Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Celebrating, not mourning provides comfory for the living Research Paper

Celebrating, not mourning provides comfory for the living - Research Paper Example It seems time to change our cultural values whose foundation lies upon untested theories that create lengthy and distressing models which ensue in more depression rather than alleviating it. In contrast, dia de los muertos or day of the dead celebrated in Mexico is an ideal model focused on reuniting and honouring beloved ancestors, family and friends. It was believed that life is only a dream and a human being was truly awake only after his death. Thereby, death was not deemed as a mysterious and fearful ending but a realistic familiar makeup, as much a part of life as life itself. The importance of this day can be judged from the fact that it constitutes a national holiday. Festivals are arranged to commemorate ancestors. Private altars are built decorated with sugar skulls, marigold flowers, favorite foods, beverages, possessions of the deceased. Thus, focus is placed on praying for the deceased and incurring their pleasure; the exact opposite of grief culture. So instead of blind ly following mourning and grieving rituals, we should adopt a more rational approach (Rambo, 2005). Celebration of mortality is not restricted to Mexico. Veneration and worship of ancestors is faithfully observed in many parts of the world. For instance, the Chinese believe that all bodily aspects are inherited from parents who continue to work for ones well-being until one is on a firm foothold. Therefore, it is imperative to pay homage to the deceased for their gracious deeds. They occupy the position of guardian angels for the living, protecting and steering their lives to the right path. It is imperative enough to form a part of ‘filial piety’ which is the most important of the eight earthly duties that Chinese must perform. Crying over a situation will not make it any better; but acceptance of loss and commemorating memories is an integral part of the healing process. Fulfillment of earthly duties can lead to inner satisfaction; moreover, showing venerating the dec eased would establish a feeling of closeness, as if they are watching over us. Many Catholics, Buddhists also practice ancestral rights in which they honor the memories of their ancestors usually on their death anniversaries. In India, Hindus frame the portraits of their deceased and decorate them with marigold flowers as opposed to western culture which involves decorating graves with flowers. In addition, Hindus make prayers and seek the guidance of their ancestors which sounds more sensible than shedding tears over stony graves. Similarly, ancestors have been exalted to the position of deities in many African countries. Veneration of ancestors is a cornerstone of various religions practiced there. It can be concluded that ancestral rites is one of the most unifying characteristic of different cultures and religions from east to west (Park, 2010). On the other hand, habits like grieving are disastrous because the real world will never change to fulfill our wishes so people stand t o lose even more because of continued mourning. As we cannot handle he thought of our own non-existence so it is no surprise why we fail to come to terms with the absence of our loved ones. The risk of indulging in drugs or alcohol to let out sorrow or reinforce denial accelerates

Monday, October 28, 2019

Wireless Led Dot Matrix Notice Board Essay Example for Free

Wireless Led Dot Matrix Notice Board Essay POWER SUPPLY Power supply section power the whole circuitry. Different section of this system requires different voltage levels. This requirement cannot be achieved using a single power adapter or battery. So a power supply consist of dc-dc converter is used in our project. The DC-DC converted dc power supply can provide 12v dc, 9v dc and 5 v dc simultaneously for display, discrete IC and micro controller respectively. The power supply section is also included with short circuit protection to prevent system being damaged due to the careless usage or electrical malfunctions. CONTROLLER The controller used here is PIC 16f877a, which is an 8 bit micro controller used for general purpose medium scale applications. In our project this device retrieves signals from the RF receiver as serial data through its URAT port on a baud rate of 2400 bps and stores in its internal data memory. From there it sends the data one by one to display section to display it. The scrolling algorithm is also done through the program written in the controller. This controller also communicate with the RFID reader to fetch the ID of RFID card brought to its proximity and then retrieves the corresponding registry entry to display it in the display board. The scrolling message mode and personal message mode is switched with help of two way switch attached in the display board end. When the switch is in its normal position the message from the PC is displayed and when the switch is in other position the board will display the personal information of the  student whose card is in the proximity o f the RFID reader. DISPLAY The display used here are dot matrix LED. The whole panel consist of 32 displays each one of 57 dot matrix LED. Each character in this display is formed using four such display units. That means the whole display can show a total of 8 characters at a time. The display is drived and controlled using a ring counter IC 4017. By this IC we select each display independently and their column. It uses persistence of vision to let you drive the 32 led matrixes with only 10 microcontroller outputs! Normally you would need 32outputs for 32 LEDs but by using multiplexing and a helper chip you can get away with 10. LED Display multiplexing simply means turning on one led for a short period of time and doing this repeatedly for each LED. If you do this fast enough then your eye will not notice any flicker.The LEDs are no different to any other LEDs but it saves a huge amount of soldering as all the wiring has been done for you..Or you could wire it up yourself if you cant get hold of the module. Still only need 10 control wires (just wire you leds the same as shown in the module diagram). Your eye reacts slowly to changes in light intensity so that if a light is turned on and off quickly enough then it does not notice that the light is off. Basically your eye remembers a light pulse for a short time. The approximate time is 20ms so if the light is turned on at a frequency 50Hz ( 1/20ms) then your eye will not notice any flicker at all. Multiplexing uses this fact to reduce the number of pins needed to drive an LED display. You can do this by splitting the 32led displays into 7 rows and 5columns which lets you drive it using 7 row outputs and 5 column outputs. In fact the 57 led matrix block used here has all the leds arranged in this way already. Each row is driven in turn and as long as all of the rows are driven within a time period of 20ms it will appear as though the LEDs are on continuously. To turn a specific led ON, data is output to the column drivers when a row is driven. To save more pins it is common to use a helper chip and in this project it is a Johnson counter (a 4017). This generates a walking one every time that its clocked.  Since you only want one row on at a time it is the ideal chip for this application. In this project when the 4017 has been reset it outputs logic high at Q0 which is not connected so during reset the 4017 does nothing. This allows you to use the column driver port for something else if you want to when you are not driving the LEDs.To drive the 4017 all you need is two pins one for reset and one for clock. So to fully drive the 32 matrix led display you need only 4 4017. The most difficult thing about using the dot matrix LED display is defining the characters. Basically for ASCII characters you need an array of 128 blocks each having 8 column data numbers. The usual way is to get out a piece of graph paper and define your characters by drawing blocks where a pixel is on. You then translate each line into hex (binary to hex is very easy) and then transfer this information to your program source code. RFID READER RFID is used here to implement the personal information display. RFID technique helps the system for identifying each student with the help of a unique ID given to each student. This reader is capable of powering and reading data from an RFID card which is brought ot its proximity. It has a transmission section through which it sends the received data to controller. The range of this RFID is approximately about 10 cm so that it can avoid unwanted detection of RF signals. In our system RFID system consists of a reader and one or more tags. The readers antenna is used to transmit radio frequency (RF) energy. Depending on the tag type, the energy is harvested by the tags antenna and used to power up the internal circuitry of the tag. The tag will then modulate the electromagnetic waves generated by the reader in order to transmit its data back to the reader. The reader receives the modulated waves and converts them into digital data. In the case of the Parallax RFID Reader Module, correctly received digital data is sent serially through the SOUT pin. There are two major types of tag technologies. Passive tags are tags that do not contain their own power source or transmitter. When radio waves from the reader reach the chip’s antenna, the energy is converted by the antenna into electricity that can power up the microchip in the tag (known as parasitic power). The tag is then able to send back any information stored on the tag  by reflecting the electromagnetic waves as described above. Active tags have their own power source and transmitter. The power source, usually a battery, is used to run the microchips circuitry and to broadcast a signal to a reader. Due to the fact that passive tags do not have their own transmitter and must reflect their signal to the reader, the reading distance is much shorter than with active tags. However, active tags are typically larger, more expensive, and require occasional service. The RFID Reader Module is designed specifically for low-frequency (125 kHz) passive tags. Frequency refers to the size of the radio waves used to communicate between the RFID system components. Just as you tune your radio to different frequencies in order to hear different radio stations, RFID tags and readers have to be tuned to the same frequency in order to communicate effectively. RFID systems typically use one of the following frequency ranges: low frequency (or LF, around 125 kHz), high frequency (or HF, around 13.56 MHz), ultra-high frequency (or UHF, around 868 and 928 MHz), or microwave (around 2.45 and 5.8 GHz). Here we are using an RFID Reader Module with a single TTL-level. The current consumption of the module will increase dramatically when the module is active. A visual indication of the state of the RFID Reader Module is given with the on-board LED. When the module is successfully powered-up and is in an idle state, the LED will be GREEN. When the module is in an active state and the antenna is transmitting, the LED will be RED. The face of the RFID tag should be held parallel to the front or back face of the antenna (where the majority of RF energy is focused). If the tag is held sideways (perpendicular to the antenna) youll either get no reading or a poor reading. Only one transponder tag should be held up to the antenna at any time. The use of multiple tags at one time will cause tag collisions and confuse the reader. The two tags available in the Parallax store have a read distance of approximately 3 inches. Actual distance may vary slightly depending on the size of the transponder tag and environmental conditions of the application. When a valid RFID transponder tag is placed within range of the activated reader, the unique ID will be transmitted as a 12-byte ASCII string via the TTL-level SOUT (Serial Output) pin in the  following format: RF RECEIVER The RF receiver is used to receive RF wireless signals which are transmitted fro the pc section and feed it to the controller. This receiver works in the principle of ASK modulation, an analogue modulation technique to implement digital transmission. This receiver has an active antenna. It works with power of 5V and sink a current of 0.1 mA. The maximum baud rate allowable with this receiver is 2400 bps. For efficient operation we uses 1200 bps. The range of this receiver is with in 100 mtrs. But it can be extended to kms be increasing the power of transmitter . PC SECTION PC section contains application software which is used to interface with the computer. This application has a text box where we can enter the message to be displayed in the notice board. On hitting the send button the data in the text box is transmitted to the display board wirelessly. RS 232 – TTL CONVERTER The signal obtained from th PC is of RS 232 standard. Which means the signal from the PC will be in the range of +12 to -12V level. For the transmitter and the controller to understand the signal it should be in the range of 0 +5 V. so the signal should be level converted before transmission. For this level conversion we use MAX 232 IC. This IC is dedicated for RS 232 to TTL level conversion. With the help of some discrete components this IC can convers the level to ttl logic. RF TRANSMITTER RF transmitter transmits the digital signal generated by the level converter through space as electromagnetic waves. The transmitter uses ASK modulation technique. The range varies up to 100mtrs. The power varies from 5V to 12v. The more the power supply voltage the more will be its quality and range.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Impact of Truth in Oedipus Rex (the King) Essay -- Oedipus the Kin

The Impact of Truth in Oedipus Rex (the King) "Truth has made me strong." This is a quote from Tiresias, one of the characters in Sophocles's tragedy, Oedipus Rex. The quote has different meaning and relevance for each of the different characters, but for the character of Creon, the quote is completely true. By the end of the play, the truth had not only prompted Oedipus to forgive Creon, clearing his name of any previous accusations, but the truth had also made Creon Oedipus's successor. However, Creon was not one to squander the power that he knew can be gained from knowing the truth. He understood its power and importance, and kept it private. For the majority of the play, right up until the very end, Oedipus sees Creon as an enemy. He thinks that Creon, in league with Tiresias, is Laius's murderer and is conspiring to overthrow the king and take the throne for himself, "You the murderer so self-proved, the self-condemned filcher of my thrown..."(29). However, when the truth comes out that Oedipus has married his mother and killed his father, all is forgiven between the king and Creon. Oedipus makes this beautifully clear when he says "God bless you, Creon, bless your path through life, encompass you with surer joys than mine"(78). Having a good and unmarred reputation is a form of power in that people will respect the person, as well as listen to what he or she has to say. If the truth had never come out and Oedipus had never made peace with Creon, Creon's reputation would have been that of a traitor and a murderer. No one would have respected him and he would not have had any practical strength. The power that Creon ended up with is best described in this quote from the Chorus: "Wait! Here comes Creon...... saw the world. For the first time, he understands his surroundings, and understands the world for what it really was. Even though the truth takes away his family, kingdom, pride and possessions, the truth gives him something he needs more than all of those: understanding. Sophocles shows his brilliance as a playwright by adding intelligent, terrible irony to the end of the play. The irony is that at the monumental change in Oedipus' life, when he can, for the first time, see the world with clarity, he can see nothing at all, for he blinds himself. Oedipus becomes like Tiresias, visually blind, but mentally clear. Perhaps Oedipus unintentionally takes an example from Tiresias, learning that it is far better to live one's life without sight and see the world clearly through the minds eye, than to be able to see, but have ones sight blinded by pride.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

First Day of High School Essay

Walking into a brand new school for the first time with a bundle of happiness and a twisted knot in your stomach indicating just how nervous you really are, sure is a way to start your first day of high school. It is natural on the part of every student to remember the first day at school. Recently, I just became a 9th grader. I remember the day as a unclear haze, that resembled a impossible puzzle to complete. The night before was spent with stories of high school back in the last couple decades or so. Ever so often was an, â€Å"Oh you’ll blend in,† â€Å"You’ve grown so much,† and â€Å"I cannot believe you’re already in high school.† Eventually the praise died down and it was time to climb into bed. The first thing I came to realize was a large building pacted tightly together within a compound wall. As small as I am, i couldn’t not seem to put the puzzle pieces together but luckily a map became my bestfriend. The schedule was confusing at first, since it was a long summertime before I had last read one. Nothing felt stable or ordered, everything seemed like it was going to be chaotic any minute. A few seconds later the bell rang, as I thought to myself how much I did not ever recall a harsh stop and ponder during the summer about miss the bell itself. The pattern went throughout the day as a class began, and after a long period a bell ended the period and began a new class. This went on for what felt like years. I walked through the halls and tried to categorize exactly what type of people I would be dealing with and I’ve realized the fact high school is anything but the type of events they describe in movies. Everyone seemed to fit each category perfectly, however it wasn’t quite the match. These faces appeared more normal and friendly. I remember my imagination of what high school was like when I was younger. I was just dying to experience all the new and exciting things that awaited me. From sports to boys to all the partying, I just wanted to know what everything was like and now that I’m finally here, I feel like I want to go back to when I was younger and not wish to grow up so much. As time goes on you find yourself getting to class earlier and earlier each day. Finding new routes, talking a little more, taking more time between classes and the tension eases. The days do not get harder, but the work and study habits do. Later days of the school year are always easier then the first few. Some say that â€Å"high school was the best time of my life†, just like others say that high school was the worst time in their lives. To be honest, I am not sure which category I fall into yet. I’ve had a good start but I know high school won’t be picture perfect for me. The only thing I can say is that I am learning.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Parent Interview

I interviewed a woman who has given birth within the past year so that I can relate the things I am learning In the classroom back to real life scenarios. Throughout the Interview I hope to obtain enough knowledge to be able to understand the blurting process a lot better. I hope that I will be able to know more about how real life situations when it comes to having a new baby in the house. I also hope to be able to understand what it is like for a mother to see their newborn baby for the first time. Else is a 23 year old female.She is Mexican and was born at Fremont hospital in Yuba City, CA. Her family is made up of her boyfriend, herself, and her 4 children. Her boyfriend is also Mexican and they speak mostly English inside of their home, but they also Include some Spanish. She doesn't work at the moment, she currently Is enrolled In 5 classes at Yuba College and Is a full time mother to her 4 little ones. I interviewed Else outside of the cafeteria at Yuba College, It wasn't exac tly In privacy but she said It was perfectly fine. The total Interview took about an hour.Else was very nice and considerate, since she Is an ACE major also, she decided In the middle f the interview that she wants to take ACE 3 and learn about that the basics of every child. There was no problems with the procedure. RESULTS Else had a difficult delivery. She had a planned cesarean delivery, but she had a lot of tissue scaring which made it harder for the doctors to stitch the incision that was made. According to Papilla, a cesarean delivery is when doctors surgically remove a baby from the uterus through an incision In the mother's abdomen (120).She ended up having to stay 4 days In the hospital because of the complications with the Incision. When Else first saw her daughter she was Instantly In love with the little Dutton nose and soft skin. Her newborn baby was seven and a half pounds, which according to Papilla that is the average for newborn babies in the united States (122). S he gave birth to her at the same hospital she was born at, which is Fremont hospital in Yuba City. The only thing that she didn't really like about her stay there was that the R. N. Name in at 4:30 in the morning to weigh the baby, she thinks that 8 am would be a more appropriate time. Else said that right after giving birth she was able to see her baby for about 10 seconds and then wasn't able to see her again for 5 ours due to the complications that happened with the incision. She said that she had a big room and had It all to herself, which was extremely nice because her boyfriend stayed with her the entire time she was in there. She said that he held her hand and kept her happy throughout the entire cesarean delivery.The day after delivery she was able to hold her newborn, but she was extremely sad because she was told that she Isn't allowed to have any more children because of the scaring. Papilla vaginal birth after cesarean should only be attempted with caution (121). So, und erstandable as to why she isn't allowed to have any more children. It surprised her, but she was fine with it because she was fine and her newborn was healthy. The baby was quiet as a newborn. Instead of crying when she's hungry, she would move her head a lot.Right after child birth, she wasn't able to move because her incision was constantly opening up, so her boyfriend did most of the work including changing diapers and bathing the baby. Papilla has stated that the father's role has been increased since sass's and that the father's involvement with the child is related to the child's well-being and physical, cognitive, and social development (139). She breastfed for 2 months, but then the baby decided that she didn't want it anymore, so she had to switch to the bottle.She wanted to make sure that her newborn received the nutrients through her breast milk, so she was sad when she had to switch to the bottle. Papilla recommends breastfeeding to reduce the risk of obesity (147). Obes ity runs in her family. It actually makes it easier because now she doesn't have to worry about pumping milk before she goes to school. Overall, she is much more tired than she was before the baby was born, but she says that the babies mile makes her happier than ever before.The child changed Else's life because she now has 4 little ones that she has to care for, but she said it gives her something to look forward to everyday. She doesn't work anymore, because she decided to start school. She says that nothing has changed dramatically, but she is trying to maintain the same schedule as before. The baby is in a daycare, but the daycare is ran by the baby's grandmother.Throughout the interview, I learned that there is many complications that can come with a cesarean delivery. I didn't know that if you had to much scar tissue that it would be complicated to stitch back up. I also learned that babies freely choose if they want to be breastfed or bottle fed, I had never thought about the possibility of a child deciding that. It was interesting to see how everything related back to the book, especially since I don't have any children of my own. Marmoreal, Papilla, Feldman. (2014). A Child's World: Infancy Through Adolescence. Thirteenth Edition. New York: McGraw Hill.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chronic Wound Care Essays

Chronic Wound Care Essays Chronic Wound Care Essay Chronic Wound Care Essay The management and care of persons with severe or chronic wounds with their extensive effects have a challenge to both practitioner and patient. The challenging bit is the paucity of the treatment based on evidence strategies for the care of chronic wounds. After going through numerous databases, this paper will try to review chronic wound care and its management articles. Applying this available information, this literature review will be based on evidence concepts relating to the treatment of the chronic wounds while focusing on the basic principles for treatments. Chronic wound management According to Srensen (2012), a wound is a distraction of the normal functioning of the skin or skin structure. An acute wound damage caused by trauma inflicted on skin cells. This can be intentional as in cases where doctors conduct surgical procedures or by accidents such as blunt objects, chemicals, electricity or heat. The best approach to the study was through classification and treatment to wound care. In his findings he concluded that; An acute wound is expected to heal progressively through the normal wound healing stages and with time the wound will close up. Srensen (2012), further recommend that; It is important to recognize that, different causes of wound determines the length of time the skin would heal, the higher the level of trauma the longer the time the skin cells would take to have a quick recovery. Romanelli (2014), establishes that chronic wound in his study found out thata chronic wound; is one that fails to respond to normal treatment or does not progress as other normal wounds over the normal expected healing time frame (usually four weeks). Instead, the healing process stagnates at the inflammatory phase. Chronic wound care the essentials Chronicity of wounds can be attributed to a series of intrinsic and extrinsic factors which include poor nutrition and inappropriate dressing. Other factors such as diabetes also lead to chronicity of a wound, poor nutrition and improper dressing alone do not determine the wound healing process. Medical interventions such as a boost of the immunity should be able to reduce the chronicity of a wound. Dettmers, Brekelmans, Leijnen, Ritchie (2016)found out that there are numerous causative types of wounds; acute surgical wounds: during surgical procedures, a sharp object may be used to deliberately cut through the skin tissues. Acute wounds normally undergo a natural process of healing where the damaged tissues and cells will undergo restoration and body anatomy, and functioning will ultimately achieve their integrity. An acute wound that fails to heal within a period of 6 weeks might end up becoming a chronic wound. Acute wounds require proper dressing, it also needs the patient to watch over their nutrition at the time. Medical interventions alone is not enough to help absolve the problems of chronic wounds. Trauma wounds are as a result of a stressful event caused by mechanical or chemical injury that leads to damage of tissues. Trauma can have a serious short term and long term effects based on its level. It is important to treat each level of trauma with utmost care to avoid would chronicity. Chronic wound care management and research According Jeschke Rogers (2016)Burns are injuries sustained by skin tissues due to heat, electricity, friction or radiation. Heat causes rug burns while friction cause rope burns. Chemicals, on the other hand, cause caustic burns when one comes into contact with them. Chronic wounds usually fail to heal orderly and within the expected times. There are different environments for chronic and acute wounds. Some of the clinical signs of chronic wounds include lack of reduction of the size of the wound as time progresses, frequent and recurrent breakdown of the wound, and the granulation tissue is unhealthy. Burns should therefore be handled through the use of heat dissipation mechanism in order to reduce any inflammatory conditions. Pressure injuries according to Melbourne 2016,are injuries to the skin and the underlying tissues mostly on a bony surface as a result of friction or pressure, or a combination of both. Infected wounds: pathogenic microorganisms can invade wound tissues, causing additional damage to cells and tissues through secretion of toxic substances. It is valid to say that pressure injuries need more attention as they can turn to be inflammatory and swellings are a common part of it. Protection against festurization of the wound is important. Dickinson Gerecht (2016)study have generated sufficient evidence to show that a moist environment is ideal for the healing process of wounds. As a result of this, there has been a proliferation of wound dressings that have higher acquisition costs than standards dressings, leaving wound care providers in a state of confusion as to when be the appropriate time to use these relatively more expensive methods. Burn wounds, chronic wounds and pressure wounds require specialized dressing, other wounds such as sharp object wounds do not need any specialized care. Chronic wound treatment Ubbink et al. (2013) found thatadvanced wound dressing, using foam, for instance, has more control of the wound surface through the retention of moisture and absorption of exudates; in the process, the wound base and the surrounding tissues are protected. Maintenance of optimal moisture content ensures that the patient remains comfortable before, during and after the wound dressing process. The choice of which dressing to use will vary depending on the nature of wound base and the exudates. The selection of the dressing to be used therefore calls for training, experience and a level of expertise in wound care. Wound dressing using foam should be used in cases where a patient has experienced a high level of trauma on the skin such as a burned skin. This mechanism of dressing works best for wounds that are highly septic and require multiple change of dressing. Paul (2015)established that; the inflammatory phase takes up to three days from the point of infliction of injury. It is characterized by the bodys natural reaction to injury and is characterized by vasodilation that leads to increased blood flow that leads to swelling, pain and redness. At times wound ooze may be experienced which is a normal function of the body response. The proliferation phase takes between 3 to 24 days and is the phase when the wound is undergoing healing. The body generates new blood vessels and tissues that cover the wound surface. It is the reconstruction phase, and the wound will ultimately become smaller as the healing process progresses. The maturation phase takes between 24-365 days is the final phase of healing and is characterized by the formation of scar tissues. At this phase, the wound is still at risk and should be adequately protected. In many other cases, wound healing takes a shorter time that the projected 24 days, the level of trauma and chroni city of the wound can push the healing period past the 24 days mark. Inconclusion chronic wound care and management based on evidence should recommend the following healing mechanisms; Primary intention: this is where surgical wounds and recent traumatic injuries are dealt with by primary closure- the edges of the wound are secured by staples and minimal tissue loss and scarring occurs. Delayed primary intention is the surgical closure of a wound that is performed 3 to 5 days after a thorough cleaning of the wound bed has been done. Skin graft: this is the removal of a partial or full segment of the epidermis and the dermis, removing it from its blood supply source and transplanting it on another site to expedite the healing process and prevent infections. Skin grafts can be a perfect mechanism of hastening the healing process but it is important to be highly careful when selecting a skin graft section as a mismatch can create another wound due to poor match of the skin parts. A skin graft can be a perfect cure but it is a risky measure in wound heali ng process. References Dettmers, R., Brekelmans, W., Leijnen, M., Ritchie, E. (2016). Negative Pressure Wound Therapy With Instillation and Dwell Time Used to Treat Infected Orthopedic Implants: A 4-patient Case Series | Ostomy Wound Management. Retrieved 18 September 2016, from Dickinson, L. Gerecht, S. (2016). Engineered Biopolymeric Scaffolds for Chronic Wound Healing. Frontiers In Physiology, 7. Hirsch, T., Limoochi-Deli, S., Lahmer, A., Jacobsen, F., Goertz, O., Steinau, H. et al. (2011). Antimicrobial Activity of Clinically Used Antiseptics and Wound Irrigating Agents in Combination with Wound Dressings. Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery, 127(4), 1539-1545. Jeschke, M. Rogers, A. (2016). Managing severe burn injuries: challenges and solutions in complex and chronic wound care. Chronic Wound Care Management And Research, 59. Melbourne, T. (2016). Clinical Guidelines (Nursing) : Wound care. Retrieved 18 September 2016, from Paul, J. (2015). Wound pruritus: pathophysiology and management. Chronic Wound Care Management And Research, 119. Romanelli, M. (2014). Chronic wound management and research. Chronic Wound Care Management And Research, 1. Srensen, L. (2012). Wound Healing and Infection in Surgery. Annals Of Surgery, 255(6), 1069-1079. Ubbink, D., Lindeboom, R., Eskes, A., Brull, H., Legemate, D., Vermeulen, H. (2013). Predicting complex acute wound healing in patients from a wound expertise centre registry: a prognostic study. International Wound Journal, 12(5), 531-536.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Book Chapter Why Customization in the SAT Is Key

Book Chapter Why Customization in the SAT Is Key SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The final strategy from our book, The Insider's Guide to the SAT, is customization. This is the final pillar that willtie all of our strategies together. Why is customization so important? You have different strengths and weaknesses from other students. You have different goals. This means you need to prep in a way that’s customized to you. Just think about yourself compared to other students at your school. You might have gotten better grades in math than in English, or vice versa. Every student has different skills. It’s unlikely that any other student has the exact same skills as you. Therefore, every student needs a different study plan for the SAT. Here’s the problem: manyprep methods out there treat all students exactly the same. Books give the same strategies and lessons to every reader, and students read the book cover to cover in the same way. Expensive classes from big-name companies put 20 students into the same classroom and drag everyone through the same lectures. (Let’s put aside the fact that they hire inexperienced people fresh out of college.) The way to solve this problem is to ensure whatever study method you choose is customized. Ask your program, what real steps are they taking to customize the study for you? If you use a book, don't simply read it from cover to cover. Read more about how you can achieve customizationfrom the rest of our book, and get more tips from our SAT Guide to 160+ Points: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Dr. Fred Zhang About the Author Fred is co-founder of PrepScholar. He scored a perfect score on the SAT and is passionate about sharing information with aspiring students. Fred graduated from Harvard University with a Bachelor's in Mathematics and a PhD in Economics. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Sunday, October 20, 2019

An Explanation of Acid Mine Drainage

An Explanation of Acid Mine Drainage In a nutshell, acid mine drainage is a form of water pollution that happens when rain, runoff, or streams come in contact with rock that is rich in sulfur. As a result, the water becomes very acidic and damages downstream aquatic ecosystems. In some regions, it is the most common form of stream and river pollution. Sulfur-bearing rock, especially one type of mineral called pyrite, is routinely fractured or crushed during coal or metal mining operations, and accumulated in piles of mine tailings. Pyrite contains iron sulfide which, when in contact with water, dissociates into sulfuric acid and iron. The sulfuric acid dramatically lowers the pH, and the iron can precipitate and form an orange or red deposit of iron oxide that smothers the bottom of the stream. Other harmful elements like lead, copper, arsenic, or mercury may also be stripped from the rocks by the acidic water, further contaminating the stream. Where Does Acid Mine Drainage Happen? It mostly occurs where mining is done to extract coal or metals from sulfur-bearing rocks. Silver, gold, copper, zinc, and lead are commonly found in association with metal sulfates, so their extraction can cause acid mine drainage. Rainwater or streams become acidified after they run through the mine’s tailings. In hilly terrain, older coal mines were sometimes built so that gravity would drain out water from inside the mine. Long after those mines are closed, acid mine drainage continues to come out and contaminate waters downstream. In the coal mining regions of the eastern United States, over 4,000 miles of stream have been impacted by acid mine drainage. These streams are mostly located in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio. In the western U.S., on Forest Service land alone there are over 5,000 miles of affected streams.   In some circumstances, sulfur-bearing rock can be exposed to water in non-mining operations. For example, when construction equipment cuts a path through bedrock to build a road, pyrite can be broken up and exposed to air and water. Many geologists thus prefer the term acid rock drainage, since mining is not always involved. Environmental Effects Drinking water becomes contaminated. Groundwater can be affected, impacting local water wells.Waters with a very low pH can support only severely reduced animal and plant diversity. Fish species are some of the first to disappear. In the most acidic streams, only some specialized bacteria survive.Because of how corrosive it is, acidic stream water damages infrastructure such as culverts, bridges, and stormwater pipes.Any recreational potential (e.g., fishing, swimming) and scenic value for streams or rivers affected by acid mine drainage are greatly reduced.   Solutions Passive treatment of acidic streams can be conducted by routing the water into a purpose-built wetland designed to buffer the low pH. Yet, these systems require complex engineering, regular maintenance, and are applicable only when certain conditions are present.Active treatment options include isolating or treating the waste rock to avoid contact of water with sulfates. Once water has been contaminated, options include pushing it through a permeable reactive barrier that neutralizes the acid or routing it through a specialized wastewater treatment plant. Sources Reclamation Research Group. 2008. Acid Mine Drainage and Effects on Fish Health and Ecology: A Review.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1994. Acid Mine Drainage Prediction.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The video The End of the Line investigates the issue of over fishing Essay

The video The End of the Line investigates the issue of over fishing of fish species due to illegal catches and surpassed fishing quotas - Essay Example Eventually, the effects of overfishing would be briefly discussed before touching on the economic issues of overfishing. According to the film, commercial overfishing actually started about 50 years ago when advances in technology enabled various fishermen to increase their catch magnanimously. The conventional trawlers and small fishing boats were replaced by huge factory ships which have the capacity to freeze or tin fishes up to the time that their holds are full. Economies of scale are practiced as early as this when these huge factory ships invested the necessary funds to ensure that their catches should be maximized before they would return to the respective ports. Overfishing has debilitating effects on all marine life. As the film emphasized, it initially examined the worrisome extinction of the bluefin tuna and other big fishes due to the increasing demand for sushi. The decrease in the pool of big fishes has the repercussion of increasing the population of jellyfishes. The economic implications of an overpopulation of jellyfishes are follows: there are more losses in terms of revenues for the fishing industry; without fishes there is rampant unemployment; the jellyfishes endangers fishermen and beach goers; and the presence of jellyfishes cause a decline in the prices of the remaining fishes caught. According to Kelly (2010), â€Å"the existence of jelly fish has changed consumer preferences, concerns about the quality of fish has led to a decline in the price of fish, this has resulted as consumers demand less fish given that they fear that the fish may be contaminated with sting venom from jelly fish, therefore this has resulted into a loss of revenue for fishermen who have now decided to exit the fishing industry.† The film has warned viewers that â€Å"scientists predict that if we continue fishing as we are now, we will see the end of most seafood by 2048† (The Film, n.d. par. 8). This

Friday, October 18, 2019

Parenting today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Parenting today - Essay Example nal and emotional changes in his life, he is moving towards independence, a concrete thinker and sensitive to criticisms as stated by Military and Life Consultants (n.d.). To understand him more, you must spend more time with each other. Try activities that would enhance your father-son relationship like playing ball games and going outdoors which would not demand a lot of cash. Find time and spend time despite the work schedule. As much as possible, spend your meal time together, Jonathan is the only one you have at this time and you are the only one he has at home. Aside from spending time together, you can teach him responsibility and discipline by setting rules and consequences. However, you must let him participate in setting the rules in the house. Listen to him, this is very much important. Your rules must include him doing homework regularly, observing curfew time, watch up late only allowed during weekends and keeping his room tidy. After setting the rules, set the consequences and make sure that these penalties should be firm and be strictly imposed by you. If rules are not followed, there would be less time on the television, weekend indoors and more chores to be done. These should de firm and non-negotiable. If you see him doing well and becoming responsible and disciplined, do not forget to appreciate what he is doing and give him rewards he deserve. You can also learn how to achieve discipline of Jonathan by visiting and learning through the Positive Discipline site, They offer help via books and DVD’s. You can also attend their workshops about teaching parents the positive discipline way. You can see the schedules and venues of their workshops online. This site and their products would be a great help to you and Jonathan. They offer many ways to effectively discipline your child. May this letter provide you thoughts and ways regarding you r problem with Jonathan. I hope to hear many good things in the next few

Slavery Comes to the American Colonies From 1492-1750 Essay

Slavery Comes to the American Colonies From 1492-1750 - Essay Example Development in the South American colonies and the West Indies were retarded due to the control and dominance by the Spaniards. There was also a drift towards an economy based on agriculture. These two factors contributed to the development of slave-holding societies in the American colonies. In the initial stages local natives were use in the development of commercial agriculture, but the local natives were not able to withstand the heavy workload they were expected to perform and withered away. The decimation of the local communities had the benefit of providing even more land for commercial agricultural production. The lack of local natives for slave labor and the added land available for agricultural production cause the induction of the hardy African Negroes into these lands, as slaves to work on commercial agricultural production sites. (Hinton, K.V., 2005). The use of African Negroes as slaves in the American colony started when King Charles V of Spain granted a license for bringing four thousand African Negroes into the West Indies as slaves. From then on the American colonies were to witness the growth of slavery. The English involvement in trade and use of slaves started in 1562, and subsequent to the revolution in 1688 trading and use by the British was to flourish. With the royalty involved in the slave trade its growth was only enhanced. An English company was formed in 1713 with Queen Anne of England holding a quarter share, and King Philip V of Spain another quarter. This company was given the privilege of supplying 144,000 Negro slaves to the Spanish American colonies for a period of thirty years, and is an indication of the growth in slave trade and the use of slaves in the American colonies. The spread of the use of Negro slaves into the United States of America was a natural extension of the wide use

Thursday, October 17, 2019

An Appeal Letter for My Suspension Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Appeal Letter for My Suspension - Assignment Example I admit that I had a difficult time when trying to submit my papers through the internet. I do not mean to make justifications for the overdue submission, but I would like to clarify the situation. I recognize that I had plenty of time to tackle my pieces. Nevertheless, I completed the papers on time. However, I encountered some difficulties while I was trying to send my papers. The delayed submission of my papers was mainly because of the internet problem. I had to wait and by the time of resolving the internet problem, it was already late. I had the hard copies with me, but since you do not accept them, I had to wait and this made me submit the papers late. I know I ought not to have waited until the end to submit the paper, but I also had other personal problems that led to the late submission. I could have handled the assignment so well if my mother had not gotten very ill. While I was in school, my problems at home still affected me since I could not focus on my assignments. I recognize that ought to have informed you about it early enough, but I thought I could handle the issues but I failed. I like my course and this university and it would be very important for me to graduate from this school since finishing a college degree is fundamental within my family. If you withdraw the suspension, I will focus more on my studies and submit all my assignments on time. I promise that I will take fewer hours to complete my assignments and manage my time wisely so that I can beat deadlines. This will enable me to submit my assignments very early to avoid internet problems at the last minutes of papers submission in future. In addition, I have talked with my advisor, and I promise to follow his advice concerning communicating with my instructors early enough in case I encounter any problems. Additionally, I will get a tutor for those courses, which I find hard. Therefore, I have acquainted myself with the tutors at the college.

Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Question - Assignment Example According to Fryberg et al., the negative impacts of exposure to the images of American Indians can be linked with their relative invisibility in the present American Indian society in the United States (216). Further, the researchers discovered in their study that American Indian mascots and other dominant representations of the Indian community in America have no positive relationships for positive construction of the identity of American Indian students. The authors present previous studies postulating that â€Å"American Indian mascots have harmful psychological consequences for the group that is caricaturized by the mascots† (216). Stereotypes usually culminate in negative impacts on self-esteem, identity and social dimension of minority groups. Many researchers have identified stereotyping as a major blow to people’s self-esteem, thus American Indian mascot images together with other dominant representations of the American Indian community may be accused of the low self-esteem and thwart identity construction of invisible American Indians. The negative consequence of American Indian mascots emanates from the fact that there are often few alternate American Indians, thus they suffice for generalizations made about the entire American Indian society. Fryberg, Stephanie A., Hazel Rose Markus, Daphna Oyserman, and Joseph M. Stone. "Of warrior chiefs and Indian princesses: The psychological consequences of American Indian mascots." Basic and Applied Social Psychology 30.3 (2008):

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

An Appeal Letter for My Suspension Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Appeal Letter for My Suspension - Assignment Example I admit that I had a difficult time when trying to submit my papers through the internet. I do not mean to make justifications for the overdue submission, but I would like to clarify the situation. I recognize that I had plenty of time to tackle my pieces. Nevertheless, I completed the papers on time. However, I encountered some difficulties while I was trying to send my papers. The delayed submission of my papers was mainly because of the internet problem. I had to wait and by the time of resolving the internet problem, it was already late. I had the hard copies with me, but since you do not accept them, I had to wait and this made me submit the papers late. I know I ought not to have waited until the end to submit the paper, but I also had other personal problems that led to the late submission. I could have handled the assignment so well if my mother had not gotten very ill. While I was in school, my problems at home still affected me since I could not focus on my assignments. I recognize that ought to have informed you about it early enough, but I thought I could handle the issues but I failed. I like my course and this university and it would be very important for me to graduate from this school since finishing a college degree is fundamental within my family. If you withdraw the suspension, I will focus more on my studies and submit all my assignments on time. I promise that I will take fewer hours to complete my assignments and manage my time wisely so that I can beat deadlines. This will enable me to submit my assignments very early to avoid internet problems at the last minutes of papers submission in future. In addition, I have talked with my advisor, and I promise to follow his advice concerning communicating with my instructors early enough in case I encounter any problems. Additionally, I will get a tutor for those courses, which I find hard. Therefore, I have acquainted myself with the tutors at the college.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

International environment policy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International environment policy - Assignment Example (2) World Bank began its operations at Bretton Woods in 1944; at that time, the Bank intended to assist the European countries to rebuild themselves after the Second World War. Some of the purposes of the bank include: (I) Overcome poverty to spur growth to the poor countries mostly in Africa. (II) To offer reconstruction of the poor countries as they come out of war to end extreme poverty. (III) Spur governments to address communicable diseases international financial crisis, promote free trade, and prevent climate change. (3) IMF opened its doors in July 1944 at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Forty-four different countries agreed to create a body to oversee economic cooperation, prevent financial turmoil and currency devaluations. Two years on 46 nations met and agreed to establish IMF that currently has 188 member nations. IMF sets the global monetary policy to foster monetary stability, fix balance of payments issues, and facilitate trade. IMF allows member nations to access short term financing that can reduce the poverty rates. (4) Mission of IMF include: to oversee the international monetary system, promote exchange stability, assist the member states in development agenda, supplement currency reserves using special drawing rights. The organization has $215billion at its disposal and a staff of 2300 from 182 member countries. The mission of World Bank include promote economic development on the poor countries, assist countries using long-term financing, provide the poorest countries with special financial assistance, and encourage the development of private enterprises. The organization has a total of $184 billion with a staff of 7000 from 180 member countries. (5) The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) began its operation during the 1960 Baghdad Conference. The five founding members included Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Pre-operative assessment Essay Example for Free

Pre-operative assessment Essay Pre-operative assessment (POA) and planning, carried out prior to treatment, ensures that the patient is fully informed about the procedure and the post operative recovery, is in optimum health and has made arrangements for admission, discharge and post operative care at home. POA and planning is an essential part of the planned care pathway which enhances the quality of care in a number of ways. * If a patient is fully informed, they will be less stressed and recover more quickly * A health check ensures good medical health before anaesthesia and surgery * Planning admission and discharge individually ensures that patient and carers know what to expect facilitating earlier post operative care at home * Cancellations due to patient ill health or DNAs are reduced * Admission on the day of surgery and early discharge are more likely By improving the planned admission process, you also enhance the patient experience and the clinical process, as well as the efficiency and productivity of the trust. POA and planning should form a natural part of the process for all planned surgery. You may wish to match the intensity of the process to the patients level of fitness and complexity of the procedure. The key areas covered in the National Good Practice Guidance on Pre-operative Assessment for Inpatient and Day Case Surgery include: * The objectives of pre-operative assessment  * Who should undergo pre-operative assessment * When and where pre-operative assessment should take place * Who should perform pre-operative assessment * The risks, benefits and informed consent * What should happen after pre-operative assessment * What information should be given to patients * How records should be kept * How the pre-operative assessment service should be audited * Training in pre-operative assessment * Examples of effective practice

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Representation Of Gender In Disneys Films Film Studies Essay

The Representation Of Gender In Disneys Films Film Studies Essay In the golden age of animation, 1928 1960s, Walt Disney was one of the famous animators in the industry who founded The Walt Disney Corporation. He was an American film director, producer, screenwriter, entertainer and entrepreneur. The book, From Mouse to Mermaid, described that Disney ethos both reflects and promotes particular elements of the dominant ideology of United State culture (Murphy, p.127). Most of Disneys work represents characters that embody racial, ethnic, and gender stereotypes. As well as middle-class perspective and royalist ideology while focusing on themes like innocence, friendship, magic and fairytale. The old Disney works such as Bambi (1942), Snow White (1937), Cinderella (1950), and Sleeping Beauty (1959) are misleading in the image that they portray to young children whose mind is still impressionable. Disney also created subtle messages of stereotypical of social construct of men and women. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs released in 1937, it was well-known as the first to use Technicolor cel animation, about 250,000 celluloid frames for each animated film. Each frame is repeated from frame to frame, as layers upon layers of retelling, and in particular, a retelling of womans body. They also used live-action models for the characters and cinematic conventions of representing women. Each individual cel of film was hand-painted by women who created indelible images of the feminine. Elizabeth Bells said in her essay the women in these films are not bifurcated into good and bad, but represent a continuum of cultural representations of womens power and performance (Bell, p. 121). Eventhough I agree with her that Disneys work represents steriotypical role of female in our society, but I do not agree with her at this point because in Snow White and Cinderrella, we can see a clear distinction between a good characters and a bad characters that womens. A good characters fullfill a typical role of the ideal woman. The ideological woman is supposed to be skinny, beautiful, acquiescent, and perform duties of a housewife. She will not disobey direct orders and does not hold a job on her own. Whereas the bad woman is independent, strong willed and does not perform duties of a house care taker. During that time, the standards of contemporary beauty in Hollywood were young, pretty, white, graceful and slender. Disneys heroine character moved along with these standards except for the old Femmes Fatales. According to Middle-aged women represented as femme fatales are dark, independent, and treacherous; they are dressed on extravagant costumes. The example of this can be seen in Snow White, with the Evil Stepmother. As Bell rightly point out Disney transforms the vain, active and wicked woman of folktales into the Femme Fatale, the deadly woman od silent film and of Hollywood classic film. They usually played the roles of an evil stepmother who envied the younger heroine for her looks and ended up being defeated or killed. The old crone from Snow White represents the old female character which is depicted as gray and wrinkled, clumsy, and frumpily dressed. Disneys representation of women is the treatments of the feminine life-cycle in hegemonic social disclose and stereotypes a bout womens bodies. Another notable film technique is use by Disney film Bambi. Released during World War II, the film still used Technicolor cel animation but the goal was to obtain a highly realistic look than the previous productions. Bambi is a story about the birth and maturation of a young male; the son of the stag who rules the forest and his mother who was killed by man. Walt Disney attempted to achieve realistic detail by lecture the animators, so they could study movement of animals. Los Angeles Zoo was shipped a pair of fawns to showed animators, therefore the artist could draw nature look and realistic movement of Bambi and Faline. Each individual shows detail of nature; for instance, in the open scene we saw the shadow of sunlight which represents the morning hours. But because of the realism that they tried to created, multiples of cel made color of the film faded. Bambi used Anthropomorphism to represent gender of male and female stereotypes by using non-human characteristics to display an object or abstract concepts. Even though the film does not ascribe to the typical view of physical appearance but it still portray ideological of gender through Anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism ascribes human motivation, characteristics or behavior to things not human, such as inanimate objects, animals or natural phenomena. Bambi also represent royalist ideology because the title character is a son of the Great Prince of the Forest and he became the Prince of the forest. The male stereotypes are represented through Bambi, Ronno and Bambis father, while female stereotypes are represented through Bambis mother and Faline. Beginning with male stereotypes, the father is labeled as the Great Prince of the Forest during the film, which represents his authority amongst the forest community which shows that only a male can lead the society and be a protector of f amily or community because males are perceived to be smarter that females. In the scene, Bambis father told everyone in the forest to escape from the hunter it shows how he tried to protect everyone in the forest because he would stay back to ensure that everyone is safe. The mother is represented as the natural stereotype of typical mom who always loves and cares about the children. One of the scenes that showed the way that mothers would do everything for their children is when they ran away from hunter, she preferred to give up her life in order to save her childs life. Another stereotype of young men represent in Bambi and Ronno, when they fight for Faline because young males always fight for a women. We also see the stereotype of young female Disney character in Faline which describe as young, pretty and slender stereotype that depends on a male. She was falling in love with the prince and ended up with the happy ending. The ideology of fairy tales is showed in a female character in Disneys film  which is the inherent expectation to falling in love and getting married to the prince so they can have happiness in life.  An example of this is in Snow White character that allows girls to have fairy-tales to dream of and hope for. As Murphy point out in his essay the Disney ethos both reflects and promotes particular elements of the dominant ideology of United States culture (p. 127), where the young girls are waiting for prince charming and dreaming of being princesses. They set the standards and ideology for girls on how to grow up. Contemporary society believes that women need to be more independent through the film because it has a huge impact on young audience on how they see the world. They want Disney to show that women can take care of themselves, more independent, be leaders, have jobs and do not rely on men. They also want Disney to transform into equality of gender because most of their films show a male dominated outlook. Feminists concerned about perception of the world and values about the point of view on young children especially girls to watch for unhealthy look of the physical attributes along with the values supporting male dominance. Disney production films showed the ideals of nature conflict through their female protagonists where women are fully dependent on men and female characters are often shown as happy housewives. This is due to the personal belief and attitude Walt Disney has towards how the family life is shaped and wha t roles women should play in society. The narratives of media associated between genders offer patterns of proper and improper behavior, messages, and ideological conditioning with pleasurable of popular entertainment being show on television. Even though there have been changes over years, we can see appropriate societal roles for men and women. By analyzing and interpreting animation films through history, one is able to understand the representation of gender which entails the inequalities that rest amongst sex, gender, nature, and ethnicity.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Who is Responsible for Military Robots’ Lethal Actions? Essay

I) Introduction Robotic technology has enabled the US military to use autonomous robots (or unmanned systems, UMS) in modern warfare. In the war with Iraq, the US military sent 12000 ground robots at the end of 2008 (P. W. Singer). One of the most popular robots used in Iraq is the iRobot Packbot, an unmanned ground vehicle, which is capable of detecting and destroying improvised explosive devices. Exploiting robots in warfare can save lives of many human soldiers. Moreover, robots are faster, have longer endurance, high precision and immunity to chemical and biological weapons (Ronald Arkin).In the National Defense Act of 2001 the U.S. Congress, obviously impressed by the potential of robots saving lives on the battlefield, established the requirement for one-third of the ground vehicles and one-third of the deep-strike aircraft in the military to be robotic within the decade. Consequently, in the â€Å"Fiscal Year 2009-2034 Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap† of the office of the secretary of defense showed the four categories that will be focused on are reconnaissance and surveillance, target identification and designation, counter-mine and explosive ordnance disposal, and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear detection (Stew Magnuson). As for now, most of the robot soldiers in the field are not fully autonomy. They are controlled by human soldier operators. However, the pressure of wars and the superior advantage of robots which can make decisions on their own will shift the interest in developing autonomous robots. In battle field, the time to decide whether or not to take action is too short that it would be impractical that a robot must send a signal to an operator and wait for the permission to fire (Ronald Arkin)... ...gner, A.R., and Duncan, B., â€Å"Responsibility and Lethality for Unmanned Systems: Ethical Pre-Mission Responsibility Advisement†. GVU Technical Report GIT-GVU-09-01, GVU Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009. Asaro, P. M., â€Å"Robots and Responsibility from a Legal Perspective†. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Roma, Italy. April 2007. Magnuson, S., â€Å" Robo Ethics†. National Defense (Volume 94, Issue 672, Nov 2009), 28-29. Singer, P. W., â€Å"Military Robots and the Laws of War†. New Atlantic: A Journal of Technology & Society (Volume 23, Winter 2009), 25-45. Sparrow, R., â€Å"Building a Better WarBot: Ethical Issues in the Design of Unmanned Systems for Military Applications†. Science and Engineering Ethics (Volume 15, Number 2 / June, 2009), 169-187. Sparrow, R., â€Å"Killer Robots†. Journal of Applied Philosophy , Vol. 24, No. 1, 2006.

Friday, October 11, 2019

What Ethics of Care in Nursing Means to Me

My definition of Ethic of Care is caring for individuals equally throughout all cultural backgrounds while using a precise fair code of ethics. It is extremely pertinent that ethic of care be implemented into nursing care in order for this to happen we must first understand the meaning of ethics. Ethics is the ideal actions of right and wrong behavior. With that said Ethic of Care should be looked at as a standard of nursing that must be met. When I become a nurse I will implement ethic of care in various ways.When I am assigned a patient I will be sure that their comfort level is maximized given the situation and most importantly I will communicate in my verbal and no-verbal behavior that the patient is of high importance. I will let the patient know that I will do any and everything in my power to address their situation as unique and in the most caring and respectable manor. Like theorist Leineger, I think that it is important to consider culture when developing a plan of care for the patient. A successful nurse does not address all patients an all cultures the same.By knowing and staying on top of the most recent research regarding cultural care the nurse increases the chances of a patient having a positive experience as opposed to a negative experience at that specific facility. Another theorist, Watson, demonstrates that care is the single most important component of nursing and everything else revolves around it. As a nurse I plan to use Ethic of Care as the major factor around nursing and use that as the foundation and move forward from there. Without the implementation of Ethic of Care you do not have a â€Å"nurse† looking at it from the ideal perspective.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Child Development

Abstract Preschool students who are entering kindergarten are often expected to attend a screening session. My research focused on the qualities of a successful screening tool and how the tool is used to assist educators. I was curious to know if a screening tool provided enough information for educators to adequately balance classes during the process of placing incoming kindergarteners. Placing students based on their academic and social needs gives teachers more time and opportunities to successfully teach to their students' strengths, challenges, and personalities. Finally, I was interested in researching which screening tools educators chose to use. Throughout my research I wanted to determine which areas of development were typically part of the preferred screening tools and to determine which areas were better predictors of academic achievement. Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 3Statement of IssueKindergarten screening is used to determine which students are at risk for developmental, behavioral, or academic difficulties. A kindergarten screening tool is designed to identify potential learning or behavioral difficulties before they increase in frequency, intensity, or duration after the student enters school. Students who are identified can receive support from their school and families in a more timely and effective manner. The screening data also provides information that assists in the process of student placement into kindergarten classrooms.Literature ReviewSchool readiness, defined as social, emotional, and behavioral readiness to learn is a fundamental aspect of school success. Screening students who are entering kindergarten can be beneficial in identifying which students are demonstrating school readiness and which students would benefit from additional support once they begin kindergarten. Determining whether or not to require incoming kindergarteners to participate in a screening session is a discussion between the kindergarten teachers, administration of the elementary school, guidance counselor, and curriculum coordinator. The purpose may extend beyond the placement of students to include comparative data gathered to use in future discussions related to the students' progress.It is necessary to recognize the difference between the terms assessment and screening. While many people use these terms interchangeably, they have different purposes. Given the growth in the use of screening and assessment practices to identify students at increased levels of risk, it is important to emphasize important distinctions between screening and assessment. Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 4Specifically, screening and assessment procedures differ in their purposes, features, and the types of tools used. School readiness screening measures would be administered to every child entering kindergarten. Stormant (2016) suggests that a true screening system should be brief, simple, and rely on easy to administer tools. The purpose of assessment is to conduct a lengthy, in-depth, and thorough investigation. Invernizzi (2010) discusses the criteria for early literacy assessment in preschoolers assessment decisions. They must be broad-based, easy and efficient to administer and interpret, and provide immediate instructional benefits to teachers. Along with deciding whether or not to participate, educators must choose which tool to use and what developmental areas to focus on. Educators can then create balanced classrooms and prepare supports for the students who showed a lack of school readiness based on the outcomes. Steps can be taken to prepare these students for their entrance into kindergarten by providing summer programs and planning for ways of implementing instruction that offers extra support at the start of the school year for students who need it. RTI is a method of providing Tiered support for struggling students. Kindergarten screening results can provide educators with a starting point of data. Interestingly, Seethaler (2010) advises that screening students who haven't been exposed to math concepts prior to attending school may give false information. She questioned that waiting until students have more time to be exposed to common math experiences might allow the students without prior exposure to number concepts time to ‘catch up' to their peers. In her research she also examined the single skill screener versus multiple skills screeners to determine potential mathematics difficulty in kindergarten students. Phonological Awareness is known to be a predictor of academic success in Literacy where Number Sense is a predictor of math success.   Bridges and Catts (2011) report that specifically, Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 5dynamic screening may be able to reduce the false positives associated with universal screening in the early school grades. Although preschool opportunities provide many children with literacy experience and instruction, a large number of children continue to enter kindergarten with limited literacy knowledge. A lack of literacy knowledge at the beginning of kindergarten can affect performance on measures of phonological awareness and lead to children being identified as at risk for reading difficulties.The kindergarten screening process is a way to gauge a child's current functioning and growth. It is a brief evaluation of several developmental domains of functioning in young children that typically takes place prior to the beginning of kindergarten. It can be an important prevention or early intervention tool to determine which young children are at risk for developmental, behavioral, or academic difficulties. The areas of development that are most commonly evaluated during a screening are; Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Language, Concepts (Math, Phonological Awareness), Self-help Development, Social/Emotional Development, and Behavior.Conoyer (2016) advises when selecting screening tools, educational professionals must balance efficiency relative to predictive utility and diagnostic feedback. While some may opt for a multi-skill measure with a longer administration time, others may prefer a brief screener that has sufficient predictive utility, and then administer diagnostic assessments to the smaller group of students identified in the initial screen.PALS-PreK is a scientifically-based phonological awareness and literacy screening that measures preschoolers' developing knowledge of important literacy fundamentals. The assessment reflects skills that are predictive of future reading success. It measures name writing, Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 6beginning sound awareness, print and word awareness, rhyme and nursery rhyme awareness, and alphabet knowledge. Phonological awareness refers to the ability to pay attention to, identify, and manipulate sound units within spoken words.As stated by McWayne (2011), the K-ABR is a teacher rating screener that includes three items to screen children in need of academic and/or behavior support. The specific items comprising the K-ABR include (1) â€Å"Compared to other students in this school, how was this child's readiness for the behavioral expectations of kindergarten,† (2) â€Å"Compared to other students in this school, how was this child's academic readiness for kindergarten,† and (3) â€Å"Compared to other students in this school, how was this child's overall readiness for kindergarten. â€Å"Kokkalia (2017) explains that the DIAL–4 is an appropriate screening tool for children ages 2.6 years to 5.11 years. The tool is individually administered but is appropriate for use in environments where large kindergarten screenings occur, taking approximately 25-35 minutes per child to administer. Each of five performance areas is scored on a behavior (psychological and social) rating scale. Behaviors are observed during the screening process to help determine if further assessment is needed. This tool offers comprehensive information in five performance areas; Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Language, Concepts, Self-help Development, Social Development. This is the tool that my school district has chosen to implement this year for the first time.Hamm (2014) describes a program called KidSkills whose goal is to meet the principles of RTI and illustrate the effectiveness of elementary teachers and specialists teaming up to systematically examine student needs. Collaborative models such as this one aim to support Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 7student achievement. Multiple perspectives from various areas of expertise offer strategies that collectively support the whole child. Early screening, systematic data collection, collaboration, and a strong home- school partnership are key components of this program that can be replicated in a variety of settings and possibly generalized to other academic areas. The program provides kindergarten students with targeted small-group instruction once a week focusing on phonemic awareness, language and vocabulary development, literacy skills, and fine motor and perceptual skills.ConclusionThe methods used to perform kindergarten screenings are often in question. Educators discuss if preschool students are capable of accurately sharing what they know with individuals they have just met in a school setting that may cause anxiety in some children. Early Childhood educators may disagree with some of the developmental areas on the screening tools. Teachers may assume that children come to kindergarten with the prerequisite fine motor and perceptual skills to practice letter formation. Kindergarten screening tools may not pick up on the subtle needs experienced by some children that will make letter formation difficult. Assessing and addressing visual–motor skills is an essential predictor of academic achievement. As stated by Conoyer (2016), early identification of students at risk in mathematics is limited in value if educators are unable to evaluate and adjust their instructional programs to effect improved mathematics achievement.Further research to explore how the information gathered during kindergarten screeners should be examined and compared to future student assessments. Academic predictors could be evaluated in more detail and more data should be gathered in order to follow student progress Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 8throughout the elementary years. Continuing to check in with classroom teachers to find out if the classes ended up being successfully ‘balanced' would be of interest to my research of kindergarten screening usefulness. Each year students enter kindergarten with varying levels of maturity, attention, and exposure to academic concepts. Acknowledging this and proceeding without biases when examining the data collected is essential to the child's future school career. Child Development There are many different aspects that Influence and shape human development. One major factor that Influences personal development Is the social environment. A lot of people don't realize how many different aspects go Into shaping how a person develops while growing up. According to Rule Frontbencher, there are 5 mall systems that Influence human development: the Microsystems, Microsystems, ecosystem, Microsystems and chronometers. One system that influences the person directly is the Microsystems. According to Earnest (20111 â€Å"The Microsystems isBrotherliness's term for the immediate environment, the settings where people experience their daily lives † (p. 23). The Microsystems includes: family, school, peers, neighborhood, church group and health services. My family has one of the largest impacts on my development. When I was six years old, my parents got a divorce. Even though I was only six, it profoundly affected me, even to this day. While growing up, it took an emot ional toll on me, from not being able to celebrate holidays together, to switching from house to house on the weekends.My dad moved on very fast and married when I was 8 years old; to this day I resent my stepmother for that very reason, therefore, becoming much closer to my mother. My mom Is a very Independent person and has never relied on a guy for anything. I look up to her for everything, and since she is my role model, I am now a very independent person by not relying on other people, being able to get stuff done on my own and being strong in difficult situations. The peers I grew up with also had a vast impact on my life and decisions.When I was in elementary school, some of the boys would make fun of my SSE by sticking pencils at the end of their nose and saying it looked like mine. I would cry myself to sleep and started to hate my nose. When I was in Junior high, I still got negative comments regarding my nose. I became embarrassed to meet new people, thinking they would J udge me and think I was ugly so I didn't go out as much. Just last year, I got a royalists procedure done to reduce the size of my nose. If I had never gotten correlated for the nose I was given, I don't think I would have gotten the procedure done.Another system In Frontbenchers ecological theory Is the crossest. Unlike the Microsystems, the Microsystems influences the person indirectly. According to Earnest (2011 â€Å"The Microsystems is the broad system of cultural beliefs and values, and the economic and governmental systems that are built on those beliefs and values† (p. 23). The Microsystems is the largest system and includes: the government, cultural values, customs, religion, and the economy. One aspect of the Microsystems, which influenced my development significantly, was the socio-economic status of my family.I was raised by two parents who each went to allege and got a bachelors degree. My mother completed her associates degree, had her first child and then went to night school to complete her bachelor's degree. That showed me how crucial getting an education was. The socio-economic status of my family Instilled In me a great respect for education, which Is why I am striving to get a masters degree In psychology. After my mother achieved her bachelor's degree, she advanced in her job to become a human resources manager earning over grow up, therefore, leading me to pursue the field of psychology.The culture of the Unites States has an enormous impact on me as I grew up. Ever since I was a young girl, the United States has given me a strong exposure to the value of independence. Personal freedom, independence, and responsibility are what our society strives for in individuals. Since that was instilled in me as a child, growing up, I always took the initiative to try and figure out answers before asking someone, getting all of my work done promptly and on time, and leading a life deciding on what my future was going to be.Kids are constantly asked what they want to be when they grow up; that shows he value of independence and how anyone can choose what life they want to live. It is then up to the child, to obtain that goal by having responsibilities and going for what they believe in. Since children are raised to have responsibilities, if a 6th grader came home with a poor report card, actions would be taken place. My family would set up tutoring in the subject they are struggling in, since academics are so important for succeeding in life. If the 6th graders academics never improved, he might flunk out of school, therefore, not being able to get a degree.If he never got a degree he would not get a well paying Job, therefore, not being able to support himself/family. Since culture has such a big impact on development, depending on where one lives, there would be traditions and practices around the birth of a baby. If I were to have a child, my family would throw me a baby shower and give me gifts to help me raise the ba by. On the day I go into labor, my family would also come to the hospital to help support me and be there to witness the birth of my baby. I would have my husband and mother in the room to support me and share the experience with me. Child Development Child development is the process of how your child is able to do complex things as he gets older. Development involves learning skills such as tying shoes, skipping, kicking a ball and walking. Children develop their skills in five main areas: * Physical Development * Intellectual/Cognitive Development * Language Development * Emotional Development * Social Development Physical Development Physical development is the way in which children's bodies increase in skills. The acquisition of skills such as sitting, throwing and running, picking up objects and feeding describes the physical development of your child.Developmental norms are patterns of growth that a child is expected to follow when growing. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) Physical development is grouped in two main areas: Gross Motor Skill are his/her ability to use their large muscles, Gross Motor Skills starts with head control and works down their body such as learning to sit, crawl, pull up and walk. They use their large musc les to acquire these skills. Fine Motor Skills are his/her ability to use their small muscles. During the first year of your child’s life, he/she will start to practice handling and manipulating small objects.This develops their ability to use their small muscles, specifically their hands and fingers to pick up and hold objects such as pencil and spoon. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) Intellectual/cognitive development Cognitive development is the way in which your child manages their thinking, and talent to create sense of the world and what is occurring around them. When your child is able to deal with difficulties, telling about it in advance are examples of skills associated with cognitive child development. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Language development:Children's language develops through using visual and sound stimuli, especially in the acquisition of language, also in the exchange of thoughts and feelings. There are two identifiable stages; the first stage of development i n the process of children learning to use language is the pre-linguistic stage. Babies use this stage to learn how to communicate with others. During the first stage of life, babies rapidly learn how to communicate with their carers, so that by the age of 12 months, most babies understand what is being said to them and are starting to communicate their needs by pointing or by showing their carer objects.Then there is the Linguistic Stage – 15 Months to 8 Years, Children starts to use words around twelve months and by fifteen months they have developed their own word for an object or person and use it consistently. They then go on to use holophrases – using a single word to express several meanings by changing the sound and using gestures. As they grow children gradually put two words together to form a mini-sentence if your child is exposed to a rich language environment, this will be reflected in his speech development. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Emotional development: Emotional development is the growth of a child's ability to feel and express an increasing range of emotions appropriately. Children's emotional capabilities expand, allowing them to develop a variety of skills that they will need in their adult lives. Emotional development encompasses the feelings that we have about ourselves and others, as well as our capabilities to function well in the world from a social standpoint. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Social development: Social development is the growth of a child's ability to relate to others and become independent.As they develop and perceive their own individuality within their community, they also gain skills to communicate with other people and process their actions. Social development most often refers to how a child develops friendships and other relationships, also how well a child handles conflict with peers. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) This is not fixed or written in stone it is simply a guide to child development, It is dangero us to assume that children are abnormal if they do not all progress in exactly the same manner. Variations will always exist, since each child is an individual developing in their own unique way. (Bruce T.Meggitt, C 2004) The significance of social and emotional development is seen in every area of a child's life. A child will have a strong foundation for later development if he/she can manage personal feelings, understand others’ feelings and needs, and interact positively with others. Differences in social and emotional development result from a child’s inborn temperament, cultural influences, disabilities, behaviours modelled by adults, the level of security felt in a child’s relationships with adults, and the opportunities provided for social interaction. (raisingchildren. net. u/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) Social and emotional development for a four year old: Your four-year-old should be able to learn lots about the world and how it works, about peopl e and relationships, makes friends (often short-term) and plays group games. They are now more likely to, share toys, taking turns with assistance and initiate or join in play with other children and make up games. (/raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) At this age, children are more aware of themselves as individuals. They should show some understanding of moral reasoning (exploring ideas about fairness and good or bad behaviour).Children become more interested in relationships with other children and start to compare themselves with others. Children should start to develop friendships, express more awareness of other people's feelings, show interest in exploring sex differences and most children enjoy imaginative play with other children, like dress up or house, they bring dramatic play closer to reality by paying attention to detail, time, and space. (raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) Children know a bit more about the idea of sharing. But they might not be keen to put the idea of sharing into action, it would be great if children always played nicely together and never had fights over toys or over whose turn it is to lick the bowl after the cake has been baked. If a child is not sharing you can encourage them to share with other children, by reminding them how bad they would feel if someone took their toy. Talking to children about other children’s feelings, helps build their sense of empathy. Children need structures and routines to feel safe, and  when their behaviour is ‘over the top’, they need you to set limits and bring them back to earth without making them feel bad. Raising children. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006). Factors affecting child development There are various factors that may impact upon the development of the child, learning difficulties such as Autism, ADD/ ADHD disorder are a condition where children have difficulty concentrating and paying attention and may cau se slowness in development in many areas. Children with learning difficulties or special needs will require additional help such as extra support at school/home, to resolve development problem and may or may not catch up. These children may even go through a process called statementing before they receive help.Some children with learning problems do not get statemented as the parents may not want to admit that their child has a problem as they feel ashamed. Children with special needs can benefit greatly if attending a mainstream school that has the resources and funding to help them. (Browne. K. 2008. P. 360) Factors such as extreme poverty and emotional stress can have a devastating effect on children’s development. Poverty can have a profound effect on a child’s development; children who come from poor backgrounds will lack resources, live in over-crowded houses with lack of study space.Their poor diet and ill health can lead to tiredness, absences and missed lesson s. Low income or unemployment may mean lack of educational resources or a home computer is not available. This could affect the child’s educational progress. It could also mean the hidden costs of education such as calculators, sports equipment, and school trips are out of reach of many poorer families. Although many government places are available many low income families in lesser paid jobs cannot afford to send their children to pre-school or nursery. Such starts to education are proven to aid a child’s development and can help with social skills.It can be argued that Material Deprivation also affects the working class. (Browne. K. 2008. P. 360) It can also be argued that although children lack educational resources at home such as computers and calculators they can still achieve developmental levels as many school are well equipped with these materials, also many schools now have breakfast/afterschool clubs and do lots of extra curriculum studies to help children. It can be said children will only benefit from these clubs and extra studies if parent are willing to encourage children to attend them.Many things can cause emotional trauma in children such as death, illness, unstable home life, abuse, neglect, bullying and accidents. Children suffering from emotional trauma can exhibit displays of aggression, withdrawal, show signs of anxiety and have complaints of aches, pains and tiredness. Emotional trauma can leave children feeling frightened and even ashamed or guilty. All these signs and symptoms can cause developmental problems and impact upon their emotional ability which is important to a Childs personal and social growth, a child suffering from trauma may also revert to bed wetting or baby talk.Children who are affected by extreme trauma can benefit greatly with the help of the Schools mentors/councilors who are trained to deal with traumatized children, a teacher with a heightened sense of awareness maybe able to pick up on any problem s. (Marcus, M. Ducklin, A 1998) An inside school factor that can cause developmental progress is labeling, teachers’ judge and label pupils based on a number of different factors such as social class, gender, race, and behaviour rather than on ability and intelligence.Pupils who have reputations and labels because of their behaviour and attitudes are unlikely to be innocent victims; they may have been in trouble before. It can be argued that it is often the case pupils will contest their label and work doubly hard to prove that they can do what they are told they cannot, therefore rendering the label useless, (McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003 Methods to manage behaviour In the classroom environment a teacher who is applying a behaviourist view would typically stand at the front of the class and direct how the lesson takes place and how the class responds to the stimulus provided.It can be argued that the behaviourist approach does not allow for individuality or for spontaneity, it ignores people’s ability to have complex thought processes. It could be argued that the reward giver would need to know the learner to know what the correct reinforcement would be to ensure effective reinforcement. A negative factor would be too much adult involvement. (McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003) A positive classroom environment is one where the teacher adopts the cognitive style of learning.The teacher allows more class involvement and often sits amongst the class rather than standing at the front. The lessons would have a more adaptable framework which allows students to be more independent, the student would be able to set their own targets /goals thus creating independent learning and thinking. The lessons would include role play, presentation discussions, group work, research and working in pairs. The teacher would empower her students to self learn so rather than being a role model would become a facilitator. McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003) Other methods of managi ng behaviour are rewards and sanctions, teacher can rewards children for good behaviour or finishing their work with verbal praise, stars, certificates or table points. Teachers may also give children sanction such as a time out or losing five minutes of playtime. When dishing out sanctions/reward the teacher must be consistent and they have to be relevant and meaningful to the child, it could be argued that to ensure the effectiveness of reinforcers the teacher would need to know the learner. Word Count 1998 BibliographyBROWNE, K. (2008). Sociology. 3rd Ed, Cambridge: polity press. BRUCE, T, MEGGITT, C (2006) Childcare and Education, 3rd Ed, London: Hodder ; Stoughton. MARCUS, M, DUCKLIN, A. (1998) Success in Sociology London John Murray MCNEILL, P. BLUNDELL, J. GRIFFITHS, J. (2003). Sociology. The complete companion. 3rd Ed, Cheltenham: Nelson Thorne. ROBINSON, M. BEITH, K. PULLIN, L. (1998) Early Years Care and Education, 2nd Ed, Oxford: Heinemann. www. childdevelopmentinfo. com/ – updated 26th June 2007-accessed 5th June 2010 http://raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers. html | Child Development Child development is the process of how your child is able to do complex things as he gets older. Development involves learning skills such as tying shoes, skipping, kicking a ball and walking. Children develop their skills in five main areas: * Physical Development * Intellectual/Cognitive Development * Language Development * Emotional Development * Social Development Physical Development Physical development is the way in which children's bodies increase in skills. The acquisition of skills such as sitting, throwing and running, picking up objects and feeding describes the physical development of your child.Developmental norms are patterns of growth that a child is expected to follow when growing. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) Physical development is grouped in two main areas: Gross Motor Skill are his/her ability to use their large muscles, Gross Motor Skills starts with head control and works down their body such as learning to sit, crawl, pull up and walk. They use their large musc les to acquire these skills. Fine Motor Skills are his/her ability to use their small muscles. During the first year of your child’s life, he/she will start to practice handling and manipulating small objects.This develops their ability to use their small muscles, specifically their hands and fingers to pick up and hold objects such as pencil and spoon. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) Intellectual/cognitive development Cognitive development is the way in which your child manages their thinking, and talent to create sense of the world and what is occurring around them. When your child is able to deal with difficulties, telling about it in advance are examples of skills associated with cognitive child development. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Language development:Children's language develops through using visual and sound stimuli, especially in the acquisition of language, also in the exchange of thoughts and feelings. There are two identifiable stages; the first stage of development i n the process of children learning to use language is the pre-linguistic stage. Babies use this stage to learn how to communicate with others. During the first stage of life, babies rapidly learn how to communicate with their carers, so that by the age of 12 months, most babies understand what is being said to them and are starting to communicate their needs by pointing or by showing their carer objects.Then there is the Linguistic Stage – 15 Months to 8 Years, Children starts to use words around twelve months and by fifteen months they have developed their own word for an object or person and use it consistently. They then go on to use holophrases – using a single word to express several meanings by changing the sound and using gestures. As they grow children gradually put two words together to form a mini-sentence if your child is exposed to a rich language environment, this will be reflected in his speech development. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Emotional development: Emotional development is the growth of a child's ability to feel and express an increasing range of emotions appropriately. Children's emotional capabilities expand, allowing them to develop a variety of skills that they will need in their adult lives. Emotional development encompasses the feelings that we have about ourselves and others, as well as our capabilities to function well in the world from a social standpoint. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Social development: Social development is the growth of a child's ability to relate to others and become independent.As they develop and perceive their own individuality within their community, they also gain skills to communicate with other people and process their actions. Social development most often refers to how a child develops friendships and other relationships, also how well a child handles conflict with peers. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) This is not fixed or written in stone it is simply a guide to child development, It is dangero us to assume that children are abnormal if they do not all progress in exactly the same manner. Variations will always exist, since each child is an individual developing in their own unique way. (Bruce T.Meggitt, C 2004) The significance of social and emotional development is seen in every area of a child's life. A child will have a strong foundation for later development if he/she can manage personal feelings, understand others’ feelings and needs, and interact positively with others. Differences in social and emotional development result from a child’s inborn temperament, cultural influences, disabilities, behaviours modelled by adults, the level of security felt in a child’s relationships with adults, and the opportunities provided for social interaction. (raisingchildren. net. u/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) Social and emotional development for a four year old: Your four-year-old should be able to learn lots about the world and how it works, about peopl e and relationships, makes friends (often short-term) and plays group games. They are now more likely to, share toys, taking turns with assistance and initiate or join in play with other children and make up games. (/raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) At this age, children are more aware of themselves as individuals. They should show some understanding of moral reasoning (exploring ideas about fairness and good or bad behaviour).Children become more interested in relationships with other children and start to compare themselves with others. Children should start to develop friendships, express more awareness of other people's feelings, show interest in exploring sex differences and most children enjoy imaginative play with other children, like dress up or house, they bring dramatic play closer to reality by paying attention to detail, time, and space. (raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) Children know a bit more about the idea of sharing. But they might not be keen to put the idea of sharing into action, it would be great if children always played nicely together and never had fights over toys or over whose turn it is to lick the bowl after the cake has been baked. If a child is not sharing you can encourage them to share with other children, by reminding them how bad they would feel if someone took their toy. Talking to children about other children’s feelings, helps build their sense of empathy. Children need structures and routines to feel safe, and  when their behaviour is ‘over the top’, they need you to set limits and bring them back to earth without making them feel bad. Raising children. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006). Factors affecting child development There are various factors that may impact upon the development of the child, learning difficulties such as Autism, ADD/ ADHD disorder are a condition where children have difficulty concentrating and paying attention and may cau se slowness in development in many areas. Children with learning difficulties or special needs will require additional help such as extra support at school/home, to resolve development problem and may or may not catch up. These children may even go through a process called statementing before they receive help.Some children with learning problems do not get statemented as the parents may not want to admit that their child has a problem as they feel ashamed. Children with special needs can benefit greatly if attending a mainstream school that has the resources and funding to help them. (Browne. K. 2008. P. 360) Factors such as extreme poverty and emotional stress can have a devastating effect on children’s development. Poverty can have a profound effect on a child’s development; children who come from poor backgrounds will lack resources, live in over-crowded houses with lack of study space.Their poor diet and ill health can lead to tiredness, absences and missed lesson s. Low income or unemployment may mean lack of educational resources or a home computer is not available. This could affect the child’s educational progress. It could also mean the hidden costs of education such as calculators, sports equipment, and school trips are out of reach of many poorer families. Although many government places are available many low income families in lesser paid jobs cannot afford to send their children to pre-school or nursery. Such starts to education are proven to aid a child’s development and can help with social skills.It can be argued that Material Deprivation also affects the working class. (Browne. K. 2008. P. 360) It can also be argued that although children lack educational resources at home such as computers and calculators they can still achieve developmental levels as many school are well equipped with these materials, also many schools now have breakfast/afterschool clubs and do lots of extra curriculum studies to help children. It can be said children will only benefit from these clubs and extra studies if parent are willing to encourage children to attend them.Many things can cause emotional trauma in children such as death, illness, unstable home life, abuse, neglect, bullying and accidents. Children suffering from emotional trauma can exhibit displays of aggression, withdrawal, show signs of anxiety and have complaints of aches, pains and tiredness. Emotional trauma can leave children feeling frightened and even ashamed or guilty. All these signs and symptoms can cause developmental problems and impact upon their emotional ability which is important to a Childs personal and social growth, a child suffering from trauma may also revert to bed wetting or baby talk.Children who are affected by extreme trauma can benefit greatly with the help of the Schools mentors/councilors who are trained to deal with traumatized children, a teacher with a heightened sense of awareness maybe able to pick up on any problem s. (Marcus, M. Ducklin, A 1998) An inside school factor that can cause developmental progress is labeling, teachers’ judge and label pupils based on a number of different factors such as social class, gender, race, and behaviour rather than on ability and intelligence.Pupils who have reputations and labels because of their behaviour and attitudes are unlikely to be innocent victims; they may have been in trouble before. It can be argued that it is often the case pupils will contest their label and work doubly hard to prove that they can do what they are told they cannot, therefore rendering the label useless, (McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003 Methods to manage behaviour In the classroom environment a teacher who is applying a behaviourist view would typically stand at the front of the class and direct how the lesson takes place and how the class responds to the stimulus provided.It can be argued that the behaviourist approach does not allow for individuality or for spontaneity, it ignores people’s ability to have complex thought processes. It could be argued that the reward giver would need to know the learner to know what the correct reinforcement would be to ensure effective reinforcement. A negative factor would be too much adult involvement. (McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003) A positive classroom environment is one where the teacher adopts the cognitive style of learning.The teacher allows more class involvement and often sits amongst the class rather than standing at the front. The lessons would have a more adaptable framework which allows students to be more independent, the student would be able to set their own targets /goals thus creating independent learning and thinking. The lessons would include role play, presentation discussions, group work, research and working in pairs. The teacher would empower her students to self learn so rather than being a role model would become a facilitator. McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003) Other methods of managi ng behaviour are rewards and sanctions, teacher can rewards children for good behaviour or finishing their work with verbal praise, stars, certificates or table points. Teachers may also give children sanction such as a time out or losing five minutes of playtime. When dishing out sanctions/reward the teacher must be consistent and they have to be relevant and meaningful to the child, it could be argued that to ensure the effectiveness of reinforcers the teacher would need to know the learner. Word Count 1998 BibliographyBROWNE, K. (2008). Sociology. 3rd Ed, Cambridge: polity press. BRUCE, T, MEGGITT, C (2006) Childcare and Education, 3rd Ed, London: Hodder ; Stoughton. MARCUS, M, DUCKLIN, A. (1998) Success in Sociology London John Murray MCNEILL, P. BLUNDELL, J. GRIFFITHS, J. (2003). Sociology. The complete companion. 3rd Ed, Cheltenham: Nelson Thorne. ROBINSON, M. BEITH, K. PULLIN, L. (1998) Early Years Care and Education, 2nd Ed, Oxford: Heinemann. www. childdevelopmentinfo. com/ – updated 26th June 2007-accessed 5th June 2010 http://raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers. html |