solution which would try to make a win-win situation. Theoretical survey and scientific article http://www. Academia-research. Com/filched/insist/a/_/ 665402_a_review_of_employee_motivation_theories_and_their_implications. PDF A Review of Employee Motivation Theories and their Implications for Employee Retention within Organizations (Sunnis Removal, Ph. D. , University of SST. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN) In this review we found some relevant theories and interesting propositions that were applicable to our case. The article provides a synthesis of employee motivation theories and offers an explanation of how employee motivation affects employee retention and other behaviors within organizations. In addition to explaining why it is important to retain critical employees, the author described the relevant motivation theories and explained the implications of employee motivation theories on developing and implementing employee retention practices. The final segment of the paper provides an illustration with explanation on how effective employee retention practices can be explained through motivation theories and how these efforts serve as a strategy to increasing organizational performance. Masons Need Hierarchy Theory Moscow believed that there are at least five sets of goals which can be referred to as basic needs and are physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. Moscow (1943) stated that people, including employees at organizations, are motivated by the desire to achieve or maintain the various conditions upon which these basic adolescents rest Ana Day certain more Intellectual sealers. Humans are a perpetually wanting group. Ordinarily the satisfaction of these wants is not altogether mutually exclusive, but only tends to be. The average member of society is most often partially satisfied and partially unsatisfied in all of ones wants (Moscow, 1943). The implications of this theory provided useful insights for managers and other organization leaders. One of the advise was for managers to find ways of motivating employees by devising programs or practices aimed at satisfying emerging or unmet needs. Another implication was for organizations to implement support programs and focus groups to help employees deal with stress, especially during more challenging times and taking the time to understand the needs of the respective employees (Grittier, 1998). When the need hierarchy concept is applied to work organizations, the implications for managerial actions become obvious. Managers have the responsibility to create a proper climate in which employees can develop to their fullest potential. Failure to provide such a climate would theoretically increase employee frustration and could result in poorer performance, lower Job satisfaction, ND increased withdrawal from the organization (Steers Porter, 1983, p. 32). The last sentence is particularly important in our case, because the last step of the Masons hierarchy of needs was not reached by the employees self actualization. The Job itself was so repetitive and boring, that it could not ensure the employee satisfaction. Job enrichment was clearly required by the management. The Motivator-Hygiene Theory One of the earliest researchers in the area of Job redesign as it affected motivation was Frederick Herbert (Herbert, 1959 ). Herbert and his associates began their initial work on factors affecting work motivation in the mid-sasss. Their first effort entailed a thorough review of existing research to that date on the subject (Herbert, 1957). Based on this review, Herbert carried out his now famous survey of 200 accountants and engineers from which he derived the initial framework for his theory of motivation. The theory, as well as the supporting data was first published in 1959 (Herbert, 1959) and was subsequently amplified and developed in a later book (Herbert, 1966). Based on his survey, Herbert discovered that employees tended to scribe satisfying experiences in terms of factors that were intrinsic to the content of the Job itself. These factors were called motivators and included such variables as achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth. Conversely, dissatisfying experiences, called hygiene factors, largely resulted from extrinsic, non-Job-related factors, such as company policies, salary, coworker relations, and supervisory styles (Steers, 1983). Herbert argued, based on these results, that eliminating the causes of dissatisfaction (through hygiene factors) would to result in a state of satisfaction. Instead, it would result in a neutral state. Satisfaction (and motivation) would occur only as a result of the use of motivators. The implications of this model of employee motivation are clear: Motivation can be increased through basic changes in the nature of an employees Job, that is, through job enrichment (Steers, 1983). Thus, Jobs should be redesigned to allow for increased challenge and responsibility, opportunities for advancement, and personal growth, and recognition. Actually, this theory has provided us with the true scientific Docudrama Tort solving our case problem. It states Tanat you wall not deal wilt satisfaction of employee problem unless you start using motivators, which are intrinsic to the content of the Job itself. The solution we would offer should make their Jobs more interesting, enriched and meaningful. That is the only way to retain the best workers and keep them satisfied. Evaluation of the alternatives As the case analysis suggested, the main problem is the company policy that does not involve self-actualization of employees. To solve this problem, we provided three alternatives that could solve or at least improve the problematic situation. First alternative is to follow the code of conduct that was mentioned in exhibits section as an excerpt. It says that employees must protect company assets including production materials, otherwise some sanctions would be used, ranging from warnings to termination or even filing a criminal charge in court. If a person uses production material, he could be warned, punished with no payment for few days, or even fired. All such actions could be a warning for other workers and they would either stop usage of scrap metal, or rebel against the regulations and do it more secretly. It is possible that the problem would not continue and as a result, everything would go back to the same working atmosphere with relatively good financial results, but the question is for how long? This alternative somehow shuts the door to self- actualization improvement, because an additional activity, which is considered as fun and creative, would be terminated. The case mentioned that most of the workers doing those works of art from scrap material, were actually senior workers that had been working in a company for quite long. This means, that firing them or punishing hem, could lead to negative effects not only because they are valuable as trained workers, but also to the whole group of workers inside the workshop, because those senior craftsmen have helped to develop the skills of new workers which saved money for training costs. Summarizing the positive and negative aspects of this alternative, the solution is that some other alternatives could be more effective. Second alternative looks at the problem as a lack of entertainment for the senior craftsmen who finish their work faster and sometimes even stay overtime for no payment. This could mean that they need some other activities which would help hem spend the extra time and forget or idioms their hobby of using scrap materials to create something. To solve this problem, we thought about implementation of a special room or corner for having fun or relaxing in some entertaining ways. For example, playing cards, pool or table tennis; watching TV and sitting on the soft couch; having some sort of games on consoles like Nintendo WI or even exercising on some gym equipment. As a result, workers would either feel relaxed or entertained and after those activities they would get back to work. Motivation of those craftsmen could increase, because they would not have to constantly work on heir routines and their willingness to work could also increase while there would be no time left to make something from scrap metal. Despite that, we must consider that the mentioned things have costs, some of those even high ones. Moreover, a manager or supervisor would have to constantly monitor how much time the workers spend on entertaining and also there could be a problem of who is allowed to use that room and who is not which would lead to mistrust or new from other workers. Summarizing the pros and cons of this alternative, we considered that there still snow a De a netter way In wanly everyone would De nappy Nils Is winner ten Tanta wider and probably more effective alternative takes part. It suggests allowing workers to continue the making of unique objects from scrap materials, but with authorization and support from the company. To be more specific, the whole process should be legalized and code of conduct should be changed accordingly. Also, to strengthen the logic and effectiveness, those objects could be sold or given as gifts. The choice of giving gifts could be useful if every worker was given a nice thing created from the workers of the same workshop or plant, but the question is for what occasions? Birthdays would happen every year and people getting such presents would not have the place where to put it and also considering this type of present as a motivational incentive could be useful for maybe one time. The case mentioned one worker that got such a gift for his retirement, we could say that such an occasion is good and it could increase employee satisfaction, commitment and good promotion for the company. This gifts making offer has a nice side, but surely there are some drawbacks that are connected with time, number of people in the company and the meaning of such gifts because of different personalities of every person. This is why we came up with maybe a more feasible solution of selling. In the exhibit section it was mentioned that there are about 5000-7000 lbs. Of scrap-metal sold each month for about 30000 dollars. On the one hand, this is a productive way of returning some value of practically useless material. On the other hand, we considered that this could be improved with an implementation of an auction. Number of those things that were created is quite small, because workers were afraid of being caught and punished for such actions, but if the whole process was allowed, there could be a big increase in numbers and a possibility of selling them. In order for the process to be equal both ways, we considered making an auction where those made objects were sold for the highest price on some monthly meetings in which everyone from the company could participate. The lamps, candlesticks or any other kind of creative and unique things could be made by the craftsmen and sold for a bigger price than the scraps. Also, to make this useful for the maker, he could get 20-40% of the amount sold, or make it that he got the amount differentiated from the price that scrap metal was sold before and the price that the new object had after selling it. We must consider the negative side of such solution. The first thing it would take time to implement such a strategy and decide on some parts, the second thing is that it would require to decide what percentage the maker would get from selling his piece of art, the third thing is that it would also require to decide who could create such things and how often they should do that, whether everyone that has extra time in the axial workshop would be allowed and senior craftsmen would be like tutors or mentors, or only those craftsmen could do that; the fourth thing is that there should be a test period of the auction to find if it is useful and profitable or not and if not owe could it be adjusted. Summarizing all things mentioned about this alternative, it is clear that this solution would be more effective compared to previous ones. The workers would have where to spend their free time in between working hours or after; they would also have a chance to show their creativity and teach others which would lead to getting more responsibilities; the sales of these objects could be bigger than sales of scrap metal; nobody in this process would be harmed or punished; employees would De motivated Ana tenet sell-actualization would Increase connecting both Moscow and Herbert theories. Suggested solution As mentioned in the previous chapter, we decided to choose the third alternative that relates to Masons hierarchy of needs theory and Herrings motivator-hygiene theory. The solution is to allow the process of creating some things from the scrap metal and then after selling it at the company made auction share the sum between the maker and the company. If there was something unsold, give it as a gift for the retirement or other specific occasion to workers. This solution was provided, because it had stronger and more positive results than some other alternatives that we did not mention, but considered as irrelevant to our case. Biggest consequences for this suggested solution could be shown as negative or ineffective answers to such questions: Is it going to work? How long will it take to implement this? How much will it cost? Who will be implementing this? What if workers do not want this solution? If our solution works good, will not take too much time to implement, will not cost too much and we will know who will be responsible for what, then everything should be good unless workers will not accept it.