Thursday, October 17, 2019

An Appeal Letter for My Suspension Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Appeal Letter for My Suspension - Assignment Example I admit that I had a difficult time when trying to submit my papers through the internet. I do not mean to make justifications for the overdue submission, but I would like to clarify the situation. I recognize that I had plenty of time to tackle my pieces. Nevertheless, I completed the papers on time. However, I encountered some difficulties while I was trying to send my papers. The delayed submission of my papers was mainly because of the internet problem. I had to wait and by the time of resolving the internet problem, it was already late. I had the hard copies with me, but since you do not accept them, I had to wait and this made me submit the papers late. I know I ought not to have waited until the end to submit the paper, but I also had other personal problems that led to the late submission. I could have handled the assignment so well if my mother had not gotten very ill. While I was in school, my problems at home still affected me since I could not focus on my assignments. I recognize that ought to have informed you about it early enough, but I thought I could handle the issues but I failed. I like my course and this university and it would be very important for me to graduate from this school since finishing a college degree is fundamental within my family. If you withdraw the suspension, I will focus more on my studies and submit all my assignments on time. I promise that I will take fewer hours to complete my assignments and manage my time wisely so that I can beat deadlines. This will enable me to submit my assignments very early to avoid internet problems at the last minutes of papers submission in future. In addition, I have talked with my advisor, and I promise to follow his advice concerning communicating with my instructors early enough in case I encounter any problems. Additionally, I will get a tutor for those courses, which I find hard. Therefore, I have acquainted myself with the tutors at the college.

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