Sunday, September 8, 2019

Analysis of Modern US History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis of Modern US History - Research Paper Example   During the Depression Collier was given permission to change or modify government policies because of their steadfast faith in him. Collier initiated what is called the â€Å"Indian New Deal’ which was a revolutionary approach to Native American reforms. He was a staunch believer of cultural pluralism and understood the importance of ethnic values and community solidarity and therefore adopted an acculturated approach in order to assimilate the Native Americans into the mainstream society. James Stuart clearly describes how Collier attacked the ‘Indian problem’ and finally succeeded in assimilating the Native Americans into the dominant society. In his enlightening book he tells us how Collier met with a lot of opposition from American critics but he firmly believed in his goals and wanted to fulfill them at any cost. The earlier allotment program had been a major social and economic disaster and so he set out to reconstitute the tribes and enhance their trad itional land base. In bringing about other reforms, Collier went a step further in convincing President Roosevelt to abolish the ‘Board of Indian Commissioners as he felt that it was a huge obstacle in the wake of reform. (Pg. 109) Collier wanted the Native Americans to play a more active role in decision making and sent them for specialized training for the management of their land and natural resources. He also insisted that the Federal Government should not in the name of assimilation suppress the culture and tradition of the Native Americans but on the other hand should help in preserving their nativity. Stuart’s book also states that with the full support of President Roosevelt, Collier was in a position to bring about other reforms involving relief measure to the Native Americans. The Congress passed the Pueblo Relief Act on May, 31st, 1933 granting additional payment to the Native Americans who had been inadequately paid by the Pueblo Lands Board. (Pg. 110) He al so implemented the ‘New Deal’ legislation to give relief to the destitute Native Americans who suffered greatly during the Great Depression. (Pg. 110) Stuart’s book is a real eye-opener as it helps us to understand the political situation post-1933 and the reforms that were brought out during the period after the Great Depression. Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian in their article titled ‘How Government Prolonged the Depression’ shed light on the reforms that were introduced by the Federal government in lieu of putting an end to the crisis of the Great Depression. In addressing the crisis the ‘New Deal’ was introduced and raised hopes that the economic downturn would change its course and work out in their favor. The article tells us that the primary aim of the ‘New Deal’ initiative was to encourage Americans to get back to work. However, According to Harold L. Cole and Lee E Ohanian, this did not happen for the mere fact th at employment was not restored because on an average there was much less work.  Ã‚  

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