Monday, September 30, 2019

What Extent Do You Agree with This Statement?

â€Å"As a leader of Russia, Stalin achieved great success between 1924~1939. † To what extent do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. I agree to the statement to a large extent. A leader is a person who stands out different from other ordinary people with main ideal characteristics of having aggressiveness in speech and action and love for people and of being able to cope with problems and find a solution to it.Stalin had two of the qualities of being aggressive in speech and action, and being able to present a solution in difficult situation, but his passion for his people was minimal. These traits of his as a leader influenced how he achieved successes, such as consolidating his rule over Soviet Union and achieving significant economical development, or resulted in failure, such as huge human cost involved, between 1924~1939. Stalin was politically an aggressive orator and a ruthless dictator.These characteristics of him enabled him to secure his position as the leader of Russia and establish totalitarian rule over Russia. Stalin formed a new constitution for the Soviet Union which seemed democratic outwardly but in fact was his own backyard where everything was under Stalin’s or the Central Committee of the Communist Party’s rule. Furthermore, he embarked on a policy of purges in which many oppositions and rivals were executed mercilessly.Kamenev and Zinoviev were just few of his potential rivals that were executed after a pretend â€Å"show trial† and some were even believed to be assassinated. Through all these ruthless measures taken with his aggressive personality, Stalin had achieved his ultimate goal of steering he and his Communist Party to total control of Russia. Stalin also had a vision of his own and was able to produce solutions according to his vision in difficult situations and this helped him to achieve great economical development in short period of time.In 1931, Stalin prophesied – correctly as it turned out – that Russia had 10 years to modernise before it was attacked. Stalin wanted Soviet Union to be strong industrially as it would be more prepared to resist invasions and be more powerful than other Western countries. Thus, Stalin announced collectivisation, where larger farm is formed by gathering tiny farms in each village and more advanced agricultural machineries were used, to create an efficient and modernised farming environment.In order to further aid in progress in economics by expanding industries and industrial production, Stalin also introduced a series of Five-Year Plans. It enabled rapid expansion of heavy industries, such as coal, iron, steel and power, modernisation of existing industries and formation of new industries with foreign experts employed. It also exercised tight control over labour force by setting production targets for each factory and harsh punishments for poor absence and workmanship.Through Stalin’s economic policies, in long term, both grain and industrial production increased by manifold and almost full employment was achieved. Therefore, Stalin’s Stalin could prevent Russia’s economical collapse economy and instead developed Russia as a country with one of the strongest economy. However, one characteristic Stalin lacked as a leader was love for his people which reflected negatively on his ruling of Russia. His people’s, especially the peasants’, deaths were none of his concern and thus his little care for his people led to poor quality of life for people.As a result of his economic plans, there was large influx of people from the countryside and the towns and cities were unable to cope, resulting in break out of slums and poor living and working conditions. Production of consumer goods was also forgone to accommodate the concentration on heavy industry. The forced and harsh nature of his ruling and plans also incurred extremely high human cost. For example, due to res ist against collectivisation, peasants burned their crops and killed their livestock.This resulted in widespread famine, especially in Ukraine where more than 7 million died of starvation. Furthermore, to eliminate resistance, estimated 10 million Kulaks were executed. This shows how merciless Stalin was towards his people, particularly to those who oppose him. As such, Stalin’s uncompassionate feeling towards his people made him blind to all those human cost involved in his policies and caused much hate directed towards Stalin.To sum up, Stalin was in fact a great leader who achieved great success between 1924~1939 with his strong visions, totalitarian rule and economic policies. However, there are other side of the coin where by his lack of love for his people caused great human cost. From here, one can realise that though much developmental and economical successes have been achieved through his totalitarian ruling and economic plans as evident from the fact that under Sta lin’s rule, Russia became the second largest economically powerful country then.However, due to his lack of compassion and forced nature of the way he carried out his plan, he achieved little on improvement of social conditions and his people’s quality of life and had failed to win over the heart of his people. Still it is undeniable that Stalin was one of the most memorable leaders, not only in Russia, but also in the world for his achievements mentioned above that lasted till the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Condition Precedent

Condition precedent exists when a situation or circumstance has to be achieved, or action needs to be taken in order for one of the other party’s side of the contract to be considered valid. An example of this situation may be Joe offering to sell his car to Jim, as long as Jim can provide say, proof of insurance and a driver’s license. Assuming Jim has a driver’s license and has/can obtain auto insurance, the two parties can move forward. Joe will have agreed to sell the car to Jim. On the other hand, should Jim be incapable or unwilling to provide a license and insurance, Joe is not obligated to sell the car to Jim. In the case mentioned in the text, health insurance is often provided depending on a potential client’s current physical condition. In other words, insurance protect themselves from covering individuals who may be what they consider to be a liability. This example is a clear cut demonstration of how the insurance company protects its own assets by â€Å"conditions precedent†(Clarkson, Miller & Cross, 2011). Conditions subsequent strikes me as a bit more abstract of a concept than condition precedent, by virtue of its inherently negative nature. Put another way, one party’s obligation may be terminated based on the failure of the second party to maintain it’s side of the contract. As it applies to employment, and as was mentioned within the text, an employer may agree to enter into a contract with an employee so long as the employee maintains his or her license to practice (i. e. perform a task to the company’s benefit). In a situation where the employee fails to maintain his/her end of the agreement (loses license, fails to maintain condition, etc. the company is no longer under contract to continue employing that individual (Clarkson, Miller & Cross, 2011). The benefit lies largely with the company-protecting its own assets, as it would not be beneficial to have a lawyer on staff incapable of maintaining a license to practice law. On the other hand, the employee may be able to see a definite benefit as well. He or she knows that the position is hers as long as she meets and maintains her side of the co ntract. Lastly, concurrent conditions, strike me as being the most common conditions we’re likely to come across. They occur in many everyday transactions with businesses by their very nature; which is that duties or actions be met simultaneously between both parties in order for a contract to be valid. In most business transactions, at retail or otherwise, occur when the consumer offers to provide money in exchange for a good or service. The service provider may perform the task and send an invoice, or merchant may agree to sell the product with a promise to pay (such as with credit cards, checks, and credit account) later. But in most cases, the item is given to the consumer once payment is received and payment usually immediately follows a service.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Aristotle’s views on slavery

Aristotles views on slavery Ancient Greek society generally, and therefore classical Athens, even when it was a ‘democracy’, was bored in slavery, an institution which Aristotle did not consider to be unjust and which he defends in book I of his Politics. This essay will focus on why Aristotle spent so much time on the subject of slavery. Also he claims that woman should not be treated the same as slaves, I would like to discuss the grounds in which he makes this distinction. What is the difference between conventional slavery and natural slavery? And most importantly what is the effect of Aristotle’s argument on conventional slavery? Aristotle’s views on slavery are to the modern mind morally objectionable. Many find them poorly argued and incompatible with more fundamental tenants of his system[1]. Aristotle raises the question of whether slavery is natural or conventional. In his writing he insists that the former is the case. Is theory insists that some people are naturally slave s and some are naturally masters, thus he says: â€Å"But is there any one thus intended by nature to be a slave, and for whom such a condition is expedient and right, or rather is not all slavery a violation of nature?†[2]. It is not hard to answer this question, on the basis of reason and fact. For it is clear that it is necessary for some to rule and other be ruled from the hour of their birth, some are marked for subjection and some to rule. However, it may seem that those who are ruled must be slaves but this is not true at all. It seems clear that in the situation between a slave and a master, the master does not treat the slave as an equal, or as he wishes to be treated, as no one would willingly allow themselves to be enslaved. By implication this would mean that the relationship between ‘master’ and ‘slave’ is an unjust one, which in turn violates Aristotle’s fundamental principal of justice. However Aristotle states that this would o nly be the case if master and slave were indeed truly equal. In fact, however they are not. Because not only is the slave not an Athenian citizen but in addition the master is the superior of the natural slave in a number of respects e.g. possession of reason, wisdom, capacity for autonomous action etc. All of which are qualities that Aristotle associates with ‘humanity’, and all of which in his view are lacking in those who are natural slaves[3]. Aristotle says: â€Å"Where then there is such a difference as that between soul and body, or between men and animals (as in the case of those whose business is to use their body, and who can do nothing better), the lower sort are by nature slaves, and it is better for them as for all inferiors that they should be under the rule of a master. For he who can be, and therefore is, another’s and he who participates in rational principle enough to apprehend, but not to have, such a principle, is a slave by nature. Whereas t he lower animals cannot even apprehend a principle; they obey their instincts. And indeed the use made of slaves and of tame animals is not very different; for both with their bodies minister to the needs of life. Nature would like to distinguish between the bodies of freemen and slaves, making the one strong for servile labor, the other upright, and although useless for such services, useful for political life in the arts both of war and peace. But the opposite often happens–that some have the souls and others have the bodies of freemen. And doubtless if men differed from one another in the mere forms of their bodies as much as the statues of the Gods do from men, all would acknowledge that the inferior class should be slaves of the superior. And if this is true of the body, how much more just that a similar distinction should exist in the soul? but the beauty of the body is seen, whereas the beauty of the soul is not seen. It is clear, then, that some men are by nature free , and others slaves, and that for these latter slavery is both expedient and right.†[4]

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reflections on history Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reflections on history - Coursework Example This era also saw new kingdoms and technology. In fact, the Middle Ages set the stage for the birth of modern Europe. This is divided into two parts: the early middle ages and the high middle ages. The Early Middle Ages saw the Fall of the Roman Empire. The fall started on the second century. The debate still goes on today about the theory of the fall of the Roman Empire but generally, what happened was mismanagement. The Roman Empire was suddenly too big for some of the leaders and they failed to maintain the civic infrastructures that they built, like libraries, public baths and schools. Because of this, merchants also lost the confidence in investing in the empire and the intellectual development of the empire stagnated. It also became unsafe for traders to trade, thus economic collapse followed. This vulnerability offered the barbarians the chance to attack the empire. This event led to the fall of the empire and some Romans migrated to lands as far as Iberia. The Roman Empire fe ll because of the repeated Gothic invasions. The felled Empire saw a wave of Germanization in their culture, and it was controlled by many barbaric tribes. Charlemagne was an important character in this era. He was the king in the largest territory in Europe that time. He was named by Pope Leo III as the Emperor of the Roman Empire. This is not to be confused with the Byzantine Empire which is the medieval Roman Empire since his territory is called the Carolingian Empire. This period also saw Byzantium and Avar Khanate.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Irish Historical Background Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12000 words - 3

The Irish Historical Background - Essay Example Maria Edgeworth had her own weaknesses and opportunities as a person but she overrode her weaknesses and did not flatter herself in her opportunities but looked to herself and what she could make of herself as a person and succeeded in that quest. One of the weaknesses Maria had to deal with was her stature and appearance. ‘Small in stature she was never short on grace and wit’ (Merriman, 2005). Maria Edgeworth did not allow low self-esteem take the better part of her for how she appeared or looked. She believed her true personality was in her abilities and what she could do and not how she looked. Maria Edgeworth was also not lucky with parenting as she had to go through the hands of four mothers in her short youthful days. Her own mother was not loved and was neglect. ‘It was in their house that her neglected and unloved mother—always a kind and excellent, though a very sad woman—died’ (Edgeworth, WikiSource, 2008). Maria, however, loved all her stepmothers and treated them nothing less than her biological mother. ‘Kept by Mrs. Lataffiere, to whom she always felt much indebted, though her stepmother,’ (Edgeworth, WikiSource, 2008). Another weakness Maria Edgeworth had to b attle was an eye problem she had. ‘Her eyes became so painfully inflamed that she was unable to use them’ (Merriman, 2005). This problem was with her in her childhood but little Maria did not let that stop her from pursuing her academic dreams. Records from Edgeworth’s unpublished family memoir has it that when she came to do the exercises set to her class at Mrs. Daviss, she found them so easy that she wrote out the whole quarters exercises at once, "keeping them strung together in her desk, and, while the other girls were labouring at their tasks, she had all that time for reading what she pleased to herself, and, when the French master came round for the exercises, had only to unstring hers, and present it." (Lawless, 1905)

Service Blueprint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Service Blueprint - Essay Example However, an analysis of the imaging center scheduling and reporting process at THAMH indicates that the imaging center is inadequately utilized. The inefficiency of the imaging center is largely due to the scheduling and reporting system that is currently employed. The Current Process Blueprint (Appendix A) shows areas where there is a significant opportunity for the management team to improve the current service quality as well as increase customer satisfaction. A centralized scheduling process in conjunction with voice recognition software (RadWhere) is capable of increasing the efficiency of the imaging center scheduling and reporting process systems. The Proposed Service Blueprint (Appendix B) of the imaging center scheduling and reporting process system, implements these elements to increase the efficiency and reliability of the imaging center process. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the efficiency of the services provided by the radiology imaging center at the Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital (THAMH) through an examination of the Current Service Blueprint (Appendix A) that depicts the current service process. It will identify areas of inefficiency that could be streamlined to improve the capabilities and quality of the imaging services offered to the patients at THAMH. ... History and Background of THAMH The Arlington Memorial Hospital was founded in 1958 to meet the growing community requirements of the residents of Arlington, Texas and was based on a community effort with the objective of providing "high-quality healthcare" to the residents of Arlington (50th Anniversary, 2008). Nearly four decades later Arlington Memorial Hospital merged as a part of Texas Health Resources (THR). THR was established in 1997 through the combination of Fort Worth-based Harris Methodist Health System with Dallas-based Presbyterian Healthcare Resources. Subsequently, in 1997, Arlington Memorial Hospital joined THR, which serves the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area, and is the nation's third largest hospital systems market, behind only New York and Los Angeles (Roberson, 2008). As of Jan 1, 2009 'Texas Health' will precede the name of the 12 hospitals in the North Texas market and THR will spend in excess of $20 million updating signs and logos (Roberson, 2008). This will firmly identify the link between the high quality hospitals, such as Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital (THAMH), and THR, the largest hospital system in North Texas. In its current form THAMH consists of a 417-bed-acute care, full service hospital that essentially provides services to residents of Arlington and the surrounding communities. The healthcare services provided by THAMH includes comprehensive cardiac care, an electrophysiology lab, women's services, orthopedics, gastro-enterology, an advanced imaging center, extensive rehabilitation services, emergency services, health maintenance, disease prevention classes, support groups, and community services. (Texas Health

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Researches shows that the average Americans watches as much as 6 hours Essay

Researches shows that the average Americans watches as much as 6 hours of television each day, do you think this is too much Wr - Essay Example Since many people especially the youth prefer watching episodes that have violence, this source of entertainment has a negative effect on how they view violence in society. According to Sheppard, an American child sees up to eight thousand murders before completing elementary school, which translates to about 200,000 violent acts by the time that child, is eighteen. There is also a scientific connection between watching violent movies and violence in real life where scientists have confirmed that there is a relation between watching aggressive acts and performing such acts in real life. Therefore, although television is an entertainment source, watching it for a long time has becomes bad when one begins imitating what they have seen on television. Those who argue that television is a good source of relieving stress claim that it enables them to forget the problems they have in life and be able to enjoy themselves. Those with this view clam that television does not only entertain, but it also offers them a chance to find something to laugh about after they have encountered a stressful day in their regular activities. However, this cannot be true since instead of relieving the stress one has, television creates a distraction where you are transferred from the realities of life to a world of fantasy and imaginations. What is presented to the viewer is mere acting that makes you forget the problems for a while but they are still there. According to Blesi, Wise, and Kelley-Arney (74) watching television is part of withdrawal behavior where an individual avoids dealing with an issue that is related to a painful or difficult situation. This implies that those who watch television for a long period are escapists who do not want to deal with the realities that come with their real life and instead choose to watch programs on television some of which presents ideal situations where everything is okay and people are happy. Such individuals will not give themselves a chanc e to go past the issue that is stressing them since they sped the time for self-reflections on television instead of spending such time analyzing the situation as it is and proactively coming up with possible solutions. Although those who watch television for long hours claim that it’s a leisure activity or among their hobbies, watching television wastes time as a person stays for a long time glued to the television set. Long hours of television viewing prevent an individual from engaging in other processes that will add more benefits. According to Sheppard (106), an average of six hours and forty-seven minutes are spent watching television daily in USA which translate to those of age sixty five having spent up to nine years watching television. Nine years can be spent doing many important things in life. One can earn a lot of money if engaged in economic activities. The time could also be spent undertaking an educational or vocational training that will be more beneficial to the individual as opposed to spending that time watching television. Although it true that watching television is a leisure activity, spending many hours on the sofa set can cause weight gain. Edelstein and Sharlin (91) notes television contributes to weight gain since it reduces physical activities, increases calories as one consumes more and the level of resting metabolism is low for such individuals. According to Nonas and Foster

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Management Assignment(LAW) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management Assignment(LAW) - Essay Example Charles Fried stated that persons entering into a contract are morally bound to keep it.*4 Therefore, a contract is equivalent to a written promise to deliver a service or goods in exchange for some consideration and fairness in transactions is the goal sought to be achieved in contract law. Traditional notions of laissez faire have been eschewed in modern contract law. In interpreting contracts and determining their validity, the courts have demonstrated that it is not the meaning a person actually intended to convey but what a reasonable person would have construed it as, which is referred to as the process of â€Å"objective interpretation.*5 In order that a contract be deemed valid, the parties to the contract must be clearly specified and the terms upon which the parties agree to conduct business must also be clearly laid out. In the case of Intel’s suppliers, the contract would therefore exist between Intel and the suppliers, since the engineers are in effect, acting on behalf of Intel and not as independent agents. This would however qualify as a bilateral contract since it involves the two parties: Intel via its engineers and the suppliers. In purchasing their supplies, the engineers functioning as Intel’s agents will be deemed to have made an offer for purchase of goods*6, which will not however be enforceable unless the suppliers have agreed and indicated their agreement through a written contract. An offer which is not communicated to the offerree will be deemed to be invalid or ineffective.*7 Therefore, assuming that Intel’s engineers have communicated their offer to the suppliers and there is a counter proposal made by the supplier in regard to the purchase price of the goods, this will be deemed to negate the original offer.*8 It is then up to the offerer to either agree with the counter proposal and indicate

Monday, September 23, 2019

Jacksonian Age women's reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Jacksonian Age women's reform - Essay Example These reform movements were known as ante-bellum reform movements. According to Cheathem (2008), the Jacksonian age was a period of democratic progress and increasing egalitarianism for men but one of regression and repression for women. The age characterized a male defined society and on the basis of equality; feminism characterized it as well as a struggle for female autonomy and self determination. Women were mainly seen as breeders and child bearers. The temperance movement called for restriction and outright prohibition of alcohol consumption due to its strong religious elements. Cheathem (2008) says that the apex of the ante-bellum reforms movement during the Jacksonian period was the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 which women listed the grievances that American women had against institutions that were male dominated and included lack of female suffrage. On female health, most medics did not have a respect for women’s bodily autonomy and many hysterectomies performed in the United States were medically unnecessary. Personal care becam e aggressively politicized and the politics of medicine became intensely personal. Doctors and scientists defined women’s nature in terms of their reproductive system and were seen as virtually pathological, causing a long list of emotional, mental and bodily complications (Cheathem, 2008). Female patients that suffered from mental health were treated by hydropathy; dumping cold water on patients and immersing them in icy pools. The Jacksonian era showed the ideologies of how the woman’s place was in the home. Edward Clarke, a Boston based doctor in 1874 warned society against letting young women pursue too demanding an education (Cheathem, 2008). Other arguments combined with religious authority, etiquette instruction and legal restrictions to declare women unsuited for the public sphere of politics, business and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Eruption of Mount Saint Helens Essay Example for Free

The Eruption of Mount Saint Helens Essay â€Å"The Eruption of Mount St. Helens† On May 18th, 1980, in Washington State, the volcano, Mount St. Helens erupted. This eruption caused widespread terror throughout the towns surrounding the mountain. The magma from the volcano burned up the forest and killed most of the animals in the area. It affected the wildlife greatly because, after the eruption, the ecosystem was burned and smoldered thus killing thousands of animals in the region. This eruption was the deadliest of all the volcanic activity in the United States, and the people who live near the mountain are still affected by what the eruption did to this day. There were many warning signs that preceded the nine-hour eruption of Mount St. Helens. After being dormant for 123 years, the volcano showed her first sign of life on Thursday, March 20th. There was a 4. 1 magnitude earthquake that centered directly underneath of the volcano. A week later, the snow on the mountain smudged because of the ash. On March 30th, 79 earthquakes were recorded on the mountain! A few days later, on April 3rd, tremors were recorded signaling movement of magma deep within the volcano. By that time, ash, rocks, and ice chunks were daily occurrences and the slopes were ash-covered. A few days before the eruption, it all stopped. But on May 18th, it all went wrong †¦ On May 18th, 1980, the worse volcanic eruption in United States history occurred. Mount St. Helens, in Washington States, violently erupted. At 8:32 A. M. a 5. 1 magnitude earthquake struck about one mile below the mountain, causing the largest landslide in history. The snow and ice moved at speeds of more than 175 miles per hour and removed over 1300 feet from the summit, sweeping away almost the entire North side of the mountain. The landslide raised temperatures about 60 degrees higher than usual. There was a lot of ash that came out of the volcano when it erupted as well. The ash caused a major problem to the townspeople because it contaminated the oil systems, clogged air filters, and scratched any moving surfaces, like cars and other vehicles. Particularly small, finer ash particles caused electrical shorts in transformers. This caused town wide blackouts. Also, the elevation of the mountain dropped from 9677 feet to 8363 feet. It decreased more than 1300 feet! This famous eruption had many affects on the wildlife and the people in the region. Thousands of small game, fish, insects and birds were killed along with black-tailed deer, elk, bears, and goats. All life in Spirit Lake was slain as well. The residents and visiting tourist of the area were affected too. There were a lot of architectural damages. For example, about 250 houses were obliterated. Roads and railways were destroyed. Also, 27 bridges were demolished. 57 people died and 36 more were rescued from being trapped underneath of debris or in their cars. There was significant crop loss in the area, about $100 million. The logging industry was hit hardest. About 25% of the forest had been wiped out, enough to build 300,000 two-bedroom homes! This eruption did not take it easy on the area. Despite how much damage it did, people still came together to try to help out. Their efforts have really paid off. Most of the houses have been rebuilt. But some still suffer from the flood damage. A significant number of trees have grown back, too. However, the timber industry isn’t back to the rate it was before the eruption, but it is still recovering steadily. It has been a pretty long time since this occurrence, but Spirit Lake still is inhabitable for fish. Only small creatures and bacteria can survive. Many people wonder â€Å"When can we expect it erupt again? † No one can really tell for sure. The eruption of 1980 wasn’t predicted, and future eruptions will probably also be unpredictable. But before the eruption of 1980, the volcano had been dormant for well over 100 years. The volcano can erupt whenever it wishes, whether it be tomorrow or another hundred years from now! Well then when will it erupt? Only time will tell.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Design of Oil Storage Tanks

Design of Oil Storage Tanks Oil Storage Tanks 1-Introduction Storage tanks containing organic liquids, non organic liquids, vapours and gases are used in many industries. Most such tanks are designed and built in accordance with American Petroleum Institute API-650 specifications (1). These tanks can range in size from 2m to 60m diameter or more and are usually situated in containment basins so that spills will be contained if the tank ruptures. Storage tanks are commonly employed in industries involving petroleum production and refining, chemical and petrochemical manufacturing, bulk storage and transfer, and a variety of other industries consuming or producing liquids and vapours. 1.1-Types of storage tank There are basically there are eight types of liquid storage tanks, viz: (i)Fixed-Roof tanks (ii)External floating-roof tanks (iii)Internal floating-roof tanks (iv)Domed external floating-roof tanks (v)Horizontal tanks (vi)Pressure tanks (vii)Variable vapour-space tanks (viii)Liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanks The first four types of tank are cylindrical in shape with the central axis which is perpendicular to the ground. Such tanks are almost always employed above ground level. Horizontal trunks can be employed both below and above ground level. Pressure tanks are located above ground and are usually spherically shaped to provide the maximum strength to withstand high internal pressures. Variable vapour-space tanks can be spherical or cylindrical. A containment basin made of brick or concrete is normally built around tanks with a lining impervious to the stored material in order to contain spills that could cause fire, property damage or environmental contamination. The capacity of the basin should be at least equal to that of the largest tank plus ten percent of the sum of the capacities of others. Fixed Roof Tanks Fixed roof tanks are common in production facilities where it is required to store hydrocarbons with vapour pressures close to atmospheric pressure. A fixed-roof tank typically consists of a cylindrical steel shell with a dome-shaped or cone-shaped roof that is permanently fixed to the tank shell. Umbrella roofs are also common. Fixed roof tanks are used for storing very high flash-point liquids (e.g. fuel oil, water, bitumen etc.). They are generally fully welded and are now designed to be liquid and vapour tight, while older tanks with a riveted or bolted construction are not vapour tight. Fixed roof tanks are generally insulated to prevent the risk of clogging for some materials, heating coming via steam coils inside the tanks. Dome roofs are used for tanks with a storage pressure slightly higher than atmospheric. Fig 1. A Tank Farm showing a number of Fixed roof tanks Fig. 2. Typical domed fixed-roof tank Fig. 3 Umbrella fixed-roof tank The commonest fixed-roof design has a shallow cone roof with a single centre column and internal (or external) framing to provide support for the roof plates. This involves having rafters and girders pressed to the roof radius. Cone roofs are generally supported from the shell using trusses or rafters. For large cone-roof tanks columns and girders can be used to support the roof plates and rafters. Intermediate columns are used where the diameter is more than 37m. Designs may include a frangible roof joint (i.e. able to break into fragments when over-stressed) for added protection against a sudden increase in internal pressure. For this the design pressure limited is equivalent to the pressure of the total weight of the roof plates including structural rafters. If the storage pressures are going to exceed the capabilities of a cone-roof tant, then other fixed-roof designs such as the self-supporting dome roof or umbrella roof can be used. API Standard 650, (Appendix F) (1) designs permit internal pressures of up to 2.5 psig, depending on the tank diameter. For operating pressures of more than 2.5 psig, API Standard 620, (‘Design and Construction of Large, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks’) (2) has design procedures for internal pressures of up to 15 psig. Because of environmental concerns and to cut down on vapour losses designs tend to include internal floating decks in fixed roof tanks either at the time of construction or later as a retrofit (Fig 3). This has the advantages of both fixed and floating roof design. Fig. 3. Domed fixed-roof tank with inner floating roof and showing roof supports Emissions from fixed roof tanks vary depending on vessel capacity, utilization rate of the tank, vapour pressure of the stored liquid and the local atmospheric conditions. Losses of the stored product from evaporation can be large in fixed roof tanks – particularly for crude oil where vapours are released through the pressure vent valve. Losses are classed either as Breathing Losses or as Working Losses. Breathing losses occur when vapour expansion and contraction caused by changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure lead to the expulsion of vapor. This loss happens without any change to the liquid level in the tank. Working losses happen when the liquid level in the tank is increased. Fixed roof tanks are either freely vented or have a pressure/vacuum vent that allows the tank to operate at a slight internal vacuum or pressure. This stops the release of vapours when there are very small changes in pressure, temperature or to the liquid level. It is also possible to make t anks that are inert when there is a slightly positive gas pressure. Such tanks should have pressure-vacuum valves and when in use be purged with natural gas to remove air from the vapour space. Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of different types of fixed-roof storage tanks (5) 2.1Gauge Hatches Fixed-roof tanks should have a gauge hatch in the roof which allows it to be opened quickly. This allows the operator rapid access to gauge the tank. Gauging comprised: measuring the volume of liquid in the tank finding out if water is present and, if so, measuring the height of the oil/water boundary sampling the material in the tank. determining the temperature of the liquid in the tank. The gauge hatch can be weighted so that it will work as a backup pressure or pressure-vacuum relief device to complement the primary pressure-vacuum valve. Fig 3 Typical gauge hatch Standards for the manual gauging of petroleum and its products are contained in the API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (3). 2.2Filling or pumping operations Routine tank filling and pumping will affect the vapour space in a fixed-roof tank. Removing product from the tank draws air into the vapour space, creating a hazard. During the holding period prior to refilling the tank, evaporative breathing losses are increased because of the larger volume of the vapor space. Adding product to the tank, increasing the volume of liquid, displaces the the mixture of air and product vapour via the tank vent, causing significant evaporative emissions. 2.3Gas blanketing systems If the vapour pressure of the product in the tank is low (below 10kPa), it is safe practice to use a freely ventilated fixed-roof tank. For production tanks or other applications where the vapour pressure of the incoming liquid is usually higher than atmospheric pressure at usual ambient temperatures, a gas blanketing system is needed to maintain positive tank pressure and minimise the risk of air being sucked into the tank vapour space. At times when there is no inflow of product, the tank breathing process could, by itself, lead to air being drawn into the tank through the pressure-vacuum valve, forming a potentially explosive mixture. A gas blanketing system needs a supply of natural gas and a pressure regulator that works to keep the tank pressure at the desired level. When the ambient temperatures increase causing the pressure inside the tank rise, the regulator closes. If pressure continues to rise, the pressure vent opens to relieve the internal pressure in the tank by venting vapours (blanket gas plus product vapour) to the atmosphere or to some vapour recovery process. A vacuum relief valve must still be used to protect the tank against a vacuum forming if the gas blanketing system should fail. 2.4Fire Exposure Out breathing, caused by exposure to fire, may exceed the design venting rate based on normal operating conditions. If that happens, the tank’s construction details determine whether additional venting is needed. On fixed-roof tanks, where the roof-shell attachment is constructed according to API Standard 650 (1), the roof-to-shell joint may be considered frangible, so that excessive internal pressure may cause it to fail before failure occurs in either the tank-shell joints or in the shell-to-bottom joint. In tanks built in this way, there is no need for addition emergency venting systems, as long as the tank is well away from other equipment and the loss of the roof in an emergency is acceptable. On tanks that do not have frangible joints, design procedures are given in API Standard 2000 (4) for calculating the necessary venting capacity for fire exposure. 2.5Containment Basin Fixed roof tanks are constructed insida a containment basin made of brick or concrete and with a lining that should be impervious to the liquid being stored to prevent spills that can cause fire, property damage or environmental contamination. The minimum capacity of the basin should equal the capacity of the largest tank plus 10% of the combined total capacity of any others. To contain a spill or to prevent some other emergency the basin walls must be able to withstand high pressures and also be resistant to the stored product. The basin drain valve is put into the outer side of the containment basin and must normally be kept closed to prevent possible leakage of any contaminant into the environment.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Defining Moments of My Life Essay -- Personal Narrative, essay abo

All of us can probably point to one or two defining moments in our life. Mine came when I was running across a rooftop with a gun pointed at my back. Something inside me snapped and I just knew I didn't want this to be my life. I stopped running. I grew up on the streets of the city. Each neighborhood has its culture and so did mine. Ours included playing skellie with your friends while your older brother is twenty feet away on the street corner selling crack or weed, or heroin. Do you know what hustling is in the ghetto? It's simply the American Dream for us. You see we're not so different. We all want the same things. Everyone wants respect. Everyone wants a home for their family. Everyone wants to prove themselves; it's just that in New York's poor neighborhoods the only thing young people see that can get them ahead is hustling. As a young boy I watched my older brother and his friends climb the ladder of ghetto success. First we saw them deal weed. Then we saw them move up to crack. We saw people treat them with respect. We saw their expensive clothes and hot cars. We saw them give people money when they needed it to survive. They were our heroes. This was our definition of a hero, and if you heard something else in school, it didn't matter. It mattered what you saw. What you experienced. I started hustling at 16 and I started getting into trouble. It was around this time that I met Rob Geis from... ...e street culture. Antwone left five children. James left two. Seven children that I want to be a role model for. Seven children that represent tens of thousands more that need to see that there is life outside of this neighborhood prison. An alienated person is a dangerous person. If they don't destroy themselves, they will destroy others. We have to stop the isolation that overwhelms young men and women, particularly young African-American boys and girls, in our worst neighborhoods, I ask you, the next time you find yourself in a bad area and you see a kid hanging out, maybe he's wearing a du-rag and baggy pants, please don't just be afraid for yourself, be afraid for him too. His chances are not good. The Defining Moments of My Life Essay -- Personal Narrative, essay abo All of us can probably point to one or two defining moments in our life. Mine came when I was running across a rooftop with a gun pointed at my back. Something inside me snapped and I just knew I didn't want this to be my life. I stopped running. I grew up on the streets of the city. Each neighborhood has its culture and so did mine. Ours included playing skellie with your friends while your older brother is twenty feet away on the street corner selling crack or weed, or heroin. Do you know what hustling is in the ghetto? It's simply the American Dream for us. You see we're not so different. We all want the same things. Everyone wants respect. Everyone wants a home for their family. Everyone wants to prove themselves; it's just that in New York's poor neighborhoods the only thing young people see that can get them ahead is hustling. As a young boy I watched my older brother and his friends climb the ladder of ghetto success. First we saw them deal weed. Then we saw them move up to crack. We saw people treat them with respect. We saw their expensive clothes and hot cars. We saw them give people money when they needed it to survive. They were our heroes. This was our definition of a hero, and if you heard something else in school, it didn't matter. It mattered what you saw. What you experienced. I started hustling at 16 and I started getting into trouble. It was around this time that I met Rob Geis from... ...e street culture. Antwone left five children. James left two. Seven children that I want to be a role model for. Seven children that represent tens of thousands more that need to see that there is life outside of this neighborhood prison. An alienated person is a dangerous person. If they don't destroy themselves, they will destroy others. We have to stop the isolation that overwhelms young men and women, particularly young African-American boys and girls, in our worst neighborhoods, I ask you, the next time you find yourself in a bad area and you see a kid hanging out, maybe he's wearing a du-rag and baggy pants, please don't just be afraid for yourself, be afraid for him too. His chances are not good.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hajj :: essays research papers

The Hajj: Pilgrimage Mecca is also known as Makkah and its full name is Makkah al-Mukkaramah. Mecca is a city in the Hijaz region of western Saudi Arabia. It is known as the holiest site in the Islamic religion. The history of Mecca goes back as early as the fifth century. It was an independent and powerful city in pre-Islamic times. It is the religious center for Islamic people and it houses the Kaaba and the Great Mosque. It is also the birthplace of Muhammad, the first capital of caliphate, and the center of present day mosques. In 630 Muhammad and some of his followers went into the city of Mecca and captured it. Mecca is said to have started one of the most important religions in the world and it brings together the Islamic religion. When people think about Mecca one of the first things that might come to their heads is the pilgrimage or the black stone. Muhammad is one of the reasons that Mecca is what it is today. Muhhamad was a prophet born 570 in Mecca. He was orphaned as a child and sent to ended up living with his uncle. Muhhamad would get away from everything by going to the desert to meditate. One night while alone at Mt. Hira he was visited by an angel named Gabriel. After this Muhhamad began to accept Allah and started to believe. Some of the things Muhhamad believed was Jihad, holy struggle. He also began to believe you live for Allah. He believed all those who did would be rewarded and the rest punished. Not everyone believed the way Muhammad did. People at first thought that his teachings were a threat to the religious and material order. He was accused of making up what the Angel Gabriel had told him. He got followers from the poor and people who thought they were being unequally treated. Muhha mad took these people and then left and went to Medina to find more followers. He then returned to Mecca later and took over the city and converted everyone to Islam. In the Islamic faith there are five pillars that they must follow to their best ability. The Salaht, the Hajj, they must give to the poor, fasting during the month of Ramadan, and repetition of the creed, "There is no God but Allah; Muhammad is the messenger of Allah." These pillars are more like obligations in the Islamic religion.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dulce et Decorum Est Essays -- Comparative, Owen, Cummings

Wilfred Owen’s â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† and E. E Cummings’, â€Å"next to of course god america i† are poems that critique patriotic propaganda. Both poems use words and images to effectively depict the influence that patriotic propaganda has on war. â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† uses descriptive words to create realistic images of the horrors soldiers are faced with during combat, whereas â€Å"next to of course god america i† uses sarcasm to inform readers that the abuse of propaganda can be used to manipulate others. The attitudes they convey are quite similar; both suggest that propaganda is a lie; it is not sweet and fitting to die for one’s country. It is ingrained in soldier’s minds that to die for ones country is a great and honourable sacrifice. However, in the poem Dulce et Decorum Est the speaker uses powerful words and images to portray that patriotic propaganda is an â€Å"old lie† (Owen 27). In the first stanza, the speaker explains the effects that war has on young soldiers: â€Å"Bent double, like old beggars under sacks/ Knock- Kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge† (Owen 1-2). Propaganda portrays soldiers as being young heroes, those who are strong, healthy and vigorous. However, based on the evidence expressed in the previous quotation soldiers are not all what propaganda portrays them to be. The speaker chooses words such as â€Å"bent double, like old baggers† and â€Å"knock-kneed† (Owens 1-2) to expose the discomfort and effects that war has on young soldiers. The soldiers are discreetly compared to crippled old men which emphasizes just how badly war has affected their bodies, stripping them of their health, making them weak and helpless like â€Å"old beggars† (Owen 1). Furthermore, the speaker expresses his experience as a sold... ...upport of patriotic propaganda. The speaker may be worried because of the fear of what he is saying will cause him to being labelled as unpatriotic. Cumming could have incorporated this line into the poem to enforce personal beliefs and protect national pride. Both poems would agree that patriotic propaganda is a method used to alter nation’s values and ideas. Although both poems differ in the portrayal of the patriotic message they both criticize the affects of propaganda. For those who believe that it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country, any man who has experienced war first hand would admit that patriotic propaganda is a lie. It would be interesting to further analyze the poems and consider how historical usage of propaganda and modern media by politicians compare, as well as to analyse if propaganda today is still using and abusing patriotism.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Endicott College Essay

Even before the end of the academic year, high school students are excited to choose universities and campuses where they want to continue their tertiary education. There are many reputable colleges and universities out there, but among those which stand out is the Endicott College. Background/History In 1939, just before World War II and towards the end of the Depression, a couple considered starting a college that would cater to educate women so that they could have access to greater independence and would be given the chance for an enhanced position in the workforce. Although this idea was considered radical during the time, the husband-and-wife team of Dr. Elanor Tupper and Dr. George O. Bierkoe made their vision a reality (Endicott College, 2009). The Commonwealth of Massachusetts handed the first charter to the College in 1939. Five years later, the Commonwealth approved the granting of degrees in Associate in Arts and Associate of Science. And in 1952, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges recognized Endicott (Endicott College, 2009). The first batch of students at Endicott College was consisted of only 20 students, who graduated in 1941. In the present, Endicott College accommodates more than 1,700 undergraduate students, 100 students in Mexico and Madrid, and 600 other students in the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. This only shows how the number of students at Endicott has grown over the years. In addition, Endicott has also made changes in the curriculum for its students to better suit the need of the students. The curriculum now includes developments in world trade and technology (Endicott College, 2009). As such, Endicott now offers a range of choices for the students. These are Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Fine arts degrees. In 1996, Endicott added Master in Education. Moreover, the college now offers Elementary Education, Montessori Education, Arts and Learning, Reading and Literacy, Special Needs, Integrative Education, Training and Organizational Management in Hospitality, and Organizational Management. In 2001, Master of Business Administration was added into the curriculum. Endicott makes sure that it offers its students a wide range of choices that can provide them with a degree and experience that can help them in making future decisions. The enriching programs at Endicott have attracted students and adult learners (Endicott College, 2009). Aside from the growing number of students and the number of degrees offered, the Endicott campus has also grown to accommodate students and new buildings. The 200-acre campus in Massachusetts include classrooms and living quarters, athletic facilities, activity centers, conference centers, and state of the art technology (Endicott College, 2009). Endicott desires to â€Å"instill in students an understanding of and appreciation for professional and liberal studies. † In line with this, the College wants students to recognize the importance of â€Å"learning by doing†; this serves as Endicott’s hallmark and philosophy. Its students are known for integrating theory and practice in studies. Also, the College is known for the practice of connecting experience from within classrooms and off campus through internships. Furthermore, Endicott envisions its students to become appreciative of the College’s cultural diversity, community service, ethical and moral values, and international awareness. Endicott also exerts efforts to maintain the positive changes that students exhibit from studying in the College. These are self-confidence, lives that are open to change, technological competencies and stronger professional skills (Endicott College, 2009). Cost Students at Endicott are categorized as full-time or part-time. Full-time students are those enrolled for twelve hours or more of credit every semester. Part-time status applies to students who are enrolled for eleven hours of credit. Only full-time students pay $500 as continuation deposit by the 1st of May. Other costs include; $50 for the processing of a student’s application; $760 for student health insurance annually, which is mandatory; $200 for graduation fee, which includes the preparation of diploma, yearbook, cap and gown, etc. For each year, the students pay $18,752 for tuition for new students while returning students pay $17,748. Housing may range from $6,520 to $1,500 annually. Endicott also offers board plan options consisting of premium, standard, partial, and minimum meal plans ranging from $2,936 to $1,630. Tuition bills are to be paid as instructed so that students can take examinations and attend classes. Other bills can be paid before graduation. Aside from these fees, there are also other fees such as $50 late fee, $150 for general curricular, and $190 technology fee which are paid every semester. Other charges include parking, campus learning program, laptop program fee, and nursing clinical fee (Endicott College, 2004). In 2005, the College spearheaded a campaign wishing to increase endowment so that Endicott can provide more scholarships, faculty development and student aids. The approximate endowment reached up to $14 million (Endicott College, 2005). To equate theory with practice, the College offers programs and activities for its students. The Campus Activities Board (CAB) functions to provide students with cultural, social and educational programming. Students are offered with many opportunities to join concerts, dances, talent nights, lectures, bus trips, movie programs, and cultural events. The College has also many facilities for students, including the 20 residential facilities for 88 percent of students living on campus (Endicott College, 2004). There is also the Richard and Helen Post Center Sports Facility that has labs, offices, training rooms, weight and aerobic rooms, locker rooms, a gymnasium and a field house (Endicott College, 2009). Other facilities at Endicott include meeting rooms, three beaches, theater, and auditoriums. The number of meeting and event rooms available is 40. Endicott’s Callahan Center houses health services, a copy center, dining facilities, bookstore, snack bar, Solarium, and mail services (Endicott College, 2004). References Endicott College. (2004). Discover Experience.Retrieved February 18, 2009, from http://www. endicott. edu/servlet/com. rnci. products. DataModules. RetrieveAttachment/catalog0405/? server=endicottpub&dbname=endicott&site=endicott&sction=attachmentsacademics&article=1&filename=catalog0405. pdf Endicott College. (2005). The campaign for Endicott College: Meeting the challenge. Retrieved February 18, 2009, from http://www. endicott. edu/servlet/RetrievePage? site=endicott&page=InstAdvAnnouncements Endicott College. (2009). Admission. Retrieved February 18, 2009, from http://www. endicott. edu/servlet/RetrievePage? site=endicott&page=AdmissHistory

Monday, September 16, 2019

Teen Project

Teen Driving Issues Project Topic: Teen Crashes Part 1 – Identify the Issue * Why is this problem, especially for teen drivers? Teens are the ones who are mostly in crashes due to recklessness, drugs, being on the phone, under the influence, and road rage. * Statistics from research regarding teen crash rate. Show that teen have the highest involvement in all types of crashes. 10 teens lose their life every day in crashes.A most of the time it is because they are speeding and and trying to get around the road conditions. Also 65% of teen are on the phone while driving which leads them to not paying attention and lose control over their vehicle. * How is one organization or group trying to solve this problem? Name group and what they are doing. â€Å"Partnering with Safe Teen Driving Club† is another organization that communicates with parents and teens to tell the effects of certain things they are trying to reduce deaths of teen drivers. How another organization or gro up is working to solve the problem? Name the group and what they are doing. â€Å"Injury and Violence Prevention and Control†. They are and organization that tries to teach driver the dangers rate of road carelessness. * Web sites where this information was found. http://roadreadywatchdog. com/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=50&Itemid=57 http://www. safeteendrivingclub. org/stdc_page. php? age_ID=1151903270#Partner_Programs http://www. cdc. gov/injury/index. html Part 2 – Solutions for the Issue * Something else that should be done to help solve or curb the problem. You should have to be 18 before you can purchase a car and have insurance on it because until then you should be under you parents care , they are still aloud to drive just under more restriction and they have to follow the rules and speed limits and if pulled over more than twice their license will be revoked My own ideas for solving this problem. This may not be something that is currently being done more restrictions to help out guide the teens in a better directions * What I can personally do to make more people aware of this issue? I would have to speak up and show the DMV or anyone else to show how much better it would be for the teens to have a little more restrictions.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Jared Diamond. the Worst Mistake in the History Essay

Jared Diamond. â€Å"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race† Jared Diamond writes about the consequences of agriculture on the human race. He suggests that the earliest farming societies did not have an easier more productive lifestyle than hunter-gatherer societies, contrary to popular belief. For example, the Kalahari Bushmen spend a mere average of 12 to 19 hours a week to getting food, and on average sleep a lot, work less hard, and have more free time than people in hunter- gatherer societies. Another consequence agriculture had on humans is their diets. Hunter-gatherers eat many various wild plants and animals; therefore, they have better nutrition than farmers who generally only eat the limited variety of crops they produce. For example, the Kalahari Bushmen’s daily intake was 2,140 calories and 93 grams of protein, whereas farmers gave up good nutritional crops for cheap calories found in their starchy crops. In my own opinion, I believe that Diamond’s paper is for the most part skewed for the reason that he has a great anti-progressivist bias. Whenever Diamond makes a direct comparison between farming and hunter- gatherer societies, he shows all the positives for hunter-gatherer and the negatives for farmer societies. For example, when Diamond is comparing the nutrition of the two societies, he talks about the balance of nutrients and diet, he mentions that the Kalahari Bushmen eat a variety of over 75 different wild plants and receive more calories than needed. On the other hand, he mentions the fact that thousands of Irish farmers died during the potato famine during the 1840’s. Another example of how Diamond’s bias towards the gatherer side affects the paper is when he tries to compare the Bushmen to the Ethiopian farmers. The comparison is trying to show that being a gatherer is a better choice by comparing Kalahari Bushmen to the Ethiopian farmers. This is not an equal comparison because he uses the Kalahari Bushmen who are apparently above average on nutrition and one of the most successful Hunter-gatherer societies to one of the lower, undernourished farming societies in Ethiopia.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Aristotle & Socrates Essay

Philosophy comes from the Greek roots meaning â€Å"the love of wisdom. † Philosophers are persons who have a compelling need to pursue wisdom. Since the beginning of time, wise man and women have dedicated themselves to asking â€Å"Big Questions†. Depending on the questions, there are various areas of philosophy including metaphysics, epistemological, axiology, ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy, social philosophy, and logic. Homework Make a â€Å"Creative† representation of someone (fictional or real) you consider a wise person. Be prepared to present it in class and explain what characteristics make a person wise. Archetypes Archetypes are basic images that represent our conception of the essence of a certain kind of person†¦. usually considered to be shared by all of humanity throughout time. Philosophical archetypes are philosophers who express an original or influential point of view in a way that significantly affects subsequent philosophers and non-philosophers. Western philosophy has been dominated by males of European ancestry. Relativism- Relativism is the belief that knowledge is determined by specific qualities of the observer. In other words, absolute (universal) knowledge of the truth is impossible; â€Å"one opinion is as good as another†. Philosophy week 2 Pre- Socratic philosophy: Asian sages and the sage The Sage The sage is an archetypal fig. Who combines religious inspiration with a love of wisdom? Found in ancient Asia, they are the oldest philosophical archetypes, identifying happiness and teaching the good life. Asian cosmology is not based on empirical (numbers, data, statistics) or scientific evidence. It contends (argues) that everything is working  harmoniously, following the Tao (Force or flow of energy in life), or the â€Å"path† or the â€Å"way† There is no separation between heaven and earth, divine and human, but is working together; all is one reality containing yin and yang. Yin represents earth, weakness, darkness, negative, and destruction. Yang represents heaven, strength, light, positive and construction. One cannot live without the other, keeping the universe in balance. Think Lao-tzu Confucius Siddhartha Gautama The Sophists (Meaning Wise in Greek) First professional educators, Charged fee to teach. Argued that the difference between a good and bad argument is custom and individual preference, nothing is bad or good in nature. They argued for relativism, both cultural and individual. Journal 3 Read pages 59-60 Reflect upon ways you have been a victim of ethnocentrism. Reflect upon ways you are ethnocentric Reflect ways America is ethnocentric. Since 911. The Person Socrates (470-399 B. C. E) was the first major western philosopher. He wrote no philosophy and what we know of him comes chiefly from his pupils Plato and Xenophon. Socrates challenged the sophists doctrines of relativism and moral realism he often taught that beauty and goodness determined by utility (If it serves a purpose) His Teachings Socrates is most famous for his style of philosophical inquiry known as the Socratic Method or dialectic. Education is supposed to draw knowledge out of you instead of riding with you like an empty vessel. Among his teachings, his most persistent command was know you. Believing an unexamined life was not worth living, he saw himself as a kind of â€Å"Physician of the soul. † He believed that the real person is not the body, but the physics-mind-soul. Journal 5 Read the trial and death of Socrates on pages 110-115 How does death and his art of dying relate to his teachings History Plato was a member of the Athenian aristocracy and Socrates’s most favorite and important student Athenian democracy was irrational mob rule. Founded famous academy to educate wise rulers In Plato’s metaphysics, the highest level of reality consists of timeless â€Å"essences† called forms. Platonic forms are independently existing, noncapital â€Å"some-things† Plato divided reality into to two world’s dualism. The highest level of reality is eternal and changeless being. The other is the evolving physical world, known as the coming According to Plato the sophists could not discover truth because they were preoccupied with the world of ever changing perceptions and customs. For Plato the chief distinction between knowledge and opinion is that knowledge is fixed, absolute and eternally true. Whereas opinion is unanchored and changeable. According to plait opinion lives in the realm of becoming truth and knowledge are found on the level of being. The Divided line 133-135. The simile of the sun 135-137 The Allegory of the cvae137-139 The divided line A+B= World of Forms (Being, Knowledgeable) C+D= Physical world (Becoming Opinion) Metaphysics | Epistemology(study of knowledge) | Higher Forms(Example: the good) | A: Understanding | Lower Forms(Example: Form human) | B: Reasoning | Sensible Objects (Example: Mother Teresa) | C. Perception | Images(Example: Mother Teresa’s Photograph) | D. Imagination | Simile of the sun Plato compared the absolute form of the good to the sun; the good makes the existence of everything else possible. The good cannot t be observed by the five senses and can be known only by pure thought or intelligence. It is the source of both the value and the existence of all other forms. Allegory of the cave In the allegory for the cave, Plato categorized three levels of awareness by referring to three distinct levels of reality: two levels of becoming and one ultimate level of being. Lowest Level: No imagination or perception Informed level: Wider range of basic understanding. Awakening Highest level: Soul has no need for perception or interpretation. The Republic (Socrates book for perfect utopia) Plato agreed that there is a reciprocal relationship between the individual and the kind of society in which he or she lives. The ideal state, for Plato, meets three basic characteristics 1) Nourishing needs, 2) Protection needs 3) Ordering needs These needs are best met by three classes: Workers, Warriors, Guardians or Philosopher – Kings. The republic contrasts two views of morality. The instrumental theory of morality asserts that right and wrong must be determined by the consequences our actions produce. The functionalist theory of morality holds that right and wrong can only be understood in terms of the way they affect our overall functioning as human beings. According to Plato, the just state functions fully; the unjust state is dysfunctional, only when all classes of people are virtuous according to their natures is the state whole, healthy, balanced and just. In order to be a just human being, balanced. Virtuous. – temperance, courage, wisdom, justice(essence and balance of the soul) Plato thought the worst kind of Gov. was a tyranny. And democracy was a tyranny. Democracy makes little tyrants out of everybody. Journal 6 According to Plato’s philosophy, please answer these questions: Carefully explain the relationship of the individual to the state in Plato’s Republic. Why is the relationship significant? What does Plato see as the most unjust type of person and state? Do you agree? Explain. Explain the origin and nature of democracy according to plan. Aristotle The person Aristotle was Plato’s most illustrious student and went on to be the personal tutor of Alexander the great. He eventually created his own school called the lyceum. In contrast to Plato, Aristotle introduced the idea of naturalistic or scientific knowledge gained from collecting facts and usual factual info to make the world a better place. Aristotle was a naturalist. Naturalism if the belief that reality consists of the natural world and that the universe is ordered. Everything follows discoverable laws of nature. His Philosophy Aristotle believed that form and matter can be intellectually separated but cannot live independently in reality. The form of something is called its essence. Matter is the common physical material stuff but it has no distinct characteristics without a form. Aristotelian form is that which is in matter and makes thing is what that is. So, individual things are â€Å"formed matter. † Aristotle argued that complete understanding of a thing required identifying its â€Å"four causes. † 1st cause: Material cause, the material thing is made of Cause: formal cause. The form the thing takes cause: Efficient cause, the triggering motion that begins the thing Cause: Final cause, the Telis, or the ultimate purpose for which the thing exists. In living things, Aristotle called the final cause, Entelechy, meaning having its purpose within. He believed every living thing had an â€Å"inner urge† or a drive to become its unique self. He believed nature was ordered and guided internally. Journal 7 Consider the quotes on page 153. Please write a few paragraphs for each one describing what they mean to you and how they relate to you. For Aristotle, psyche or soul is the form of the body. Soul is entelechy. Like every other instance of form and matter, for Aristotle the soul can’t be separated from the body and its body and it’s impossible to affect the body without also affecting the soul or to affect the soul without affecting the body. Aristotle taught that humans had a hierarchy of three kinds of souls, each higher level containing the aspects of the lower levels: 1st level: Lowest soul called vegetative or Nutritive, responsibility for absorption 2nd Level: the sentient or sensitive soul, registers all info regarding form of other things. 3rd Level: Highest Soul found in humans only, called rational soul, and includes the other two plus the capabilities for analysis, understanding relationships and decision-making. According to Aristotle the good is that which all things aim. It is their entelechy Eudemonia which often translated to happiness means being really alive rather than just existing. According to Aristotle happiness requires activity good habits and practical wisdom. Aristotelian moderation is based on the concept of wisdom hitting the mark between too much and not enough Virtue consists of hitting the mark or the mean but vice consist of being off by too much (excess) or too little (Deficiency) Journal 8 Read pages 172-176 Explain the importance of hitting the mark and character to Aristotle’s concept of happiness What is the principle of meaning? Philosophy study guide Academy- Alexander the Great An Unexamined Life Aristotelian Forms Aristotle’s Hierarchy of souls Aristotle’s Idea of a Good life Aristotle’s Teacher Entelechy Hitting the mark Lyceum Naturalism Plato’s 3 classes of people Plato’s feelings toward democracy Democracy Plato’s four cardinal virtues Plato’s teacher Platonic Forms Simile of the sun Socrates Death sentence Temperance The republic Three levels of human souls Tyranny journal 1 Wisdom | Knowledge | Theoretical Knowledge | Practical Knowledge | Belief | Mere Belief | Willed Ignorance | Definition and Examplesjournal 2 Write how each of the eight paths are relevant in today’s world journal 4 · Socrates’ â€Å"electric shock† effect on Athens resulted in death, however it gave him a place in history as a great thinker wise sage. From pages 87-95, read each quote in the margins · Please write the quote that shocks you and Reflect upon its meaning to you. Absolute truth is â€Å"Truth† with a capital T. What do we know so far? Modern Philosophy(How do you know that it’s true? ) After Christianity began to grow, most Europeans turned to god as the ultimate source of wisdom and the church as the ultimate authority. However, by the 17th century scientific ad advancements and the decline of the authority of a single church began the era of modern philosophy. It was a shift from metaphysics to epistemology. Rene Descartes(1596-1650) is the father of philosophy. He came up with rationalism. Dcccd. edu> then go to student services, then libraries. 3 ears of Western Philosophy- 1 Classical, what is truth? essentialism; Modern- How do you know it’s true? Rationalism; Rationalism is the epistemological position in which reason is said to be the primary source of all knowledge. Rationalist believe in the coherence theory of truth: that new or unclear ideas should be evaluated in terms of rational or logical consistency and in relation to already established truth. Rationalism says that abstract reasoning can produce absolutely certain truths about reality and that some truths can be discovered without observation, experiment or experience. These truths are innate ideas or a priori ideas. A priori can be known without experience or experiment but Posteriori ideas are derived from experience and experiment. However he arrived at the cogito, ergo sum, latin for â€Å"I think, therefore I am. † This, along with a satisfactory belief in god, stood as his undoubtable truth. Journal 9 Please do the philosophical queries(Green Boxes) on pgs. 252 and 253 Jeremy Bentham- resurrected hedonism, in direct response to the conservative ruling class in Britain. The result he created the â€Å"greatest happiness† principle also known as the Principle of Utility, that states we should always act to promote the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Benthams hedonic calculus was a crude method of reducing stress to simple calculation of units of pleasure versus units of pain. Psychological hedonism- pain and pleasure determine what we shall do Ethical hedonism- pain and pleasure point to what we ought to do. Bentham extended the ethical reach of the pleasure principle beyond the human community to any creature with the capacity to suffer. He argued that insisting that animals lack moral worth was akin to racism. John stuart mill He believed that there is an empirical basis supporting his claim that refined pleasures to crude ones. Mill disagreed with Bentham that all motives are egotistic and based his more refined philosophy in the social feelings of all people for unity with each other. Mill believed in the possibility of altruism, the capacity to promote wellbeing of others, he argued that the lack of altruistic feelings and ignorance of the higher pleasures were products of poor education and harsh conditions, not quality of human nature. According to mill, the selfishness and lack of mental cultivation are the chief causes of unhappiness, and can be cured with a proper education and legislation.

Friday, September 13, 2019

MGMT499 1 DB Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MGMT499 1 DB - Research Paper Example Jeff Bezos is also another aspiring leader. The leader is the chief executive officer of Amazon. The CEO is achieving significant transaction deals. The director bought The Washington Post, and Amazon is yielding billions of returns. The leader also stated that Apple is testing drones that will be useful in making delivering products to the customers within thirty minutes. The chief executive of Apple, Tim Cook, is an uninspiring person according to the Business Insider and the Benzinga journals. The CEO is the reason the Apple Company is experiencing too many employee departures. The other leader, who is uninspiring, is the Cuban president Raul Castro. The reason is underlying the statements that the leader is said to be reluctant and appears to be ruling in an incompetent way. The reference also leads to many people questioning his ability to govern. The person who appointed the leader, Mr. Fidel, is the one who pointed out that Raul is poor in delivering any speech. The president also is incapable of delivering real messages to reporters especially those who are from foreign countries (Latell, January 21,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

International Banking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

International Banking - Assignment Example Bank regulation incorporates detailed regulations and guiding principles overriding the operations, activities and acquisitions of the banking organisations.1 The regulation of the banking business activities has seen a number of policies under implementation. This section aims at analysing the different objectives of the regulation in regards to the deposits and investment related business. Further, the disadvantages in the regulation of the businesses due to the behaviours they encourage in the regulated entities of their customers analysed critically. 1.2 Banking Regulation Policy Highlights Financial regulations’ role in influencing the growth of banking business principles has become a key policy issue. The regulation of corporate governance in the financial sector has initially been regarded as a special area with standards, and rules to achieve the objectives of financial regulation involving the safety and soundness of the financial system and consumer, as well as inve stor protection.2 With banking regulation, the traditional principle-agent model used to analyse the relationship between shareholders, directors and the managerial team has given way to broader policy concerns aimed at maintaining financial stability, while ensuring that banks operate in a way that promotes broader financial growth as well as enhancing investor worth.3 The main reason why banking regulation is of much essence is due to systemic risks.4 These are risks whereby, economic problems at one or more banks spill over to a great number of other banks or financial systems as a whole. Regulation whether created at initial stages or after new models are fully operational, ought to obey two principles, which are proportionality and effectiveness. Poorly designed or timed regulation can obstruct responsible providers from entering and competing profitably on a level playing field. Thus, a well equaled approach incorporates recognizing the tradeoffs between protecting customers a nd fostering financial access.5 The laws pertaining to banking regulation appear complex and confusing, but in the real sense, with understanding of the objectives, it brings out a clear understanding of the intended application and projected achievements. 1.3 Main objectives of bank regulation Prudential: involves reducing the level of risk exposure to the bank creditors considerably. Therefore, the regulation aims at protecting the depositors. The concept of prudence is integral to bank regulation and supervision as it connotes the notion that, regulation requires banking activities be undertaken with reasonable care.6 Systemic risk reduction: This aims at reducing the peril of distraction resulting from unpleasant trading circumstances for banks, that in turn cause numerous or prime bank failures. This can also be referred to as ensuring monetary stability. Banks play a pivotal role in controlling the volume of money circulating in the economy of any given state. This in turn,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Team Working and Effectiveness in Health and Social Care Research Proposal

Team Working and Effectiveness in Health and Social Care - Research Proposal Example The main objective of this project is to establish a practice development work thus enhancing and promoting good teamwork and effectiveness as an important aspect in improving health and social care outcomes. The desired outcome of the project is to identify the tools and ideas for attaining good teamwork and effectiveness in both social and health care facilities (Carnwell 2008, 76). The project proposal underlying assumption will be done on both the health and social care organizations settings. In preparation of this project, an inter professional survey team will carry out various in-depth interviews among several informants in the health and social care systems. Additionally, the group of surveyors will undertake a wide range review on grey literature on some of the teamwork components; teamwork effectiveness, intervention types, dynamics in both health care and social care, and finally, policies on teamwork in both social and healthcare systems in Britain. Teamwork generally en tails work performed by several allies with each of the associates playing an equal part in the task (Drinka 2000, 23). In health and social care facilities, the aspect of team working entails the dynamic process that involves more than one health or social care professional with corresponding skills and backgrounds, sharing a similar social or health goal. Additionally, it entails exercising concerted mental and physical effort in planning, assessing or patient care evaluation (Drinka 2000, 27). In social care, teamwork refers to the behaviors, which help in facilitating effective team member cooperation. Alternatively, team is defined as more than one individual who effectively perform related tasks or cooperate with other individuals dynamically. The group might be sharing a similar past or foreseeable-shared future. Fate can also help the aspect of team working in a social environ (Drinka 2000, 30).

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Claires Antiques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Claires Antiques - Essay Example It should be noted that as the company currently has a level limited of resources, only one of these alternatives will be chosen. To aid in the decision making, this presentation will utilize a Net Present Value (NPV) analysis to the projected cash flows of both projects. Considering that cost of capital may vary from Claire's antiques expectations, we will also employ sensitivity analysis to look at the value of the two alternatives' NPVs in different cost of capital. We will further assume that the risk-based cost of capital is 10% and that the project has a tax rate is 40%. Also, the company will be using straight line depreciation method to adjust the book value of the facility. Another assumption is that, the company will be using either North or West Warehouse for five years, after which the facility will be sold in cash in its book value or salvage value. Also, this presentation assumes the depreciation expense is not yet included in the presumed annual fixed costs. NPV is used in capital budgeting to analyze the profitability of an investment or project. NPV is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows (Net Present Value 2006). If the NPV is positive, the investment is accepted. In contrast, negative NPV means that an project is not profitable. The evaluation of the alternatives begins with the laying out of the expected cash flows. In an NPV analysis, cash outflows and inflows are further discounted to take into account the time value of money. After that, the NPVs of the two options are compared. Based on the data given by the private firm, North Warehouse will have the following cash flows for 5 years: 1. advertising expense of $140, 000 in year 0 2. sales revenue in year 1 is $650, 000 and will grow at an annual rate of 7% 3. contribution margin is 55% of the total revenue 4. annual fixed cost is $100, 000 5. $1, 500, 000 investment in facility 6. estimated salvage value of $125, 000 7. yearly depreciation of $275, 0001 Table 2 shows the discounted cash flows from the first alternative. Please note that the figures in black are inflows of cash while the figures in red indicate the opposite. Total Cash outflow and outflow for the fiscal year are discounted using the present value factor. Table 2. Cash Flows of Option 1: North Warehouse Option 1 or using the North Warehouse yields a positive NPV of $7, 181.00 utilizing a risk-adjusted cost of capital of 10%. Evaluation of Option 2: West Warehouse Based on the data given by the private firm, North Warehouse will have the following cash flows for 5 years: 1. incur an advertising expense of $150, 000 in year 0 2. sales revenue in year 1 is $900, 000 and will grow at an annual rate of 8% 3. contribution margin is 45% of the total revenue 4. annual fixed cost is $120, 000 5. $1, 700, 000 investment in facility 6. estimated salvage value of $120, 000 7. yearly depreciation of $316, 0002 Table 3 shows the cash flow/inflow of Option 2 which is the West Warehouse. Based on the cash

Monday, September 9, 2019

Oskar Schindler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Oskar Schindler - Essay Example Oskar Schindler is known to have saved the lives of around a thousand Jews at the time of the Holocaust. What follows is a detailed account of Mr. Schindler (Crowe, 2004). The Life of Oskar Schindler Many people believe that Oskar Schindler was a true hero, at a time when the Jews were brutally murdered; Oskar Schindler actually saved the lives of 1000 Jews. What is most remarkable is the fact that he himself was a Jew ant that too one belonging to the Nazi party. For someone to have the courage to do that speaks volumes about his character. Oskar Schindler owned three factories, out of which only one employed Jewish forced laborers. In 1944, Emalia (the factory that employed Jewish laborers) was at its peak and had employed 1700 workers out of which 1000 were Jews. During the time of the torture, the Emalia workers were also subject to brutal treatment at the Plaszow concentration camp, however, whenever possible Schindler intervened to see that the treatment at the camp was as less severe as possible. Moreover, Schindler also gave refuge to his employees at the Emalia along with approximately 450 other Jews so that they were able to evade the torture and brutal murders at Plaszow (Bulow, 2009).

Health Reforms in the U.S. and UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Health Reforms in the U.S. and UK - Essay Example The countries’ governments have indeed stated that the marginalised group of the society lacks proper healthcare due to the prevailing economic incapacities. Therefore, the governments feel the need to consider all citizens in offering healthcare services despite their societal status, races, demographic variability and economic variations. As a result, implementation of healthcare reforms in these countries has been given first priority (Weisfield, English & Claiborne 2012, p. 54). The aspects established in the reforms include cost reductions, quality enhancement criteria, patient satisfaction, stimulating ideal information technology approaches and improving overall service delivery in the health sector. Access to Health Care Individuals are entitled to efficient and effective healthcare services. In this case, the US advocates access to insurance cover that will cater for health-related issues. According to Tudor, the government ascertains that the reforms will further sec ure and ease the risk of loss for those with health insurance policies. On the contrary, the UK government advocates fair access to health services through the reforms. This emphasises the stringent measures over the health services delivered by private and public proprietors (Great Britain 2012, p. 78). The United Kingdom further advocates that proper health care systems will put patients into consideration, and to that extent, they will have the rights to express the types of services they seek. Most importantly, the UK reforms target to reshape and restructure the health system by approaching all societal groupings equally. In essence, the country understands the importance of all citizens and upholds their health as being significant to economic propulsion. The reforms consider improving the rate at which people gain access to health by allocating funds to the clinical commissioning groups and the founding of Public Health England. The bodies serve in intensifying health provisi on throughout the UK, thus reaching people in all dimensions nationwide. This aspect contrasts with the United States reforms, which imply that individuals ought to access insurance cover to stand viable to health services. On the other hand, the US government depicts that most of its citizens lack prompt access to health services due to high costs as compared to other nations. The reforms shall implement guaranteed access to the best health care among all citizens, thus enhancing social welfare. Through the reforms, the governments will subsidise the cost of insurance, hence making the policy cheaper and accessible by the marginalised group of the society (Truglio-Londrigan & Lewenson 2011, p. 49). An analytical approach portrayed that the US nation spends much on medical care but denies the citizens access because of the cost constraints. Therefore, suppressing the costs will propel health care throughout the nation. On the contrary, the UK government offers free health care throu ghout the nations, but inhibitions prevail over immigrants, and the time factor also matters since health facilities do not offer prompt services (Great Britain 2012, p. 79). Therefore, the UK reforms contrast with those of the US in accessibility to the extent that while one seeks to surpass costs, the other wishes to improve prompt delivery to all citizens despite their region and ethnicity. Health Quality Criteria A survey conducted upon the uninsured and insured patients inclusive of those

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Analysis of Modern US History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis of Modern US History - Research Paper Example   During the Depression Collier was given permission to change or modify government policies because of their steadfast faith in him. Collier initiated what is called the â€Å"Indian New Deal’ which was a revolutionary approach to Native American reforms. He was a staunch believer of cultural pluralism and understood the importance of ethnic values and community solidarity and therefore adopted an acculturated approach in order to assimilate the Native Americans into the mainstream society. James Stuart clearly describes how Collier attacked the ‘Indian problem’ and finally succeeded in assimilating the Native Americans into the dominant society. In his enlightening book he tells us how Collier met with a lot of opposition from American critics but he firmly believed in his goals and wanted to fulfill them at any cost. The earlier allotment program had been a major social and economic disaster and so he set out to reconstitute the tribes and enhance their trad itional land base. In bringing about other reforms, Collier went a step further in convincing President Roosevelt to abolish the ‘Board of Indian Commissioners as he felt that it was a huge obstacle in the wake of reform. (Pg. 109) Collier wanted the Native Americans to play a more active role in decision making and sent them for specialized training for the management of their land and natural resources. He also insisted that the Federal Government should not in the name of assimilation suppress the culture and tradition of the Native Americans but on the other hand should help in preserving their nativity. Stuart’s book also states that with the full support of President Roosevelt, Collier was in a position to bring about other reforms involving relief measure to the Native Americans. The Congress passed the Pueblo Relief Act on May, 31st, 1933 granting additional payment to the Native Americans who had been inadequately paid by the Pueblo Lands Board. (Pg. 110) He al so implemented the ‘New Deal’ legislation to give relief to the destitute Native Americans who suffered greatly during the Great Depression. (Pg. 110) Stuart’s book is a real eye-opener as it helps us to understand the political situation post-1933 and the reforms that were brought out during the period after the Great Depression. Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian in their article titled ‘How Government Prolonged the Depression’ shed light on the reforms that were introduced by the Federal government in lieu of putting an end to the crisis of the Great Depression. In addressing the crisis the ‘New Deal’ was introduced and raised hopes that the economic downturn would change its course and work out in their favor. The article tells us that the primary aim of the ‘New Deal’ initiative was to encourage Americans to get back to work. However, According to Harold L. Cole and Lee E Ohanian, this did not happen for the mere fact th at employment was not restored because on an average there was much less work.  Ã‚  

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Sustainable Resources Are the Only Way forward Essay

Sustainable Resources Are the Only Way forward - Essay Example The Island was a landmark of God's magnificence but due to large deforestation by local inhabitants and changes in climatic patterns causing rains to stop resulted in forests being wiped off from the island's face. The inhabitants thus had nothing to feed on and in the end, they started feeding on other humans. Thus man became an animal. The present deforestation in the Amazon is leading a path to a similar future because at the current rate it is predicted that in a couple of decades the forest will reduce by 40% in size. This will cause a dramatic shift in the carbon-absorbing pattern of the area and consequently, the temperatures there will rise to make it harder for the rest of the 60% of the remaining forest to survive (Wright & Nebel, 2007). The decline will, therefore, be at an exponential rate consequently resulting in the elimination of the Amazon from the face of the earth. The fact that government laws allow such developments to take place is most alarming. It is legally allowed to clear the forest by any means if the intention is to grow crops (soybeans in this case) and this results in the ownership of the land furthermore, cleared land is worth more and forested land so owners who wish to keep their property in good value, do not let the forest reclaim ‘their’ place naturally. This shows a sense of heightened selfishness in the local population of Brazil. Clearly, the concept of alternative resources is not a very popular practice and the locals are bent upon destroying the forest without being aware of the disastrous consequences just like the old tribes of Easter Island.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Is War Ethical Essay Example for Free

Is War Ethical Essay The question, is war ethical, should always be the first question asked and the first question answered before engaging in such a world altering, life changing endeavor. One must be sure that purpose of war is to bring peace. â€Å"That its essential aim is always peace, so if peace is forthcoming in any guise, it is morally critical for all parties to seek a return to a permanent peace rather than a momentary lapse of war† (Moseley). Unfortunately, this is not the mindset of Falcon, one of the charters in The Sirens of Baghdad. He is militant; consumed with Thanatos and with an â€Å"appetite for destruction† (Hedges 251) towards the American troops; Falcon in the event below is determined to deceive and poison the minds of his brethren against the Americans troops. The event with Falcon takes place at the barbershop in Karfr Karam. Falcon and the elders of the town are gathered there, discussing the capture of Saddam by the American force in Iraqi. After some of the elders expressed their gratitude for the Americans capturing Saddam. Falcon takes this opportunity to place his seeds of doubt. He tries to unethically persuade his brethren. He expresses to them that the Americans had no right to go after Saddam and insists that it was the people of Iraqis responsibility. He believed it was because of every Iraqi’s cowardice that Saddam tyrannized them. He references this when he said, â€Å"People have the kings they deserve† (Khadra 32). He then expressed that Saddam may have been a monster but added that he was their monster. Falcon went on to explain that Saddam was one of them and shared their blood. He added that Saddam may have been a tyrant but he was Iraqi and therefore the Americans had no business touching or going after him. Falcon expressed that he would rather have Saddam still in power rather than the infidel American troops in Iraq. Falcon believed it was the Americans’ force, not Saddam that put Iraq in dire straits. Falcon says, â€Å"Look at what they’ve made of our country: hell on earth† (Khadra 33). Falcon’s behavior is fueled by Thanatos just as the behavior of the Islamic clerics was when they were determined to convert their countrymen into devout Muslims. â€Å"They spurned the decadence of the West including what the clerics condemned as the West’s loose sexual mores, drug use and thirst for sensual gratification†(Hedges 260). In that very moment Falcon was purposely lying to demoralize the American troops. He was trying to persuade his audience that the Americans did not come to free Iraq and bring peace. Falcon felt Saddam was an excuse to take Iraq’s resources and pillage their towns and cities. He tried to fill his audience’s minds with doubt and mistrust. He was unethically deceiving his community the same way real life insurgents behave in the Iraqi war. Tariq say’s, â€Å"More and more Iraqis were fooled by the insurgents propaganda, and the attacks aimed at Americans and their supporters increased. My country †¦ has suffered greatly from the insurgency, and we have lost many people who believed in the U. S. message† (Abandoned in Iraq). Falcon, just like the real insurgents in Iraq dedicated to their unethical war, chose an unethical path. He spread deceitful lies and led his brethren into the jaws of Tahantos instead of guiding them towards a life of peace and happiness. The next event in The Sirens of Baghdad is fueled by the insurgents’ use of deceitful tactics. In pursuit of their unethical war, they purposely caused innocent lives to be lost in order to create media propaganda to recruit the naive young men of Iraq. They dressed in civilian clothing and hid among the people. They used the innocent women and children for cover and human shields. â€Å"A populace†¦. held hostage by a group of ragged, starving ‘rebels,’ armed with filthy rifles and rocket launchers† (Khadra 76). Their actions and behaviors are very similar to those of the real insurgency and their unethical war in Iraq. An example of this is when they gave young school children realistic toy guns to play with at the very same check points their relatives work at with US troops. This was obviously done to cause innocent bloodshed which, in turn, will create some type of media propaganda for their cause. Specialist Raven Jenks says, â€Å"It’s to train the kids to use real weapons, and also to provoke us into killing civilians (Iraq’s young Blood). The insurgency uses this unethical tactic to create media propaganda of war. This is for the sole purpose of causing despair and rage within the people of Iraq to brainwash them and turn them against the forces that are sent to help. In the event described below, Yassen is one of the first young men in the Sirens of Baghdad to be won over by this unethical war tactic. The event takes place in the cafe in Kafr Karma. Seeds of doubt and deception have already reached the minds of Kafr Karma’s youth about American troops. Before departing for Bagdad, Sayed, Falcon’s son, purposely left a parting gift of a television for Kafr Karam’s youth at the cafe. He did this in hopes the youth would not forget his message and â€Å"that the young men of Kafra Karam would not lose sight of their country’s tragic reality† (Khadra 74). Along with the seeds of doubt and deception already planted within the young men’s minds, this gift â€Å"proved to be a poisoned chalice† (Khadra 83). It served its purpose well. The youth were griped with the images of war and enraged by the lost of innocent blood shed of their people. They began to sway to the side of the insurgency unethical war; â€Å"applauding successful ambushes and deploring skirmishes that went wrong† (Khadra 84). The young men of Kafr Karam were growing closer to Thanatos everyday and the temptation to â€Å"honor false covenants †¦. and gender† (Hedges 250),such as Saddam, was taking affect. Fully aware of the unethical wrongs Saddam committed, the youth still began to further familiarize themselves with him. Their initial delight for his capture turned to frustration. One of the youth, Yaseen, felt the publicity portraying the capture of Saddam portrayed him as a rat; dirty, confused, unshaven, and exposed to the cameras of the world. Yassen took offense to this and announced â€Å"by humiliating him like that, they were holding up every Arab in the world to public opprobrium† (Khadra 84). Yassen was clearly won over by the insurgency’s propaganda and unethical chose to aid in spreading its lies and deceit. The insurgency’s seed of doubt and deception enforced by their media propaganda enforced their campaign for the loyalty (Hedges 250) and paid off. The insurgency gained a new recruit from Kafr Karam to join their unethical war. The final event described below from The Sirens of Baghdad is a fictional example of the ultimate insanity of the insurgency’s unethical war. The Iraqi insurgency preys on the young men and boys who have been submerse in violence; â€Å"the closest analogy may be to the Taliban in Afghanistan. They offer these orphans of war a different kind of family structure cemented by the bonds of Islam†(Iraq’s Young Blood). These young Iraqis want to belong but more importantly crave purpose. Their minds are impressionable, easy to manipulate and brainwash. Making them the perfect candidates to turn into suicidal human weapons. The event described below from The Sirens of Baghdad bear witness to this product of unethical war. The main character (the narrator) turns himself into human weapon. The final event takes place in Beirut, Lebanon. The narrator has been groomed by his cousin Sayed (a member of the insurgency) since his arrival in Baghdad form Kafr Karam. The narrator, who has longed to become a suicide bomber, now receives his chance. Fully aware of his cousin’s fate, Sayed still makes the unethical decision to offer the narrator the mission. Sayed says, â€Å"you wanted some action†¦. Well, the miracle has taken place†¦. mission is now possible† (Khadra 236). The narrator accepts the unethical mission. Delighted, but aware of the possibility the narrator may change his mind before the mission, Sayed makes the unethical discussion to manipulate his young cousin once again. He says, â€Å"Kafr Karam, the forgotten, will take its place in history† (Khadra 237). Those words send the narrator into a state of purpose and honor. This is evident when he says, â€Å"He had lifted me up into the ranks of those who are revered† (Khadra 237). The narrator has made the unethical choice to become a human weapon.